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In our study, 3 genotypies have been respectively demonstrated in UL139 and UL149 for the first time, and the corelations between certain genotypical structure and certain diseases were also proposed; The existence of the 3 genotypes of UL144 was foremost verified in isolates from congenital infants; Furthermore, the UL140, UL141 and UL145 genes were observed to be greatly discrepant to those had been described previously: comparing with Toledo, 231 nt are inserted in UL140, 2 more ORFs are obtained in UL141, and the UL145 ORF moves upstream by 90 nt. Except UL144, the sequences of 18 else genes in clinical isolates were submitted for the first time, and 479 sequences were assigned by GeneBank in total. Relevantly, 9 papers were published.

我们在学术界首次证实了HCMV UL139、UL149两个基因在临床分离株中分别存在三种基因型,发现了其中某个基因型的基因结构与特定来源的分离株存在一定的对应关系;首次在先天感染分离株中验证了UL144三种基因型的存在;首次证实了UL140、UL141和UL145等基因与原先认识的基因结构不同,其中UL140基因较Toledo株增加了231个碱基、UL141产生2个新的基因编码区、UL145 ORF较Toledo株前移90个碱基;首次或最先提交了除UL144基因外其余18个基因的临床分离株序列,本项目组共有479个HCMV相关基因序列被GenBank收录;发表研究论文9篇。

For, although the cabalistic treatises ascribed to certain geonim were probably fabricated in later times, it is certain that numbers of the geonim, even many who were closely connected with the academies, were ardent disciples of mystic lore.

因为,虽然cabalistic论文归因於某些geonim很可能在以后的制作时间,可以确定的是,号码geonim ,甚至许多谁是紧密联系在一起的院校,有热心的弟子传说的神秘。

For, although the cabalistic treatises ascribed to certain geonim were probably fabricated in later times, it is certain that numbers of the geonim, even many who were closely connected with the academies, were ardent disciples of mystic lore.

为,虽然cabalistic论文归咎于某些geonim可能是捏造的,在稍后的时间,可以肯定的是,有多少的geonim ,甚至有不少人都是紧密相连,与院校,分别殷切弟子的神秘传说。

The fungicidal activity of methanol extract was higher than that of ethylacetate extract. The bioassay showed that the methanol extracts of strain As fermentation products had certain degree fungicidical activity against Botrytis cinerea, Alternaria longipes, Glomerella cingulata, Curvulavia lunata, Gibberella zeae, Valsa malt under the concentration of 4000μg/mL, the inhibiting ratio against pathogen growth was ranging from 62.9%~85.1%; The results of the inhibition of spore germination indicated that the fermentation products exhibited obvious inhibition rate against Alternaria longipes, the EC50 values was 62.5328μg/mL; The bioassay showed that the methanol extracts of strain As fermentation products had certain degree fungicidical activity against Bacillus cereus , Bacillus subtilis.


In practice, however, this reverence seems to have degenerated into a superstitious worship of the "Granth"; and even a certain vague divinity is attributed to the ten gurus, each of whom is supposed to be reincarnation of the first of the line, their original founder -- for the Hindu doctrine of transmigration of souls was retained even by Nanak himself, and a certain amount of pantheistic language occurs in parts of the sacred hymns.

实践不过,现在这个虔敬似乎已完全堕落成为迷信崇拜的& granth &;甚至某一个空泛的神,是归功于以十大师,每个人应该是轮回的第一线,其原先的创始人-为印度教教义轮回的灵魂被保留甚至诞辰自己,而且有相当多的p antheistic语言出现在零件的神圣赞美诗。

In practice, however, this reverence seems to have degenerated into a superstitious worship of the "Granth"; and even a certain vague divinity is attributed to the ten gurus, each of whom is supposed to be reincarnation of the first of the line, their original founder -- for the Hindu doctrine of transmigration of souls was retained even by Nanak himself, and a certain amount of pantheistic language occurs in parts of the sacred hymns.


Through observations and experiments they have found that children the world over all undergo certain stages of language development, namely the babbling stage (articulating certain speech sounds), holophrastic stage (using single words to represent various meanings), the two-word stage , and the telegraphic speech stage using phrases and sentences composed of only content words.

通过观察和实验,他们发现,世界各地的儿童都接受某些阶段的语言发展,即牙牙学语阶段, holophrastic阶段(使用单个词来代表不同的含义),该两词的阶段,和在电报演说阶段(使用的短语和句子组成的内容的话。

Restrictive changes of TCR Vp repertoire and clonal expanded T cells could be found in peripheral blood T cells from patients with T-ALL. However, the clonal expanded T cells' property (clonal expansion leukemic cells or leukemia antigen-specific expansion T cells) should be further characterized. It may play a certain role on detection of minimal residual disease and design of anti-leukemia idiotypic vaccine. The dominant utilization of TCR VjJ repertoire could be found in peripheral blood T cells from patients with B-ALL, meanwhile clonal expansive T cells were existed. It may be a feature of the host immune response for leukemia-associated antigen. The clonal expansive tendency of T cells in V021 and VP23 subfamilies was rather obvious, which may be correlated with certain malignant B-cell clone. The CDR3 sequences of monoclonal expansive T cell in T cell strains were different, which was the base of developing DNA vaccine.

T-ALL患者外周血T细胞的TCR Vβ谱系出现限制性改变,均可检测到克隆性增殖T细胞,尚需进一步鉴定其性质(肿瘤性或抗原特异性增殖),对于研究微小残留病变检测和设计抗白血病独特型疫苗均有一定的意义。B-ALL病人外周血T细胞的TCR Vβ谱系呈现优势利用的特点,并存在克隆性增殖的T细胞,这可能是机体对白血病相关抗原产生的特异性免疫反应;Vβ21和Vβ23亚家族T细胞发生克隆增殖改变的趋向性比较明显,可能与B-ALL相关抗原刺激有关。T细胞株中检测到的肿瘤克隆其CDR3序列具有高度的特异性,是构建DNA疫苗的基础。

To me, that thing which is supposed to continue is nothing but a series of layers of memory, of certain qualities, certain incompleted actions which have been conditioned, hindered by fear born of self-protection.


JAVABEAN is kind of a kind of Java, become through encapsulating and have a certain function or target of dealing with a certain business, can visit Bean and method in JSP page Java code inside through inlaying.


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A Certain Romance
Certain Things
Melody Of Certain Three
A Certain Kinda Hurtin'
A Certain Girl
Forever, For Always, For Certain
That Certain Party
Certain Things You Ought To Know
Certain Kind Of Fool
That Certain Feeling

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
