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Milene music inc Transcribed by paul gongola Whatever happened to good time sally I don't see her 'round no more She used to be all over me It ain't like that no more Sally had the best game there was in town Now the good girl just can't be found Whatever happened to good time sally I don't see her 'round no more The heat is on, everybody has gone underground The heat is on, everybody hiding out just like jesse james My old home town Lord, it don't seem the same Well, I walked in this place, I was just lookin' for a game Everybody here wanted to know my name I said hush, hush up your mouth, I'll introduce my own self To this house I was born in the back woods, I was raised up like a slave Having me a good time now is all I crave I spotted me a barroom queen, skin tight blue jeans That same old midnight show I took her to the side and I said I won't be satisfied Until you tell me everything you know Whatever happened to big time buddy I don't see him 'round no more I heard tell that they got him in jail But I don't know what they got him for They caught him with an airplane Talkin' 'bout some cocaine Nobody knows for sure Whatever happened to good time buddy I don't see hem 'round no more The heat is on, everybody has gone underground The heat is on, everybody hiding out just like jesse james My old home town Lord, it don't seem the same [size=-2][size=-2][size=-2][size=-2][size=-2]Let The Music Take Control (Hiro's Groove)- Hiro-kun's Theme Everybody needs a hero Whose not afraid to start from zero Somebody who will stand up When everyone is falling down Hiro will stand his ground Stay Hiro is on the way He's grooving, prooving He knows how to live Stay Hiro is on the way He's got a whole lot of Soul to give * Dacing like a hero HIro let your body go Dancing like a hero Let the music take control Even if you Dace 'till you're the last one standing You won't be alone Dancing like a hero When the groove is in your bones Hiro Yeah you know he's got the power To get in the groove and rock for hours He's ready and he's able Just keep turning those tables on He'll boogie all night long

这里的每个人都想知道我的名字我说:嘘,嘘你的嘴,我将介绍一下我自己这房子我出生在丛林,是我,就像一个奴隶我现在有了一段美好的时光是我渴望我发现我的王后,皮肤紧了酒吧间更蓝色牛仔裤那个老午夜表演我带她到一边和我说我不会满意直到你告诉我,你知道的一切不管发生了一次大群组我看不出他的圆我听说他们得到了他在监狱但我不知道他们得到他他们发现他和一架飞机废话'布特有些可卡因没人知道不管发生什么事,好时光好友我看不出有任何更多的圆边热是,每个人都已经在地下热是,每个人都躲就像杰西·詹姆斯我的旧的家乡耶和华阿,这似乎不太一样 [2][尺寸大小== 2][2][尺寸大小的=== 2],[2]的大小让音乐带控制- Hiro-kun的主题每个人都需要一个英雄谁不害怕开始从零吗有人会站起来当每个人都要塌下来吗宏会忍受他的地保持宏已经在路上了他的槽,这种皮革被证明他知道如何生活保持宏已经在路上了他有一大堆灵魂*邻台铁大庆像个英雄让你的身体去。宏跳舞,像个英雄让音乐带的控制即使你戴斯直到你最后一站你不会感到孤独跳舞,像个英雄在你的槽的时候骨头呢宏是的,你知道他所拥有的权力对进入工作状态和摇滚了好几个小时他已经和他的能力只是不停地转动那些桌子上他会彻夜跳舞

Liang :You can't bullyrag her.Ma :I won't.Don't you know the reason that I'm all alone these year?I haven't a girl friend even though the girls who love me can stand a line from Himalayas to Maliyana.now,I meet a girl who has stolen my heart,will I bullyrag her?


Before the teaching activity, students' misconceptions of "air" concept mainly be, the student thinks the air isn't a kind of material, so the air isn't condensability, don't occupying space, and can't speaking out air current can be become common practice with form, its cause was that: the basic concept for air's quality was wrong and students always conducted incorrect judgment due to the ambiguity of literate meanings.


Keep on struggling on Don't give up the fight We're sick and tired of your ism and skism game Die and go to heaven in Jesus' name, Lord We know when we understand Almighty God is a living man You can fool some people sometimes But you can't fool all the people all the time So now we see the light We gonna stand up for our right So you'd better get up, stand up, stand up for your right Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight....


I know how to hurt I know how to kill I know what to show And what to conceal I know when to talk And I know when to touch No one ever die from wanting to much The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love People like us Know how to survive There's no point in living If you can't feel the life We know when to kiss And we know when to kill If we can't have it all Then nobody will The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love I - I feel sick I - I feel scared I - I feel ready I - And yet unprepared The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love The world is not enough The world is not enough

今天和一群人看了加勒比海盗2,天哪,那个盗版DVD翻译的字幕实在太差了。害得我剧情都没有理解清楚,只知道大概就是那个"章鱼男"要和主人公们抢一个心脏。其中一位在我身边的观众估计是第1部没有看,居然当最后一幕巴博萨船长出现时,奇怪的问道:这是谁啊?我晕,估计他也懒得补看第一部了。看不懂剧情挺遗憾,不过我无所谓,反正我把这片定义为视觉大餐而已,没想一定要弄懂什么剧情。从全片角度来看看来"加勒比海盗"要走"黑客帝国"、"星球大战"的路线--第一集试探市场反应,第二集留个悬念,第三集大收尾。整个续集来看,除了又两段搞笑成分较浓的动作戏外,没感觉什么新意了。影片前半部分的那段丛林戏,跟"金刚"几乎是一摸一样。同时看过这两部电影的人不知会作何感想。表演上还算到位,Johnny Deep的表现最为出色,就是暂时不知道最后一集他怎么出场。两部加勒比海盗的配乐都相当出色,颇有"角斗士"的味道。视觉大片而已嘛,不计较太多,看看而已,一笑而过。。。

Apparently, the approximate controllability doesn"t hold for generally linear parabolic equations with bounded control. It doesn"t hold for the semilinear heat equations presented there,either. Then, it is proved by analyzing its" solutions that no matter how long the time T is , there are targets that can"t be approximated by the solution of heat equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions;If a given target satisying certain conditions can be reached by the solution of heat equation .


