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The trail in this canyon doubled and bent back on itself in a most surprising way and it seemed almost as if we were marching through a maze set in an unroofed cave.


Results The left side of caudate lobes varied little in the shape and border,having a constant pedicle of vessels and bile ducts,which could be easily resected in surgery.Most of the blood vessle branches and bile duct of caudate lobe arose from the anterosuperior edge of Glisson's cap-sule.The hepatic short veins varied significantly in number,but all veritcal to inferior vena cave.Conclusion There are four approaches for cau

结果 ①尾状叶左侧的形态、大小、边界变异不大,其血液及胆管引流有一个相对固定的&蒂&,手术切除比较容易;②尾状叶的血管供应、胆管引流繁杂,但均连接于Glisson's管的一、二级分支的前上缘;③肝短静脉数量、注入部位变异大,其走行多与腔静脉壁垂直。

Another village people 札 is prosperous to say:"Hide 历 mid- October in 1982, I lead river go to cloth dragon the ditch cut wood, after entering ditch smell a hoof Cape burnt bad smell, again go toward in walk a burst of, hear a rock a top 哗 suddenly 1, raise head and look, there are 2 to grow red hair of the monster stand in the mountain cave, I stunned, going toward hurriedly outside run, henceforth I got sick for 34 months."


Pira found in excaviations of the cave "Stora Forvar" in the island Stora Karlson in Sweden, fragments of dog craniums from the stoneage.

Pira 在瑞典中部Stora Karlson 岛的&Stora Forvar&山洞里发现了时期时代狗的头盖碎片,这些头盖骨是来自具有被驯化特征的短嘴巴的狗。

In the cave that is in the field at Machpelah, to the east of Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with the field from Ephron the Hittite to possess as a burying place.


It comprises portable pieces, such as figures or decorated objects carved in bone, antler, or stone or crudely modelled in clay, and cave art in the form of paintings, drawings, and engravings.


This title is suitable for those interested in art or art history. This incredible retrospective takes a sweeping look at the origins, historical influences and growth of art in the Western world, all the way from ancient cave paintings to video art, taking in Egyptian sculpture, Gothic architecture, Romanticism, Surrealism and many more schools and styles along the way.

西方世界的艺术:从史前到21世纪-----安东尼梅森----格式:精装本,全彩色复制----日期:01 - 4 - 2010 -----这个令人难以置信的时间在追溯起源,历史影响和西方世界的艺术的发展,从古代壁画全面的检查,一直到录像艺术,在埃及雕塑人质,哥特式建筑,浪漫主义,超现实主义,还有更多的学校和风格前进的道路。

As the caves and cracks developed in the carbonate rocks were usually joined together with the leterite foundation soil and the water acting in the caves and cracks erode the leterite foundation soil,so that the earth cave s be formed in the soil and will lead a building to destroy.


From the lowly cave man, cowering in his burrow in fear of lightning or fire or water, to the engineer of today,making servants of all the forces of Nature, is but a measure of difference in mental development.


On the basis of the analysis of the structure of Han tomb in Shizishan, this art icle thinks that the tomb was in the transition from vertical tomb to horizontal cave tomb. It also considers that the owner of the tomb is LIU Ying, the second king of Chu state in Han dynasty.


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Cave In
Cave In
Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict
In A Cave
I Cave In
Don't Let Me Cave In

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
