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On the basis of Raman and FTIR spectra research on melt structure and water solubility mechanism in albite glasses, we can make the following conclusions:(1) Higher pressure (1bar-2. 0GPa) can lead to below frequency region (50-650cm〓) shift to higher frequency and become narrower, and result in high frequency region (850-1300cm〓) move to lower wave number and become narrower at the same time. These are consistent with the decrease of average T-O-T angle and distribution scope of bond angles (0). In addition, the intensity of 580cm〓 band decrease with increase of pressure and the changes are obvious while pressure is in the range of 0.8-1. 0GPa. And these result from the"collapse"of the planar three membered -containing rings within the glass structure.


Wenxin capsule can promote endolethial cells releasing CO and synthesing 〓, enhance activity of HO, induce angiectasis through activating guanylic cyclase and adenglate cyclate of intracellar of vessel smooth muscle cell to enhance content of intracellar cGMP and AMP. 3. Wenxin capsule can inhibit releasing of platelet activiting factor 〓 which inhibit platelet aggregation and have antithrombosis function. 4. Wenxin capsule can promote activity of t-PA, reduce activity of PAI-1, strengthen fibrinolytic function, therefore inhibit fibrin disposition. 5. Wenxin capsule can inhibit synthesis of smooth muscle cellular DNA. Its function don't kill it directly but prevent transformation from period Go to peried S. 6. Wenxin capsule is an effective prescription of anti-coronary atherosclerosis atherosis. The results of image pattern analysis tastifies that area of lipid plaque in treating group reduce 54% and 58% in contrast with that in control group. The results of light, electro- microscopy show that structure of endolethial cell and smooth muscle cell in treating group is more integral than that in control group.

其作用机制之一是由于该药具有良好的调脂降脂作用,其不仅能明显降低血清LDL-c及升高HDL-c含量,且能有效阻止TC沉积于血管壁,从而保护内皮细胞结构完整;此外,温心胶囊尚具有明显的抗氧化作用,该药不仅能明显降低血浆LPO含量,且能提高SOD活性,同时其对血红素在细胞内代谢的调节作用也参与了抗氧化过程。2 温心胶囊能明显促进内皮细胞释放CO及合成〓,提高HO活性,通过激活血管平滑肌细胞内鸟苷酸环化酶及腺苷酸环化酶引起细胞内cGMP、AMP浓度增加而引起血管舒张。3 温心胶囊能明显抑制血小板激活因子〓的释放,从而抑制血小板聚集,抗血栓形成。4 温心胶囊能明显提高t-PA活性,降低PAI-1活性,增强纤溶功能,从而抑制纤维蛋白沉积。5 温心胶囊能明显抑制平滑肌细胞DNA合成,其抑制作用不是直接杀伤抑制,而是阻止细胞由Go期向S期转化。6 温心胶囊是抗冠状动脉粥样硬化的有效制剂,图象分析结果证实,该药治疗组脂斑面积比对照组缩小了54%和58%,光电镜结果显示内皮细胞及平滑肌细胞结构较为完整。

Yeah,this right here goes to everyone that has last someone come on ,check it out seems like yesterday we used to rock i laced the frack you lock the flow so far hanging on the block for dough no'torious they got to know that life ain't always what it seems to be words can't express what you mean to me even though you're gone .we are still a leam through your family,i'll fulfill your dream in the future can't wait to see if you'll open up the gates for me reminiscence sometime ,the night they try to block it out ,but it plays again when its real feelings hard to conceal can't image all the pain i feel give anything to hear half your breath i know your still living your life after deathy every step i take, every move i make every single day, every time i pray i'll be missing you thinking of the day when you went away what a life to take what a band to break i'll be missing you i miss you b.i.g.


Although we are poor, we can't call names,can't steal and can't rab. We shouldn't get the things not belonging to us.You should study hard and be a man good to society.


Christopher Gardner: You gotta trust me, all right? Christopher: I trust you. Christopher Gardner:'Cause I'm getting a better job Christopher Gardner: I met my father for the first time when I was 28 year old. When I had children, my children were going to know who their father was. Christopher Gardner: You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period. Christopher Gardner: There's no salary? Jay Twistle: No. Christopher Gardner: I was not aware of that. My circumstances have changed some. Christopher Gardner: Don't ever let someone tell you, you can't do something. Not even me. Christopher Gardner: All right? Christopher: All right.

