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MSCT can nicely show the costal cartilaginous imaing, for on the live research costal cartilaginous anatomic shape to found a new pathed, is the best research method and have no wound in diagnosis costal cartilaginous disease.
The characteristic of cartilaginous metabolism and the effect of cytokines in cartilaginous metabolism are becoming one of the research focuses of OA study.
Results There were characteristic changes in cartilaginous tissue in OA, such as rough cartilaginous surface, irregular arrangement, decrease in number, degeneration and necrosis of chondrocyte, and cell cluster existed. The thickness and groundsubstance of cartilage in OA was thinning and uneven, and metachromatism could be seen.
结果 OA软骨组织表面粗糙不平,软骨细胞排列紊乱,数目减少,有细胞成簇现象,可见软骨细胞变性、坏死,软骨厚度变薄,基质染色不均匀,有异染性。
The particular adantage of the en bloc, as opposed to intralesional, resection of cartilaginous tumors is that this reduces the likelihood of local contamination, which in turn stands to decrease the risk of local recurrence Howeer, the cartilaginous cap is more difficult to excise completely if the tumor protrudes into the neural foramens or spinal canal, as it did in our patient.
Leaves sessile, linear-lanceolate to subulate, 5--7(--10) X 0.7--2 mm, base slightly dilated, submembranous, leathery, glabrous or sparsely pubescent on margin, margin cartilaginous, apex acuminate, cartilaginous; midvein raised abaxially.
叶无柄 线状披针形的到钻形, 5-7(-10)X 0.7-2毫米,背面中脉突起花葶单生,1或2花,在毫米,在叶内隐藏,具长柔毛;苞片1或2,裂片三角形,具缘毛,先端锐尖;脉5,不明显。
Methods According to Keinb ck criteria,CRS was classified as type I and type II (fibrous or cartilaginous synostosis). Type I was further divided into cephalous and acephalous subtypes according to the contour of radial head.
按Kienbock 标准分为两型,Ⅰ型为骨性联合,按桡骨小头的形态又可分为有头型和无头型两个亚型;Ⅱ型为软骨或纤维性联合。
In details, BMSCs in 20% hyaluronan/collagen I scaffolds could perform a hyaline-cartilaginous phenotype when they were expanded with less than 3 passages and cultured in a chondrogenic medium, and CCs did better than BMSCs in chondrogenesis with high passage number; however, ADAS just showed a minor chondrogenesis even in a pellet culture.
Calcium alginate is suitable for the growth of BMSCs and is believed to be an optimal bone and cartilaginous engineering carrier.
Methods Cartilaginous tissues of knee joint were obtained from 6 patients with OA and 5 patients with traumatic amputation.
目的 研究骨性关节炎软骨组织中细胞因子胰岛素样生长因子Ⅱ的基因表达的变化规律。
Section in situ hybridization demonstrated that the Fstl1 transcripts in cervico-lumbar spinal cord were distributed in the gray matter neuro-cells and ependymal cells. hybridization signals were present widely in dedifferentiated cells and mesenchyme cells at 2 wks and 3 wks while also in cartilaginous cells at 3 wks of regenerating blastema after tail amputation.
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"Bird Man's Diary, Butting on the Love Island", Changsha, China
As long as they were in the service of a family of wizards, their magic would remain dormant.
It was time to hold a court and the subject for discussion was the future of that prisoner.