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与 cavalry 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The soldier, a member of the 1st Air Cavalry Division, was killed during Operation Masher on South Vietnam's central coast.


Its director and musical editor is Iva Cavalry from Germany and Art Consultant Egon Maston from the Netherlands.


In the meantime, the municipal cavalry on the left bank had been set in motion, and came to bar the bridge, on the right bank the dragoons emerged from the Celestins and deployed along the Quai Morland.


He appears to be trying to outflank the Persians. To meet the advance, Darius sends his cavalry to his left.


The remark is interesting for two reasons: in the first place because the name was to be that of the future kings of the Parthian empire, and in the second place because the man is mentioned as a cavalry commander, something for which the Parthians were to be famous.


They were attacked by a force composed of Pawnee mercenaries and American cavalry; almost everyone, including Tall Bull, died in the attack near Summit Springs.

控制下的科罗拉多。但是他们又被一支由波尼人佣兵和美国火枪骑兵组成的军队攻击。几乎所有人,包括巨牛在内,都死在了 Summit Springs 附近的一场战斗中。

Spain and Germany have a unique type Jianshi arms, Jianshi longer than the combat effectiveness Pikeman stronger, but the addition of cavalry attacks decreased.


Long-range infantry outposts into the fire and the gunman, gunmen fire arms to fight the last war the main forces in the close-up of cavalry harm caused by 3-fold can also be repelled by virtue of the advantage of firepower Pikeman long.


One had a round-jacket, a cavalry sabre, and two holster-pistols, another was in his shirt-sleeves, with a round hat, and a powder-horn slung at his side, a third wore a plastron of nine sheets of gray paper and was armed with a saddler's awl.


He was rapturously welcomed on the Pompeian side, bringing 3700 Gallic and German cavalry with him.


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At Cavalry

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
