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与 cavalry 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Their equipment and fighting style has been influenced by their Christian foes, as they emphasise heavy armour and shock tactics more than the light cavalry tactics of their forebears.


The battle broke out, Takeda's cavalry in the plains on stirring up a whirlwind mission, whistling a letter to the chief, of the Tokugawa Front coalition forces hit until the array of 500 meters, iron artillery started shooting, the bullet-perforated the Emergency Knight's body, and then came tumbling down and the horse.


The Kipchak Khanate , although simular to the Mongols, are experts with bows and cavalry, however the use of axe's was widley known, most kipchaks were white-skinned - think of Russians, same location.


The Kipchak Khanate, although simular to the Mongols, are experts with bows and cavalry, however the use of axe's was widley known, most kipchaks were white-skinned - think of Russians, same location.


Troop selections: light - medium infantry, short and long range skirmishers, light - medium skirmisher and melee cavalry

部队的选择:轻-中等步兵,短期和长期范围s kirmishers,轻-中前卫和混战骑兵

Troop selections: Light - medium infantry, assault infantry, pikemen, bowmen, light-medium melee and skirmisher cavalry

部队的选择:轻-中等步兵,攻击步兵, p ikemen, b owmen,光介质混战和前卫骑兵

Shahir Sultanate - A middle eastern / Indian inspired faction ruled by a Sultan, featuring wide access to cavalry, skirmisher infantry, and elite medium infantry.


He resigned in 1898 to organize the Rough Riders, the first voluntary cavalry in the Spanish-American War.


Til Stoneman's cavalry came and tore up the tracks again.


This extraordinary cavalry petrified Clinton, who had seen Talavera and Badajoz.


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At Cavalry

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
