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cerebral cortex相关的网络例句

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与 cerebral cortex 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Isolation, cultivation and identification of human embryonic NSC from cerebral cortex of 7-12 week abortus. By using flow cytometry and MTT assay, the effects of various concentration of TSPG and TSPG cooperating with cytokines in NSC culture media for 3 days on proliferation of human embryonic NSC has studied. By employing immunocytochemistry assay of the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase, the effect of different dilution of TSPG and TSPG cooperating with IL-1 on induced differentiation of human embryonic NSC into dopaminergic neuron has researched.


There were amaranth inclusion body in rotundity and ellipse with the size of 2~5 μm in pyramidale cytoplasm in hippocampus of cerebral cortex in shepherd dog with rabies.


Cortico cerebral response audiometer; cerebral cortex response audiometer


STUDY SELECTION: The data were selected firstly to find out those about the pharmacological mechanism of the effect of Ginkgo biloba extract on brain tissue and neural cells, clinical application, the protective effect of its active components on cerebral ischemic hypoxia and hydrops, and the prevention of Parkinson's disease caused by memory lost of the cerebral cortex and pathological changes of brain.


METHODS: Cerebral cortex cells of 8-week aborted human fetus were harvested and cultured in vitro to obtain human embryonic NSCs. Cerebral hemorrhage rat models were established via injection of autologous arterial blood in caudate nucleus. Two days after modeling, 5 μL BrdU-labeled human embryonic NSCs suspension was transplanted at four points surrounding hematoma cavity in the rats.

通过注射自体动脉血到尾状核制作大鼠脑出血模型,出血后2 d将标有5'-溴脱氧尿嘧啶的人胚神经干细胞悬液移植到血肿腔周围的4 点,1,2周后处死大鼠,相邻脑组织切片行5'-溴脱氧尿嘧啶/微管相关蛋白2和5'-溴脱氧尿嘧啶/胶质纤维酸性蛋白免疫组织化学双染。

The model of brain concussion of rat can be established successfully using iron pendulum hitting device; 2. The spatial learning and memory deficits of the rats are detected by MWM in early period post-BC(from 1 to 3 days after BC); 3. Pycnosis degeneration or necrosis neurons of the cerebral cortex, dorsal hippocampus, dentate fornix and brainstem reticular formation are identified in BC rats; 4. There are significantly changes in the number and activity of cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain and brainstem reticular formation after BC; 5. The change of cerebral neurons and cholinergic neurons correlate with cognitive deficits in BC rats .


Methods: A brain concussion was produced in rats using a simple pendulum device model. One control (n=12) and six experimental groups were used(n=12 in each group). The cerebral concussion groups were assigned to sacrifice times ranging from 1 day to 24days after injury.A Morris Water Maze memory paradigm was used to assess learning and memory function. Pycnosis degeneration or necrosis neurons in the locus cerebral cortex, dorsal hippocampus, dentate fornix and brainstem reticular formation were observed and counted after brain concussion. Cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain and brainstem reticular formation were identified and quantitated using choline acetyltransferase.

应用自制单摆式闭合性机械打击装置建立脑震荡大鼠模型;成年SD大鼠随机分为1个对照组(n=12)和6个脑震荡组(即伤后1、2、4、8、16、24d,n=12);应用Morris水迷宫(Morris Water Maze,MWM)实验评价大鼠的学习记忆功能;用光镜对大鼠的上述脑区的固缩变性坏死细胞进行观察和计数;用免疫组化方法检测基底前脑和脑干网状结构的胆碱乙酰转移酶(cholin acetyltransferase,ChAT)阳性细胞的表达。

Results compared with normal group and sham operated control groups, brdu positive and nestin positive cells were increased in the hippocampus, dentate subgranular zone and subependymal zone in operated groups after 24 hours of reperfusion of omni-cerebral ischemia. the expression of brdu and nestin reached a peak 7-10 days after the operation, and could still be detected 20 days after the operation. the migration of brdu positive and nestin positive cells to the cerebral cortex and hippocampus was observed in subependymal region.

结果 脑缺血再灌流24 h后,海马、齿状回和室管膜下区的brdu阳性细胞和nestin阳性细胞增多,7~10 d达到高峰,术后20 d仍有表达;在室管膜下区,brdu阳性细胞和nestin 阳性细胞有向皮质、海马迁移的现象。

Methods The MR findings of14patients with cerebral palsy caused by hypoxic-ischemic damage were studied retrospectively and correlated with clinical findings.All those patients underwent MRI.Cerebral cortex and subcortical white matter,deep white matter,basal regions and thalami,and ventricles and subarachnoid space were observed on T1WI and T2WI.


The expression of ICAM-1 and P-selectin mRNA and protein in ischemic cerebral cortex and corpus striatum in rat was observed after 1 h of cerebral ischemia and 3,6,12,24 and 48 h of reperfusion by in situ hybridizatioin and immunohistochemistry.

脑缺血区的毛细血管内皮细胞表达ICAM-1和P—selectinmRNA发生于脑缺血/再灌注后3h,ICAM—1mRNA在脑缺血/再灌注12h达到高峰(组内比较,P〈0.01);P—selectin mRNA高峰出现在脑缺血/再灌注6-12h(组内比较,P〈0.01)。

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St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


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