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与 centimeter 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My son is now three months of lashes Oh one centimeter.


But you look at national databases, it's the exact opposite-80 percent of people with two-centimeter tumors are getting radical nephrectomies.


During launch, the shuttle sustained what NASA called minor damage : a 21-inch-long (53-centimeter-long) series of scuffs likely created by debris from the external fuel tank that boosts the ship out of Earth's atmosphere before being jettisoned.


During launch, the shuttle sustained what NASA called minor damage : a 21-inch-long (53-centimeter-long) series of scuffs likely created by debris from the external fuel tank that boosts the ship out of Earths atmosphere before being jettisoned.


Generally speaking, as long as you are a good measure of the total width of the window and the job can calculate the required amount of cloth, but if the measure on its own, then have to pay attention to some details, such as the window of a high degree of measurement from the start Chuang Lianhe To outweigh the lower edge of the window will not be emptied of its width is also probably have to pay more on the side of 5-10 cm, but if they are Banyao have to pay attention to whether there is a window sills, to be done within the window frame, then have to carefully Measure may not yield more than half a centimeter card does not go in and a half centimeters or less emptied of the situation, the track can be installed on the wall or ceiling should also note that some tracks can be linked to the ceiling can also be linked to the walls, some not I suggest you bring home a good-size windows notes, the regional states, take good pictures of each window to the stores, they will suggest you how to use the track and practice


In clown stripes and swirls, a foot-long (30-centimeter-long) cuckoo wrasse, common in Irish waters, hovers over a vivid sea floor off Valentia Island.

厘米长,身上带有条纹的cuckoo wrasse鱼在爱尔兰水域很常见。

When people are dancing, the sustainable dance floor yields by about 1 centimeter, compressing cells containing piezoelectric material underneath.


It is put forward that the icing stress product, defined as the product of the ice-layer conductivity and the ice layer weight per centimeter of dry arc distance can be taken as a characteristic parameter to indicate the effect of ice accretions and contaminants on the flashover voltage.

例3:本文分析了覆冰XP-70绝缘子长串的交流闪络特性,并提出覆冰水电导率r20 (换算到20 ℃时的值)与覆冰量w(每片绝缘子上的平均覆冰量)的积δ0可作为表征覆冰和污秽对绝缘子串最低闪络电压影响的特征量。

Acoustic reflection measurements of steel spheres between 2 and 5 centimeter in diameter have been made in an anechoic tank .


Slice piece meat, ham, chufas, and mushrooms into 1 centimeter dices too.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
