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与 cavalry 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"The slingers and archers skirmished in the front; the auxiliaries formed the first line, and were seconded or sustained by the strength of the legions; the cavalry covered the flanks, and the military engines were placed in the rear."


The slingers and archers skirmished in the front; the auxiliaries formed the first line, and were seconded or sustained by the strength of the legions; the cavalry covered the flanks, and the military engines were placed in the rear.


The SP-gun was meant for cavalry brigades as a support and anti-tank weapon.In April 1932, the Armoured Weapons Construction Bureau of the Army Engineer Research Institute BK Br.

自行火炮被主要作为骑兵旅的支援和反坦克武器来使用。1932年4月,位于华沙的陆军工程研究学院的装甲武器研究局BK Br。

All their cavalry, with upraised swords, standards and trumpets flung to the breeze, formed in columns by divisions, descended, by a simultaneous movement and like one man, with the precision of a brazen battering-ram which is effecting a breach, the hill of La Belle Alliance, plunged into the terrible depths in which so many men had already fallen, disappeared there in the smoke, then emerging from that shadow, reappeared on the other side of the valley, still compact and in close ranks, mounting at a full trot, through a storm of grape-shot which burst upon them, the terrible muddy slope of the table-land of Mont-Saint-Jean.


Charge sound blowing up The battle drum strikes up and shout War cries up, 600 cavalry from the high-tilt down the slope, suddenly playing Everywhere looks for the tooth Yuan,Civilian clown Tsam Ma was also under the legislation.


Kinbyo also mobilized tens of thousands of elite cavalry, with the Song Jun battle.


I like this不兴waves of love in the "roof of the light cavalry", all the deaths therefore become weak, perhaps can be burned villages, crows may migration, the bodies will rot, but it will not with love These fade and disappear, it is only slowly germination, soil broken arch, the gentle fragrance of blooming flowers, and then this fragrance wind disturbance, if isolated forever if we always seem Cantabile weep.


The Russian competitive riders, riding horses of a similar type to the French,would be ditinctive for their horses'high head carriage- the result of the influence of an Englishman, James Fillis, who at the turn of the century, moved from France to the Russian cavalry school.

而俄罗斯技艺高超的骑手们,骑着和法国相似的马匹,最显著的特征是他们的马匹所拉的高头马车,这是由一个英国人影响所致。他叫James Fillis,在上世纪之初,他从法国搬到了俄罗斯骑兵学校。

Qing cavalry of 100 leading, the British mission into the city held a ceremony.


And then personally led a cavalry 5000, the same night chao xiao lu rush past, replaced by Yuan's clothes, hit the guard post along the road it isyuan gong let us do what at the time of rushing into the business Yuan.


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At Cavalry

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
