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与 cavalry 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Skirmishing Shades, flying Harpies, and Fast Cavalry in the form of Dark Riders increase the army's tactical options.


Liu's mission being not to stop and fight, but to get into the Yangtze Valley some 200 miles away, his attack, unsupported by follow-up columns and unsupplied from the rear, had somewhat the character of a parachute drop or a cavalry raid deep into enemy territory.


Air Cavalry troops taking part in Operation Pegasus are shown walking around and watching bombing on a far hill line on April 14, 1968 at Special Forces Camp at Lang Vei in Vietnam.


The cavalry rode off at a dash.


The cavalry rode off at a dash.


On the right there was the tramp of hoofs and rumble of wheels, with now and then the gleam of bayonets, as the guards plunged into the region of mist; on the left, behind the village, similar masses of cavalry were moving and disappearing into the sea of fog.


There were basically two kinds of auxiliary units, cohorts of infantry and alae of cavalry (there were also mounted infantry, but we'll ignore this minor category).


All this cavalry debouched on the plateau, and it was like the appearance of an earthquake.


All this cavalry debouched on the plateau, and it was like the appearance of an earthquake.


A little later, the divisions of Losthin, Hiller, Hacke, and Ryssel deployed before Lobau's corps, the cavalry of Prince William of Prussia debouched from the forest of Paris, Plancenoit was in flames, and the Prussian cannon-balls began to rain even upon the ranks of the guard in reserve behind Napoleon.


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At Cavalry

In fact it's called the Sate .


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