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与 carry it 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If we look with some of the discrimination, or the color of the moral point of view, it is difficult to carry out a real and effective intervention.


The stability that assures commissariat grows, it is to carry out the base that can develop the strategy continuously and condition.


At last through at traditional Marshall design method and Superpave pitch that method compound mix material carry on way compares with and analyses with performance, The result shows , adopt and mix thick, detailed piling up and inlay lock cooperate withpitch who proportion compound mix material have high temperature stability and impervious swimming skill can a good one relatively by ore material that characteristic choose according to one, its surface is coarse, and it is better to resist slippery performance.


In order to better carry out the accounting computerization, it is necessary to explore these issues.


Computer generated power is an invention like to be able to carry out scientific computing machine, so call it a computer.


In the modern society, it is quite necessary to carry forward the good traditions of the practical value of the Confucianist thought of education.


Traffic above contract is carried—but only as long as it does not congest resources required to carry guaranteed traffic.


But apparently it's not one our Congressmen are brave enough to carry out properly.


Because in the context of Globalization, it is totally impossible to carry out equal dialogues with the western world if a Chinese artist refuses to speak as Chinese people do, which is actually not preserving the continuity, uniqueness and self-respect principle of its own culture.

鲁: 对此,旅美学者徐贲曾经有很精彩的阐述,他就认为,语言的表达,并不是纯形式的问题,因为在全球化的背景下,一个中国艺术家如果不用中国式的语言方式去说话,也就是说,不保持自身文化的连续性、独特性与自尊原则,我们根本不可能与西方进行平等对话。

Corporate objectives: to carry forward the motherland's traditional culture, the culture industry is committed to gold; entrepreneurial spirit: Innovation integrity Chongde hard; service concept: the responsibility to do the best to do; management concept: entrepreneurship change the number of passions in life persist; in Coquimbo possession of the company in order to enrich the emotion, wise thinking, wealth to the development of more ambitious vision of the extraordinary collection of great investment value and flashes of historical and cultural background of culture and arts of gold products, gold industry to create a unique personality and cultural connotation of wonder, so that people appreciate, collectors It also learned the wisdom of human culture and the essence of life, enhance the value, and create a brighter tomorrow.


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Carry It On
Carry It
Don't Carry It All

Finally, according to market conditions and market products this article paper analyzes the trends in the development of camera technology, and designs a color night vision camera.


Only person height weeds and the fierce looks stone idles were there.


This dramatic range, steeper than the Himalayas, is the upturned rim of the eastern edge of Tibet, a plateau that has risen to 5 km in response to the slow but un stoppable collision of India with Asia that began about 55 million years ago and which continues unabated today.
