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与 capitalized 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chinese name must be filled inwith Simplified Chinese, for English name, please fill in with capitalized letters.


Securitization will play a lesser role for the well-capitalized, highly-rated banks,' says Ganesh Rajendra, a researcher at Deutsche Bank in London.'But it will still help them manage their capital and risks in many cases.

德意志银行驻伦敦的研究员Ganesh Rajendra说,对资金充足、评级极高的银行来说,证券化会不那么重要;不过在很多情况下,这仍有助于它们管理资金和风险。

The author pointsout many examples of improperly capitalized or uncapitalized transliterations in ...


If you were deferring the interest on an unsubsidized Stafford Loan by capitalizing it, most lenders will add the capitalized interest to principal when you consolidate.


So, instead of glorying in the adulation and capitulating to the not-so-hidden agenda of the people, Jesus capitalized on the exposure by cleansing the temple are.


In the event, human becomes a loop to be linked in a machine of the collective capitals, even the personal leisure manner is capitalized, marketized, and collectivized, instead, the person is melted and disappeared in the mechanism of capital market.


"Operating Costs" means the aggregate of all costs and expenses of maintaining, operating and supervising the Facility which are not properly capitalized but instead are normally charged as a current expense including without limitation: the cost of food and beverage inventories, supplies, and equipment; employment costs including but not limited to wages, salaries, employee fringe benefits, payroll taxes, bonuses, vacation pay, sick leave, profit-sharing, tax deferred compensation, retirement plans and/or pension fund contributions, costs of mobilizing and demobilizing employees, visa costs, housing allowances, automobile allowances, end of service benefits and all other employment costs arising under THE PRC law; advertising and promotional expenses incurred directly by the Facility, administrative and general expenses of the Facility, all reimbursable expenses due Troon, all insurance premiums for all insurance obtained pursuant to this Agreement (other than property insurance premiums), utility and energy costs, grounds and landscaping maintenance costs; Water Costs, routine maintenance and repair costs, operating licenses, fees and permits, credit card and travel agent commissions, and the Monthly Fee, the Base Fee, and the Cooperative Sales and Marketing Fee.


According to Chinese accounting norms expenditures on research and development are processed by expensing while international accounting norms regulates that they should be capitalized.


Capitalized/Lowercased letters will stay the same as when you registered.


Black is often capitalized in its use to denote persons, though the lowercased form black is still widely used by authors of all races

Black 用于指人时经常大写,虽然小写的 black 仍为各个种族的作家广泛使用

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
