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O marvel! While residing at the dwelling cave called Dopapuhk in Nyanang, the renowned Master, Mila Zhepa Dorje, a Heruka supreme among all yogins, was surrouned by his great disciples and followers, the awakened yogins and great Bodhisattvas: Retchung Dorje Drakpa, Shiwa O Repa,Repa of Digom, Repa of Len,Sangye Kyab Repa, Shengom Repa, Dampa Gyakpuhwa, Master Shakya-guna, and others. Also the women devotees: Legse Bum and Shen Droma, together with other lady disciples.


The first spawn I had resulted in 3 wrigglers, but they did fall out of the cave prematurely.


In 1933 a group of Rauzan vignerons got together to form a communal "chai". 70 years later, it has becomethe 'premier' Cave Co-operative of France. 275 members contribute towards an average of 130,000 hectolitresof AOC (Appellation d'Origine Controlee) wine per annum, or the equivalent of almost 17.5 million bottles!

年一群来自 Rauzan 的葡萄酒爱好者联合成立了& Chai&公社, 70年前,转而成为了法国酿酒合作社旗下的一级酒庄,共有275名工作者,年产量大约为1300万升(相当于1750万瓶)。

The tootsies, belonging to a skeleton of indeterminate gender found in a cave, were much slimmer than the thick toes common to most of our ancient ancestors, indicating an individual who grew up wearing shoes rather than padding around barefoot.


Bethlehem, now ours, and the earth's most sacred spot... was overshadowed by a grove of Thammuz, which is Adonis, and in the cave where the infant Messiah once cried, the paramour of Venus was bewailed.

现在白冷,我们的,也是世界的最神圣的地方…在 Thammuz 也就是 Adonis 的树丛的阴影下,而那婴孩默西亚曾经嚎哭的洞穴,是 Venus 的情人在叹息。

When I had done this, I began to work my Way into the Rock, and bringing all the Earth and Stones that I dug down out thro' my Tent, I laid 'em up within my Fence in the Nature of a Terras, that so it rais'd the Ground within about a Foot and a Half; and thus I made me a Cave just behind my Tent, which serv'd me like a Cellar to my House.


When I had done this, I began to work my Way into the Rock, and bringing all the Earth and Stones that I dug down out thro' my Tent, I laid 'em up within my Fence in the Nature of a Terras, that so it rais'd the Ground within about a Foot and a Half; and thus I made me a Cave just behind my Tent, which serv'd me like a Cellar to my House.


When I had done this, I began to work my Way into the Rock, and bringing all the Earth and Stones that I dug down out thro' my Tent, I laid 'em up within my Fence in the Nature of a Terras, that so it rais'd the Ground within about a Foot and a Half; and thus I made me a Cave just behind my Tent, which serv'd me like a Cellar to my House.


The outside of the cave, mix the mentally dense Dun is the night in cripple month of cloud blood.


This cave was used by smugglers in the eighteenth century.


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Cave In
Cave In
Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict
In A Cave
I Cave In
Don't Let Me Cave In

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
