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与 character 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the qualities of leadership, character, sportsmanship, and the ideals of amateurism, the aau sullivan award goes far beyond athletic accomplishments and honors those who have shown strong moral character.


Inclusion criteria: according to the published time, we chose those which related to the following contents: the manometric studies on the pressure asymmetry character described from qualitative to quantitative respects, the basic research literatures on the anatomy construction character of the anal sphincter which determined the pressure asymmetry, and this pressure asymmetry was used to evaluate quantitatively the clinical application and biofeedback of the functional status of the sphincter.


The order works including portraiture, true-life oil painting, abstract oil painting , decorative oil painting ,flower,animal,sea scenery,garden scenery,street scenery and storefront oil painting, classical character,classical scenery,classical still life, impressional character,scenery,still life,garden,inside scene oil painting, etc.


The viewpoint that thinks the abettor\'s character is appurtenant to the actors couldn\'t solve the abettor\'s criminal liability because he couldn\'t know the basic character of act in joint-crime.


The reason of using Archimedean Copula is to solve the non-symmetric character of return and cluster character in tail ,but its disadvantage is hard to produce multivariate random numbers ,and ease to appear great change situation of simulated scenarios, and affect the optimal decisions.

采用Archimedean Copula虽然能够解决尾部聚集特征和收益的非对成性,但缺点是易产生出现多元随机数产生较困难,同时易出现模拟的情景出现巨大变化的情况,影响最优决策。

The second part is the key point, it promulgate deeply that emphasizing one's"feeling"is character of sketch paining, from introducing and anglicizing the generation of several sketch painters'(Paulo·Cezanne, Alber holds·Jia Kemei the peduncle, Lu Xi'an·Floyd, a Avey gram·Arica) work, viewpoint, scheme, promulgates deeply that is the character of sketch painting by emphasizing one's"feeling".


This is a "virtual character", or non-printable character such as the up arrow or Tab key.

这是一个虚拟的字符,也就是不能直接打出字符的按键,例如向上键或 Tab 键。

Art Nouveau jewelry has its unique character, it s character represented in curve, material and subject matter.


Art Nouveau jewelry has its unique character, its character represented in curve, material and subject matter.


The full text is totally divided into 3, chapter 1 related the representative character of Art Nouveau jewelry, try to find out the reason of the emergence of this character.


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Sympathetic Character
Out of Character
Character Zero

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
