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These blind regmagenesis were most level ones and showed some law to certain extend. They are the antimere to those that have been explored.


In this paper,basis on mechanical structure of certain minor caliber multiple launch rocket system and tactical demand of air defense and antimissile,it is analyzed in detail that friction torque, unbalanced moment ,impact moment of burning gas flow and variable rule of moment of inertia,which provide the foundation for more research of position servo system of multiple launch rocket system.


The relevant market is one of the fundamental concepts of the antimonopoly law and the definition of the relevant market is the foundation of competition analysis of certain behaviors.


A tracking system for visual servo robot is realized by above method,it is proved by experiments that the method can meet real-time request of the system and has antinoise ability to a certain extent.


Certain forms of Calvinism may seem capable of bearing an Antinomian construction.


There were also primitivists who believed that in their age of the Spirit the restrictions of private property could no longer apply, and in addition to apocalyptic Fifth Monarchy men there were antinomian Ranters, who interpreted their lack of conscience over sexual irregularities as a certain sign that they had been lifted far beyond mundane restriction into a new realm of liberty in the Spirit.

也有primitivists谁认为,在他们的年龄的精神,限制私有财产的,可以不再适用,并在除了世界末日第五君主立宪制的男子有antinomian ranters ,谁的解释,他们缺乏良知超过性违规行为作为某些迹象他们已经解除远远超出了世俗的限制,进入一个新的境界,自由在精神。

Certain of the Gnostic sect - possibly, for example, Marcion and his followers, in their antithesis of the Old and New Testament, or the Carpoeratians, in their doctrine of the indifference of good works and their contempt for all human laws - held Antinomian or quasi-Antinomian views.

一定的gnostic节-可能,例如,马西和他的追随者,在他们的对立面,旧的和新约圣经,或c arpoeratians,他们的学说的冷漠态度好的作品和他们的蔑视,所有人类的法律-举行an tinomian或准antinomian的意见。

For this reason it is not always an easy matter to determine with any degree of precision how far certain forms and offshoots of Calvinism, Socinianism, or even Lutheranism, may not be susceptible of Antinomian interpretations; while at the same time it must be remembered that many sects and individuals holding opinions dubiously, or even indubitably, of an Antinomian nature, would indignantly repudiate any direct charge of teaching that evil works and immoral actions are no sins in the case of justified Christians.

为此,它并不总是一件容易的事,以确定任何程度的精确度有多远某些形式和分支加尔文, socinianism ,或什至路德教,可能不容易antinomian解释;而在同一时间,我们必须紧记许多教派和个人持有的意见, dubiously ,或什至indubitably ,一antinomian的性质,会愤怒地驳斥任何直接负责的教学邪恶工程和不道德的行动是没有捷联惯导系统,在案件合理的基督徒。

The fifteenth chapter of this decree is directly concerned with Antinomian heresy, and condemns it in the following terms:"In opposition also to the cunning wits of certain men who, by good works and fair speeches, deceive the hearts of the innocent, it is to be maintained that the received grace of justification is lost not only by the infidelity, in which even faith itself if lost, but also by any other mortal sin soever, though faith be not lost; thereby defending the doctrine of the Divine law, which excludes from the King of God not only the unbelieving, but also the faithful who are fornicators, adulterers, effeminate, abusers of themselves with mankind, thieves, covetouss, drunkards, revilers, extortioners, and all others who commit deadly sins; from which, with the help of Divine grace, they are able to refrain and on account of which they are separate from the grace of Christ" Cap.

第十五章的这项法令是直接涉及antinomian异端,并谴责它在以下条款:"在反对,也狡猾的斗智斗勇,某些男性谁,好的作品和公平的发言,欺骗的心,无辜的,这是要维持该收到的恩典,理由是不仅失去由不忠,在其中,甚至信仰本身,如果失去了,而且还由任何其他致命的单仲偕soever ,虽然信仰不失去;从而捍卫教义神圣的法律,不包括从国王的上帝,不但不信,但也忠实谁是fornicators ,奸淫, effeminate ,滥用自己与人类,小偷, covetouss , drunkards , revilers , extortioners ,和所有其他谁犯下致命的捷联惯导系统;从哪个,借助神圣的恩典,他们能不和就交代他们是分开的恩典,基督"(第十五章,比照也上限。

There is a certain logical nexus between these three forms of the Protestant doctrine of justification that would seem, to have its natural outcome in the assertion of Antinomianism.


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A Certain Romance
Certain Things
Melody Of Certain Three
A Certain Kinda Hurtin'
A Certain Girl
Forever, For Always, For Certain
That Certain Party
Certain Things You Ought To Know
Certain Kind Of Fool
That Certain Feeling

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
