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Introduce the case inference technology in artificial intelligence supply catenary risk estimation, the crucial question such as the description that better land settled case and memory organization, retrieval that matchs case and the adjustment that retrieve a result, designed practical the system of original shape of abiogenesis risk estimation that change.


objective to raise the level of regarding congnition,prevention,diagnosis and therapy on multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.methods report the process and correlative therapy on one case who occured with mods involving 6 organs after hemorrhagic shock lead to heartbeat and respiration stopping suddenly and resuscitated resulting in left nephrostome titanium nip falled off accidentally from left kidney lymphatic fastening.at the same time,the author reviewed correlative literature and introduce the investigative progress about mods.results one case who happened with mods following hemorrhagic shock,heartbeat and respiration stopped suddenly was diagnozed and resuscitaed.6 organ dysfuncted including brain,heart,lung,liver,kidney and the digestive system.after being given therapy integrated chinese and western medicines,allopathy and nutritional treatment,all circadian parameters of the case came back in gear and discharged at last.conclusion the mechanism about mods is very complicated.because of serious infection,hurt and oxygen-lack,excessive inflammatery reaction activates multifarious cell factors and inflammatery mediums,which improve the happen-rate of mods.wiping off pathogeny,providing life-sustain treatment and recognising sirs and mods in time and adopting corresponding therapy,such as treatment integrated chinese and western medicines,can improve the hit-rate of cure on mods.

作者:王静恩,蔡金芳,王志华,谢晓洪多器官功能障碍综合征;中西医结合;治疗;休克,出血性目的提高对多器官功能障碍综合征(multiple organ dysfunction syndrome,mods)的认识、预防、诊断、治疗水平。方法报告成功抢救1例经腹腔镜左肾淋巴管结扎手术后左肾静脉钛夹意外脱落失血性休克,导致心跳呼吸骤停复苏后再手术并发mods累及6个脏器功能衰竭过程及有关治疗,并复习相关文献,介绍目前关于mods的研究进展。结果确诊1例因失血性休克心跳呼吸骤停复苏后并发mods,累及脑、心、肺、肝、肾、血液、胃肠等6个脏器。经积极采取中西医结合对症、支持救治,各生理指标全部恢复正常,康复出院。结论 mods的发生机制非常复杂,在严重感染、创伤、缺氧等打击下,失控的过度炎症反应激活多种细胞因子和炎症介质的释放,使mods发生率升高。尽早去除病因,尽早给予各种生命支持治疗,尽早对可能发生全身炎症反应综合征、mods识别并给予干预治疗,包括中西医结合治疗能改善mods的救治成功率。

The main work and the originality points of this dissertation could be concluded as the following parts:(1) To analyze systematically the mathematical model of LES of air flow in great space, under the case of isothermal and non-isothermal, as well as the combined action of buoyancy and strain. Some basic problems are studied about the LES application into airflow simulation of great space, such as boundary conditions, spatial difference scheme and time advancing scheme, time step etc., which creates the basis for the LES application to indoor airflow simulation.(2) Both the instantaneous and time averaged flow field of great space with multiple jets under isothermal and non-isothermal cases are explored with large eddy simulation method, and also discussed the dynamic characteristics and the law of fluidflow in the great space.(3) Based on the results of LES of the great space and the Fanger thermal comfort indexes, it is brought forward the concept of the series of dynamic thermal comfort evaluating indexes, which could be divided into thermal comfort index with time averaged properties PD, PPD, PMV, thermal comfort index with instantaneous properties IPD, IPPD, IPMV, and time averaged thermal comfort indexes TAPD, TAPPD, TAPMV, and transient situations time averaged thermal comfort indexes TTAPD, TTAPPD, TTAPMV. The differences among them and the calculation methods are discussed, and the four kinds of indexes are calculated with the thermal comfort index PD as an example.(4) Based on the LES results it is discussed the hot air stratification phenomena in air-conditioned buildings in the case with air supply and return registers on the ceiling and the case on the sidewall. The fundamentals of the hot air stratification are studied and the relations of estimating hot air stratification are brought forward.(5) With the advanced apparatus such as hot wire film anemometer IFA300 and laser particle field anemoscope, corresponding model test and site measurements have been done, which are compared with the simulation results and LES is proved a very promising method in air flow simulation indoor.


