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与 castle 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Townshend Acts were so unpopular in Boston that customs officials requested naval and military assistance. Commodore Samuel Hood complied by sending the fifty-gun warship HMS Romney, which arrived in Boston Harbor in May 1768.[5] On June 10, 1768, customs officials seized the Liberty, a sloop owned by leading Boston merchant John Hancock, on allegations that the ship had been involved in smuggling. Bostonians, already angry because the captain of the Romney had been impressing local sailors, began to riot. Customs officials fled to Castle William for protection.

由於汤森法案在波士顿的抗议声不断,海关官员於是向英国要求增援更多的海军陆军来协助,海军准将Samuel Hood得知消息后,派遣配备50支炮管的HMS Romney军舰前往协助,该军舰并於1768年五月抵达波士顿海港。1768年6月10日,海关以走私罪名逮捕了一艘名为the Liberty的单桅帆船,船长名为John Hancock,一位在波士顿占有重要地位的商人,最后,因为HMS Romney军舰的船长强迫当地水手转来为他自己的军舰工作,使得波士顿人们终於忍无可忍开始暴动,让波士顿的海关人员逃往威廉城堡避难。

To begin the quest, humans and elves should visit Dexter on the second floor of Castle Britannia in Trammel.


" Snape roared, now very close at hand."YOU CAN'T TRANSFIGURE OR TURN BACK INSIDE CASTLE!

斯内普吼道,声音很近了, ' 在城堡里面,谁也不能变形或者复原的!

When Dracula leaves his castle in Transylvania to go to England, he creates a reign of terror in the Stoker novel.


The iconic film was essentially a trashy tale set in a mysterious castle with kinky extraterrestrial Transylvanian transvestites, two stranded young people (including an underwear-clad Susan Sarandon), and a mad scientist.

这部标志性的电影故事情节本质上了无新意,故事设计在一座神秘的古堡,里面有古怪的特兰西瓦尼亚外星易装癖者,两名穷途末路的年轻人(包括一名着镀金属内衣裤的苏珊沙伦唐Susan Sarandon和一名疯狂的科学家)。

Your cell phone becomes your kingdom, mission is to use the hands only go trebuchet to destroy the enemy's medieval castle.


Just got in from a great night out - a veggie dinner at bob trollop, and there's a lovely pub up by the castle that is always worth a visit.

刚刚从外面回来——一顿在bob trollop的素食餐,在城堡这有一个很不错的酒吧值得一去。

You know what a queer old place the Castle is, my lady; all tumble-down wood-work, and rotten rafters, and such like.


There is even a Gothic church - modelled on one in Clifton, Bristol - its magnificent spire rising over the town and where people can get married, as well as a medieval turreted castle.


Another prime target for the candidates are the activist professionals in Castle Donington and other twee villages outside Ashby.


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Castle Man
Castle On A Cloud
Little Plastic Castle
Cocaine Castle
Castle Down
Have Fun Storming The Castle
Cucumber Castle
The Siege And Investiture Of Baron Von Frankenstein's Castle At Weisseria
King Without A Castle
A Castle Full Of Rascals

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
