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与 certain 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although certain appears to be an absolute term, it is frequently qualified by adverbs, as in fairly certain or quite certain.

尽管certain 像一个独立的词,它也经常被副词的限定,如相当确定或非常肯定。

Narrow-sense accusative subject sentence is an objective narration to certain influences or results of a certain action, as represented by the predicate verb, does to the accusative in a certain event or procedure.


The most common of these include a view of the action as having begun from a certain point ("inceptive aorist"), or having ended at a certain point ("cumulative aorist"), or merely existing at a certain point ("punctiliar aorist").


The rotating magnetic field in a certain intensity and lasting a certain time can increase the content of monoaminergic neurotransmitters in body at a certain extent and it can also inhibit the caducity.


According to the regular condensation polymerization principle, a certain amount of amino terminated polyether D230 and a certain amount of divinyl three amine are mixed uniformly by water, and then a certain amount of hexanedioic acid is added in and stirred for dissolving.


Sibilant rather than guttural, as c in certain and g in gem.

发咝言的:发咝音而不是发喉音的,如在 certain 中的 c 和在 gem 中的 g

Some metaphysicians contend that the relation between the lump and the statue, on the one hand, and the relation between Tib and Tibbles, on the other, cannot be fully understood in terms of the concepts of parthood and identity, but require a further concept, a non-mereological concept, the concept of "constitution": the pre-existent lump at a certain point in time comes to constitute the statue (or a certain quantity of gold or certain gold atoms that first constituted only the lump come to constitute them both); pre-existent Tib at a certain point in time comes to constitute Tibbles (or certain cat-flesh or certain molecules …).

一些形上学家承认在金块和雕像之间、Tib和Tibbles之间的关系,这些关系不能完全根据"parthood"和" identity"的概念进行理解,而必须要一个进一步的概念,一个non-mereological的概念,"构成"的概念:先在存在的金块在时间中的某个点构成了雕像(或,一定数量的金子或金粒子首先构成了金块,继而构成了这两个。)先在的Tib在某个时间点开始构成了Tibbles(或某些确定的猫肉、粒子等等)。

Their specific lexical meaning is constructed by a zone activation of a certain quale and a source-in-target metonymy which can be generically represented as ACTIVATED QUALE FOR THE ACTION EVENT.

具体的词汇意义由某一特质的域激活(zone activation of a certain quale)和目标域包含来源域的转喻即ACTIVATED QUALE FOR THE ACTION EVENT两种转喻映射而建构。

Certain assemblages of species are characteristic of specific geologic time periods.

某些集会是特有的具体时间周期。certain :确定的,某一个,无疑的,必然的,可靠的

Formosa Strait Terrain is a nearly 100% terrain, what means, that the distances are not cut down to 60% as in the GermanyCE standard terrain.Certain differences are caused by warp while converting GOTOPO30 satellite height data into WOE format.

福尔摩沙两岸的地形是一个接近100 %的地形,什么样的方法,即距离不是降低至60 %,作为在该germanyce标准terrain.certain差异所造成的偏差,而转换gotopo30卫星高度数据转化为悲哀的格式。

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A Certain Romance
Certain Things
Melody Of Certain Three
A Certain Kinda Hurtin'
A Certain Girl
Forever, For Always, For Certain
That Certain Party
Certain Things You Ought To Know
Certain Kind Of Fool
That Certain Feeling

When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
