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与 cardinalate 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is characteristic of Dominican sanctity that its saints attained holiness in the apostolate, in the pursuit or promotion of learning, administration, foreign missions, the papacy, the cardinalate, and the episcopate.

它的特点是多米尼加的神圣性,其圣人达到成圣在使徒,在追求或宣传学习,依法行政,外国使团,教皇, cardinalate ,和主教。

Sometimes there are some who are so audacious and headstrong that they do not fear even on other occasions to attack the houses of cardinals in a hostile fashion and with arms, under the guise of general brawling, and to strike and wound while they are there, as a result of which there is considerable loss to the honour of the cardinalate, by which the most holy church militant is fully adorned as by a purple garment, contempt for the cardinals is aroused, and occasion is given for murders and other scandals .


The elected person is bound under pain of the aforesaid penalties, and the cardinals under pain of automatically losing the cardinalate and all their benefices, to announce and proclaim the council within a month after the summons, in the way mentioned above, and to make it known as soon as possible.

当选者必然根据疼痛的上述处罚规定,以及红衣主教痛下自动失去cardinalate和他们所有的benefices ,对外公布,并宣布安理会内一个月后,传票中,在方式如上所述,并使它众所周知尽快进行。

Then, if they have joined themselves in full union with the said other cardinals, they shall immediately stand reintegrated, restored, rehabilitated and re-established in their former state, honours and dignities, even of the cardinalate, and in the churches and benefices which they had charge of or held, and shall stand absolved from the stain of simony and from any ecclesiastical censures and penalties.


On the preferment of clemente to the cardinalate in 1557, Francesco Zamora, his successor (1559-65), defended at the Council of Trent the order's rule of poverty, which was then sanctioned by the council for the Observants and Capuchins.

论升迁的克莱门特的红衣主教在1557年,弗朗西斯萨莫拉,他的继任者( 1559年至1565年),在维护安理会的遄达秩序法治的贫困,当时认可的理事会Observants和

Those who have undertaken to interpret and explain these symbolical prophecies have succeeded in discovering some trait, allusion, point, or similitude in their application to the individual popes, either as to their country, their name, their coat of arms or insignia, their birth-place, their talent or learning, the title of their cardinalate, the dignities which they held etc. For example, the prophecy concerning Urban VIII is Lilium et Rosa; he was a native of Florence and on the arms of Florence figured a fleur-de-lis; he had three bees emblazoned on his escutcheon, and the bees gather honey from the lilies and roses.

这些谁进行了解释和解释这些象徵性的预言已经成功地发现一些特点,典故,点,或相似适用於个人教皇,无论是作为自己的国家,他们的名字,他们的国徽或徽章,他们的出生位,其人才,或学习,其所有权红衣主教的贵宾,他们举行了等例如,关於城市的预言八是百合与玫瑰;他是一个土生土长的佛罗伦萨和武器的佛罗伦萨占有一鸢尾花,他有三个标志蜜蜂他escutcheon ,和蜜蜂收集蜂蜜的百合花和玫瑰花。

The pope heaped attentions upon Rospigliosi and Spada, conferred upon them the insignia of the cardinalate, and induced them to arrange their affairs and take up their residence at Rome.


The pope heaped attentions upon Rospigliosi and Spada, conferred upon them the insignia of the cardinalate, and induced them to arrange their affairs and take up their residence at Rome. Then the pope and Csar Borgia invited the two cardinals to dinner.



"Bird Man's Diary, Butting on the Love Island", Changsha, China


As long as they were in the service of a family of wizards, their magic would remain dormant.


It was time to hold a court and the subject for discussion was the future of that prisoner.
