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与 certain 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The countries that took greatest advantage of China were Japan and czarist Russia -- and at certain times and concerning certain questions, the Soviet Union.


At the beginning of the pandect, as we have mentioned, there are certain dedicatory verses; they record the gift to the venerable convent of St. Saviour by a certain Peter who was abbot from the extreme territory of the Lombards.

在一开始的全书,正如我们所提到的,有一定的奉献小诗,他们记录的礼物,以历代修道院的圣救世主由某一彼得谁是住持,从极端的领土上的lombards 。

I had to get a certain amount of stats and I had to play with a certain demeanor on the floor.


Combined with depth gauge, magnetic compass and control computer, the vehicle can be controlled to navigate in a certain direction and at certain depth.


It is found that in certain water ratio and consolidation pressure, the values of initial elastic modulus and principal deviator stress increase with intermediate principal stress increasing; in certain intermediate principal stress, the values of initial elastic modulus and principal deviator stress increase with water ratio falling.


The over-all conclusion that must be drawn from the disarrangement experiments are first, that motor coordination (and certain behavior patterns dependent upon it) is driven by a rigid, unalterable cycle of neurophysiological events inherent in a species' central nervous system; second, that larval, fetal, or embryonic tissues lack specialization; this enables these tissues to influence one another in such a way as to continue to play their originally assigned role despite certain arbitrary peripheral rearrangements.


In this dissertation, certain problem relating to dynamic property and seismic response behavior of one certain cable-stayed bridge are studied with ANsYs, with 141+345+141m span, double tower and double cable plane.


H. R.: I do not claim that the Jewish mafia controls most of the international illegal drug trade, since there are no statistics on the subject, but it does not appear incredible to me, judging by all information I could gather. The fact is that from the Chinese opium traffic of the nineteenth century to the present day, this mafia has been quite active in this field. In the traffic of ecstasy, one can say for certain that the Jewish mafia holds a monopoly. Today, ecstasy is the drug that is most harmful to European young people. A pill of ecstasy gives a feeling of strength and well-being for a few hours, but it is above all a veritable chemical garbage bin. Its long-term effects are alarming because irreversible: memory loss; behavioral, sleep, and concentration problems; brain lesions in the children of druggie mother. The premier producer is Holland, but the big traffickers who were arrested ten years ago in France, Belgium, the United States, or Australia, all have Israeli passports. The business of ecstasy is 100% in the hands of Jewish gangsters, not all of whom come from Russia, since there are Sephardic traffickers as well. If you buy a pill of ecstasy, in every instance, you can be certain you are financing the Jewish mafia.


The Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, which was signed into law on December 21, 2000, amended the Commodity Exchange Act to provide that only certain regulated entities may offer off-exchange foreign currency futures and options contracts to retail customers.1 Under the CFMA, registered futures commission merchants and their affiliates are among the entities that may offer forex contracts to retail customers.2 As described below, NFA Bylaw 306 creates a Forex Dealer Member category for certain NFA Members who act as counterparties to forex transactions with retail customers.3 This category allows NFA to exercise appropriate regulatory jurisdiction over the retail forex activities of these Members without imposing unnecessary, and potentially duplicative, regulatory burdens on Members that are otherwise subject to regulatory oversight for their activities.


Certain drugs on ejaculation can not have a certain therapeutic effect.


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A Certain Romance
Certain Things
Melody Of Certain Three
A Certain Kinda Hurtin'
A Certain Girl
Forever, For Always, For Certain
That Certain Party
Certain Things You Ought To Know
Certain Kind Of Fool
That Certain Feeling

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
