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与 character 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This algorithm replace the traditional forword, and backword_ character-to-character conditional probabilities with forword_ and backword. character-to-syllable conditional probabilities so that the space of data-base may be greatly reduced and the efficiency of searching the best solutions is also improved.

摘要] 本文论述了一种新的汉语音字转换的概率后处理算法,该算法用字相对于前后向拼音的条件概率代替常见的字相对于前后向汉字的条件概率,极大地压缩了数据空间,提高了查找效率,使概率后处理的实时应用更趋于现实。

Inspected gathered in advance the body preparation method influence, the neutralizaing agent triethylamine to the disperser craft and the stability of emulsion influence, the water affinity chain extendor DMPA amount used to the river character polyurethane emulsion performance influence, the isocyanogen diethylene glycol dinitrate amount used to the river character polyurethane emulsion performance influence and the soft section low-molecular polymer dihydroxy alcohol amount used to the river character polyurethane emulsion performance influence.


This sacrificial, vicarious, expiatory, and redemptive character of His Death, if it does not explain to us, yet helps us to understand, Christ's sense of God-forsakenness in the supreme moment of the Cross; if one might so word it, the passive character of His activeness through the active character of His passiveness.

本品,替代, expiatory ,并买回的性质他的死,如果它不向我们解释,还帮助我们理解,基督的责任感上帝forsakenness在最高的时刻横;如果有可能,以便字它的被动角色,他积极通过积极性格,他被动。

At first, the article elaborates the appearance of the property rights of corporation artificial person and its set-up in China, and reviews the devious development of corporation in China. Then it states the specific characters of the Chinese current corporation system, including homological character and practical character, different characters of the property rights of corporation artificial person in Limited Liability Company, Stock Company and State-owned Sole Proprietorship Company. After that, it discusses the jurally character of the property rights of corporation artificial person and the final adscription of the property of corporation artificial person.


In the height of system theory, the paper presents enterprise life system structure, identification system, motivity system and immunity system, forms an integrity and preciseness structure. Around the topic of enterprise lifecycle system, the view of enterprise lifecycle system management combines biology character, economy character and system character of enterprise. It has a largish different to current research results. These are just the innovative viewpoints of the paper.


Choose the Character Map, choose Mangal from the drop down menu, which says 'Font', now the character set for Devnagari Script will appear in front of you, spell the word by double clicking each character.


In my study, based on morphological and biological studies, 53 character transformation series of 23 species which stand for 23 genera of the Microgastrinae in China respectively and 2 species of Miracinae and Cardichilinae were selected. Through analysis of character polarity using the method of outgroup analysis, two and multiple character data matrixe were obtained. The data is analysed through PHYLIP(Phylogeny Inference Package, version 3.6) software based on the method of cladistics, the consensus cladograms was constructed at last.


Its content includes assimilating language life, orally written language, simplifying morphemic Chinese character, turning morphemic Chinese character into phonemic Chinese character and computerizing message dealing.


On the basis of domestic and foreign authoritative theoretical research on character merchandising right, and from Sociology ,Nomology and Economy aspects, and by applying analyzing methods of connecting theory to practice and comparative analysis, the essay discusses problems related to character merchandising right, and tries to bring about beneficial suggestions to the foundation and perfection of regulations related to character merchandising right in China.


In this text, comparing the yak with other genus of Bovinae on paleontology evidence, morphologic character, blood protein polymorphism, microsatellite polymorphism, mtDNA sequence variance, rDNA RFLP data and sequence information of function gene, we find that the yak shows difference in Bos taurus, Bos indicus but close with Bison bison either in paleontology evidence, morphologic character or molecular biology character. So it was better to be considered as one independent genus Poephagus than to subgenus Poephagus or a species of Bos.

本文通过对牦牛与牛亚科其他属在古生物学证据、形态学特征、血液蛋白多态性、微卫星多态性、mtDNA序列变异、rDNA的RFLP数据和功能基因序列信息等各方面研究资料的比较分析,发现牦牛无论在古生物学证据、形态学特征,还是在分子生物学特征上均表现出与牛属中的普通牛Bos taurus、瘤牛Bos indicus不同,而与美洲野牛Bison bison的亲缘关系更近一些,因此将牦牛划分为牛亚科中1个独立属,似乎比将牦牛作为牛属中的1个亚属或1个种更合适。

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Sympathetic Character
Out of Character
Character Zero

I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
