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An incidental cause stimulated the naturalist's interest in the cave men's life.


Tibet's texts are clearly enunciated (and reproduced in the CD booklet) and the album is beautifully structured to build to a shattering climax with the terrifying disembodied voices of "Twilight Twilight Nihil Nihil" and "The Inmost Light Itself," after which Nick Cave's reprise of the title track, which might seem maudlin out of context, makes perfect sense.

在众多的地下音乐领域,Current 93都有着比其它死亡民谣乐队更高的知名度。除低调音乐圈外,它在实验乐界同样有着一定的地位。它多变的手法,对声音独特的处理方式,对西藏密宗音乐、东南亚民族音乐研究都有着独到之处。

Do you think some people in a cave were able to have NORAD stand down?


Bull and cave themes are found in Christian shrines dedicated to the archangel Michael, who, after the officialization of Christianity, became the patron Saint of soldiers.


Stephen Pfann, a textual scholar and paleographer at the University of the Holy Land in Jerusalem, said he has released a paper claiming the makers of "The Lost Tomb of Jesus" were mistaken when they identified an ancient ossuary from the cave as belonging to the New Testament's Mary Magdalene.

Stephen Pfann,耶路撒冷圣城大学的一个原文的学者和古文书学家,说他已经发表了一个书面的声明说"迷失的基督墓"的拍摄者犯了错误,拍摄者确认一个从山洞里取出来的古代尸骨罐是属于新约中的Mary Magdalene。

The ostium of the cave is so narrow that we have to go in by side body.


A view of the sea and a staircase leading up to Cave 13B at Pinnacle Point in South Afirca where Arizona State University paleoanthropologist Curtis Marean and an international team of researchers found ochre, bladelets and evidence of shellfish findings that reveal the earliest dated evidence of modern humans.


A rubbing of the whole inscription, as well as one of the panegyric on the reverse side of the tablet, could be obtained from the priest in the cave for several copper coins.


In front of the cave, there stands a tall pine tree.


Eve died shortly after Adam, on the completion of the six days of mourning, and was buried in the Cave of Machpelah Pire R.

除夕不久后伤重不治亚当,就完成了6天的哀悼,并被埋在塌方的machpelah ( pire传译下午第二十)。

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Cave In
Cave In
Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict
In A Cave
I Cave In
Don't Let Me Cave In

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