Secert love is holy He just considers the other sidehappiness if there is pain,you should endure yourself liking somebody won't bring your pain while loving somebody,you may suffer a long paining however he'given me the most joy in the world Missing somebody doesn't mean each other every day doesn'tmean possess or destory each other yearn day and night but that you bring him to your mind now and again you will worry about her if you can't hear her's voice.You will miss th-e time you spent together when you are outward alone If I could catch a rainbow If I could catch a rainbow Icould do just for you And share with it's beauty Onthe days you are felling blue IF I could build a mountain you ould call you very own A place to find serenity A place to be alone If I could take your troubles Icould toss them into the sea out all these things I'm finding Are possible for you I can't build a mountain or catch a rainbow fair Butlet me know what I know best A friend that's always there

Secert认为对方是幸福,如果有痛苦,你应该忍受自己喜欢有人不会带给你痛苦时,你可能会爱一个人却'given痛很长一段时间我在世界上最快乐失踪的人并不意味着天天彼此根本'tmean拥有或摧毁对方向往日夜,但是你把他带到你的头脑,你必再担心她,如果你不能听到她的声音你就会错过你花了这么多时间在一起的经验,当你是外在的孤独,如果我能捕捉彩虹,如果我能捉彩虹我能做的只是为了你和大家分享它的美恒天你感觉蓝色的,如果我能够建造一座山,你叫你的阿布地方找到了平静一个地方独处,如果我能拿你的烦恼扔进海里我会出所有这些事我是你的话,我不会建造一座高山或捕捉彩虹公平,我知道我知道铺路最好的朋友,永远存在 Powered by Youdao

The second and more important qualification is that , for reasons explained in our earlier papers , it is inappropriate to use t-tests for the individual slope coefficients derived from the second-stage cross-section analysis as a measure of the significance of individual factor risk premia , A joint test , which can be used to determine whether the risk premia vector is null , is the appropriate one to use , although neither it nor the t-tests can indicate whether an individual factor-risk premium is significant .

第二的和更多的重要资格是那,对于理由在我们的较早文件中解释,使用 t 是不适当的-测试对于起源于如对个别因素危险 premia 的重要性的衡量第二个阶段的跨区段分析的个别倾斜系数,一个关节能用来决定危险 premia 矢量是否是无效力的测试是使用的一个适当的,虽然既不是它也不是 t-测试能指出个别的因素-危险的额外费用是否是重要的。

Snow is falling from the sky in the middle of July The sun was shining in my eyes again last night It all goes off without a sound, the silence is so loud Something isn't right Footsteps echo down the hall, no one's there at all Dial your number but your voice says "I'm not home" Everything is inside out, don't know what it's about It keeps getting Stranger by the day Stranger by the day It keeps getting stranger by the day Stanger by the day, yeah Going for a walk outside, to see what I can find No reflections in the window as I pass by It feels hotter in the shade, water running from the drain Something going on Coversations with a mime,(?????????alguem sabe) Imagination must be working overtime The world is upside-down, everything is turned around It keeps getting, Stranger by the day Stranger by the day It keeps getting stranger by the day Stanger by the day, yeah By the time I reach your door, I can't take any more I just happened to be in your neighborhood I'm the one who gets surprised, I Don't believe my eyes Your alibi's no good.

雪是从空中向下,在7月中旬阳光明媚,在我的眼睛再次昨晚它一切顺利起飞,没有一个健全,沉默是如此响亮东西是不正确的脚步声回波下来大厅,没有人的存在,在所有拨打你的电话号码,但你的声音说:"我没有家"一切都是里面出,不知道这是什么,它的约它总是陌生的,一天陌生的,一天它总是有陌生人一天陌生的,一天,是啊要设立一个走在外面看到有什么我可以了解没有思考,在窗口我擦肩而过它感到热,在阴凉处,水从排水管一些正在进行 coversations与默剧,)想象力必须超时工作世界是倒置式的,一切扭转它总是,陌生的,由天陌生的,由天它总是由陌生人一天 stanger由一天,是啊由那时,我到达你的门,我不能采取任何更多我只是刚巧在你的周边环境我是一个谁得到惊讶,我不相信我的眼睛你的不在犯罪现场的任何好处。

"We can't give them shelter because we can't be part of a crime...we can't have a banana republic that creates laws for an event for one month," she said.


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Can't Remember, Can't Forget
Can't Hold On, Can't Let Go
When A Man Can't Get Can't A Woman Off His Mind
Can't Stop Worrying, Can't Stop Loving
Can't Sleep, Can't Breathe
You Can't Hide, You Can't Run
You Can't Walk In Your Sleep (If You Can't Sleep)
Seems Like I Can't Live With You, But I Can't Live Without You
Can't Hate U Can't Hate
Can't Run, Can't Hide

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


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