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cave in相关的网络例句

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与 cave in 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

DM Baillie, God Was in Christ; K Barth, The Doctrine of Reconciliation; E Brunner, The Mediator; H Bushnell, The Vicarious Sacrifice; JM Campbell, The Nature of the Atonement; S Cave, The Doctrine of the Work of Christ; RW Dale, The Atonement; FW Dillistone, The Significance of the Cross; J Denney, The Death of Christ and The Christian Doctrine of Reconciliation; RS Franks, The Work of Christ; PT Forsyth, The Cruciality of the Cross and The work of Christ; L Hodgson, The Doctrine of the Atonement; TH Hughes, The Atonement; J Knox, The Death of Christ; RC Moberly, Atonement and Personality; J Moltmann, The Crucified God; L Morris, The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross and The Cross in the NT; RS Paul, The Atonement and the Sacraments; V Taylor, Jesus and His Sacrifice and The Atonement in NT Teaching; LW Grensted, A Short History of the Doctrine of the Atonement; R Wallace, The Atoning Death of Christ.

马克baillie ,上帝在基督里; k巴特,这个学说的和解;电子布兰,调解员; h布什内尔,替代牺牲; jm坎贝尔,但性质赎罪; s洞窟,中庸的工作,基督; rw戴尔,赎罪; FW的dillistone ,十字架的意义; j ,丹尼,死亡的基督和基督教教义的和解;卢比弗兰克斯,这项工作的基督;铂佛塞斯, cruciality的十字架上的工作,基督;升,惠普,这个学说的赎罪;次休斯,赎罪; j诺克斯,死亡的基督;钢筋moberly ,赎罪和人格; j莫特曼,被钉十字架的上帝;升莫里斯,教廷鼓吹的交叉和跨中新台币;卢比保罗,赎罪和圣礼; v泰勒,耶稣和他的牺牲和赎罪在新台币教学; LW的格伦斯特德,历史较短的学说赎罪与r华莱士, atoning死亡的基督。

In "Chi Maijishan Grottoes" Maijishan attracted the attention of the world, Feng Guorui has also written "Chronology of major Maijishan Grottoes" and "the investigation report Maijishan Grottoes" and "Maijishan Grottoes The culture of ancient art,"such as papers and monographs, Maijishan continue to repair the path along the cliff caves, grottoes wall reinforcement, the establishment of the security committee Maijishan Grottoes repair and waged a vigorous battle. In 1953, Gansu Province, Feng Guorui again in his capacity as member of the management of cultural joined by the Ministry of Culture of the Central Organization of Maijishan Grottoes inspection mission, and Wu Zuoren, Wang Zhaowen, Luo Yu, and other 14 experts Fengcanlousu, hard work, which lasted 32 Days, surveying 92 caves and cave for No. 192, the completion of more than 1,000 pieces of photographic works on Maijishan Grottoes were the most ever, the most scientific and most detailed inspections. In March 1961, Maijishan Grottoes and the State Council was announced for the first batch of state-level key protection units.


The research of this dissertation is imbursed in NationalNatural Science Foundation of China (the serial number:40174039, 49874030) andTahe oil field rock physics research topic (the serial number: P01058) of Sinopec"exploration and application of complex medium seismic wave transmitting rule"project and national science and technology tackle key problem project (the serialnumber: BA605A-05-01 in 2001) under union subsidization and under departmentscientific research project assistance, in allusion to the complex changeable reservoirprediction question, the nonlinear dynamics science in brand-new concept, the theoryand the algorithm are introduced and applied during the reservoir prediction and theevaluation, based on the oil-gas fracture-cave reservoir physics model tests andanalyses, having founded the new reservoir prediction theory and the methodtechnology.


I repos'd that night in the boat, and in the morn in g I resolved to harbour what I had gotten in my new cave, not to carry it home to my castle.


Only the fragrance of drink residues, in the glass of the dark speaking out flirting words as soft as cheese In her mouth, a crow holds a slice of cheese, on a tree A fox is flattering, below the tree The crow smiles happily, the cheese falls into fox's mouth The story spreads out and come down to us It is the story about you and me For a beautiful word we walk up to cliff, and dash ahead regardless of our life until our black hair is burned up by the fire of time we turn around and look at the fox and the crow the man and the woman those similar loving words and eye's expression La Fontaine we are here listening to ancient chime in the dark to whispering sound of guitar to flicker of well water in moonlight to flower boldly blooming arms to moist footstep of night traveler Perhaps the sunshine is burning far But we are growing up in the dark We grown up in Plato's allegory of the cave


The special geographical position of the Silk Road, Xinjiang has become so things important channel for cultural exchange, Therefore Xinjiang religious art is very busy, all major religions are in place, in addition to Islam, Christianity, Manichaeism, especially for the Buddhist influence the most far-reaching, scattered in various parts of Xinjiang on the stone cave full proof of this point, Today, we will look at the crater is located in the middle of the Canyon Creek Cheonbuldong A Brief introduce.


I was now recover'd from my Surprize, and began to look round me, when I found the Cave was but very small, that is to say, it might be about twelve Foot over, but in no manner of Shape, either round or square, no Hands having ever been employ'd in making it, but those of meer Nature: I observ'd also, that there was a Place at the farther Side of it, that went in farther, but was so low, that it requir'd me to creep upon my Hands and Knees to go into it, and whither I went I knew not; so having no Candle, I gave it over for some Time; but resolv'd to come again the next Day, provided with Candles, and a Tinder-box, which I had made of the Lock of one of the Muskets, with some wild-fire in the Pan.


I was now recover'd from my Surprize, and began to look round me, when I found the Cave was but very small, that is to say, it might be about twelve Foot over, but in no manner of Shape, either round or square, no Hands having ever been employ'd in making it, but those of meer Nature: I observ'd also, that there was a Place at the farther Side of it, that went in farther, but was so low, that it requir'd me to creep upon my Hands and Knees to go into it, and whither I went I knew not; so having no Candle, I gave it over for some Time; but resolv'd to come again the next Day, provided with Candles, and a Tinder-box, which I had made of the Lock of one of the Muskets, with some wild-fire in the Pan.


Found in February 2002 in a cave where bears hibernated in the Carpathian mountains in southwest Romania, the jaw was radiocarbon dated by a team led by Erik Trinkaus, an anthropology professor at Washington University in Saint Louis, Missouri.

这块化石,是2002年二月的时候,科考人员在罗马尼亚西南部一个熊用来冬眠的山洞里发现的。来自密素里州的圣路易华盛顿大学的人类学教授, Erik Trinkaus 带领他的同事们对这块颌骨化石进行了放射测定。确定了它存在的日期。

FangYan scenic resort and historic sites,"No.1 mountain in easten ZheJiang", lies in east of YongKang city,which bears the character of steep peak,strange stone,wonderful cave,beautiful waterfall and quiet valley,and the position advantage of "start from central FangYan,travel all eastern ZheJiang";With breathtaking perilous peak,cliff and wonderful natural stone sculptures,known for grandeur,wonder,sheerness and danger,it belongs to first-section important scenic resort and historic sites in ZheJiang,top 10 beautiful scenery garden in ZheJiang and fifth-section national important scenic resort and historic sites.


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Cave In
Cave In
Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict
In A Cave
I Cave In
Don't Let Me Cave In

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