METHODS:the anatomic configurations and hemodynamics of 38 cases on cine-MRI were analysed,including ascending aortic aneurism(10 cases),aortic dissection(21 cases),pericardial hematoma(1 case),hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(3 cases),ASD(1 case),combined ASD and VSD(1 case).

分析 38例心血管疾病的 cine-MRI解剖结构和血流动力学改变,其中升主动脉瘤 10例,夹层动脉瘤 2 1例,心包血肿 1例,肥厚型心肌病 3例,房间隔缺损 2例,ASD并发室间隔缺损 1例。

Results Of five cases,scaphocephaly was seen in one case and oxycephaly and brachycephaly were revealed in two cases respectively.All cases demonstrated the deepened impressions for cerebral gyri.The antedisplacement of the sphenoid body and the smaller orbit were seen in four cases.One case with oxycephaly demonstrated the enlarged supratentorial cerebral ventricles on CT.One case with brachycephaly showed a depressed skull,narrowing of the optic foramen and obvious protrusion of both eyes on CT.Conclusion The radiological manifestations of cranial stenosis were characteristic.

结果 5例狭颅症,1例表现为舟状头畸形,2例表现为尖头畸形,2例表现为短头畸形,5例均可见脑回压迹加深,4例可见蝶骨体前移及眼眶变浅,1例尖头畸形CT扫描可见幕上脑室扩大,1例短头畸形CT扫描示颅骨内板呈波浪状凹陷,视神经孔变窄,双侧眼球明显突出。

Through the inversion based on finite element analysis, it is revealed that the transient temperature rise on the case body,as a result of firing heat impact,is a key factor dominating the residual deformation and extraction resistance of the cartridge case. The distribution of transient temperature increment on case body is also obtained.


In his working experience, he handled lots of lawsuits and non-lawsuits such as: project payment case between Zhanjiang Labor Construction Company and Bank of China Zhanjiang branch; loan case between Zhanjiang Commercial Bank and Xiashan Welfare Company; cooperation case between Zhanjiang Eastsea Dvelopment Company and Jinan Qingqi Group Cooperation; cooperation case between Lianjiang Credits Investment Company and Guangzhou Nanya Real Estate Company.

湛江劳动建筑工程总公司诉中国银行湛江分行建筑工程款纠纷案(标的 1.3 亿元);湛江商业银行诉霞山民政福利总公司借款纠纷案(标的 7000 万元);湛江东海发展总公司诉山东济南轻骑集团合作纠纷案(标的 5000 万元);廉江信用投资有限公司诉广州南亚房地产公司合作纠纷案(标的 5000 万元);湛江电视机厂破产案等近百宗案件。

Methods 12 patients with soft tissues defects around the foot of the diabetes were repaired by musculocutaneous,neurocutaneous axial island flaps transfer which included 4 cases of femoral forelateral flap,1 case of latissimus dorsi muscular flap,1 case of tensor fascia lata musculocutaneous flap,3 case of island flaps based on the sural nerve,1 case of island flaps based on the peroneus superficialis nerve and 2 cases of medial crural faee flap.

目的 探讨皮瓣移植修复糖尿病足组织缺损的临床效果方法采用股外侧皮瓣4例,背阔肌皮瓣1例,阔筋膜张肌皮瓣1例游离移植,腓肠神经营养血管蒂岛状皮瓣逆行转位3例,腓浅神经营养血管蒂岛状皮瓣逆行转位1例,小腿内侧皮瓣2例逆行移植修复糖尿病足组织缺损创面12例。

Methods 12 patients with soft tissues defects around the foot of the diabetes were repaired by musculocutaneous,neurocutaneous axial island flaps transfer which included 4 cases of femoral forelateral flap,1 case of latissimus dorsi muscular flap,1 case of tensor fascia lata musculocutaneous flap,3 case of island flaps based on the sural nerve,1 case of island flaps based on the peroneus superficialis nerve and 2 cases of medial crural faee flap.


Remove the seals of cigarettes, cigarette case to the right side of the aluminum torn off, an extract himself, this time has been loose cigarette case, cigarette case to jitter (or use another hand of the index and middle fingers lightly percussion), which Douchu part of the tobacco, cigarette case will be delivered in the past, others have been out of his own cigarettes, tobacco, and so made good, you one by one cigarette.


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Case Closed On Silver Shore
A Case Of You
In Case We Die (Parts 1-4)
In Case You Forgot
In Case You Were Wondering
Bad Case Of Broken Heart
Basket Case
Basket Case
Just In Case
A Case Of You

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