当幸福来敲门》中的部分台词克里斯托弗把自己推销的东西放在一个流浪女手上自己去应聘在当时看来不可能的投资经理人工作结果那个女的拿着东西走了&我生活的这一部分叫做犯傻&工作之余发现了那个女的去追自己的推销品&我生活的这一部分现在的这一部分叫做疲于奔命&&幸福自己回来敲门生活也能得到解脱&面试&我就是这样一种人你向我提问如果我答不上来我就会告诉你'我不知道' 当我保证我清楚能找到答案的我会找到答案的&面试官说&假设有个人不穿着正装就跑过来面试然后我却录用了他,你会怎么评价?&

I dislike hearing although "明日は来ゐから"is very perfect, for you is a difficulty -- just because the Japanese level didn't enough. I dislike hearing "The Secret Code" was finished when you had a cold. I also dislike hearing because of work you didn't care the illness. I hate when someone had stomached he still say "nothing" then lean against friend's shoulder say "very painful". I want to eternally hear "123, hello everyone, we are ". I want to see wherever you go, you can be prized by another singers. I want to see in the Golden Disk Awards, you hugged on the stage. I like hear you use "Super Mary" or other words to make a noise. But in fact, I really hope 5 persons can gather together and act carefully for us. It beyond all the words and actions. 6 years, TVXQ! hadn't been an easy name any more. It means many movements which can't tell to others.

我不愿听《明日再来》即使那么美、完成度那么高,但对你们来说仍是无尽的困难--只因日语水平不够;我不愿听众人肯定的《 Secret Code 》是你们集体感冒时完成的;我也不愿听到因为忙碌感冒发烧也不顾;更不愿听某人犯胃病时硬撑着说没事而后躺在朋友的肩膀上说&真的很痛苦&……我愿听到永不厌倦的&123,大家好,我们是东方神起&;我愿看到何时何地都受前辈爱戴的五个人;我愿看到在金唱片上帅气发言后五人抱在一起时的兄弟情;我还爱看到彼此拿& Super Mary &或用外国问候语相互拌嘴时乱七八糟的模样……我最最期望的是能看到五人同站在舞台上为我们表演,那比任何甜言蜜语、任何撩人的舞步都重要。6年的时间,&东方神起&已不再是一个简单的名字,更多承载的是一些说不清道不明的感动。

If United Nations can't stop the United States makes use of the mighty military in oneself real strenght proceeds the military blackmails, if United Nations can't obstruct the United States to Iraq of the war acts, if United Nations can't the 惩 punish the United States to the Iraq innocent and plebeian butchery behavior, so United Nations lost his fair and legitimacy, United Nations not at can take the letter in world many small countries, United Nations will be the puppet of the United States, United Nations an empty shelf.


Nobody knows who I really am I never felt this empty before And if I ever need someone to come along Who's gonna comfort me, and keep me strong We are all rowing the boat of fate The waves keep on comin' and we can't escape But if we ever get lost on our way The waves would guide you thru another dayNobody knows who I really am Maybe they just don't give a damn But if I ever need someone to come along I know you would follow me, and keep me strongAnd every time I see your face, the oceans leap up to my heart You make me wanna strain at the oars, and soon I can't see the shore Oh I can't see the shore..


On my way up north up on the ventura i pulled back the hood and i was talking to you and i knew then it would be a life long thing but i didn't know that we we could break a silver lining and i'm so sad like a good book i can't put this day back a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you things you said that day up on the 101 the girl had come undone i tried to downplay it with a bet about us you said that- you'd take it as long as i could i could not erase it and i ride along side and i rode along side you then and i rode along side till you lost me there in the open road and i rode along side till the honey spread itself so thin for me to break your bread for me to take your word i had to steal it and i'm so sad like a good book i can't put this day back a sorta fairytale with you a sorta fairytale with you i could pick back up whenever i feel down new mexico way something about the open road i knew that he was looking for some indian blood and find a little in you find a little in me we may be on this road but we're just imposters in this country you know so we go along and we said we'd fake it feel better with oliver stone till i almost smacked him seemed right that night and i don't know what takes hold out there in the desert cold these guys think they must try and just get over on us and i was ridin' by ridin' along side for a while till you lost me and i was ridin' by ridin' along till you lost me till you lost me in the rear view you lost me i said way up north i took my day all in all was a pretty nice day and i put the hood right back where you could taste heaven perfectly feel out the summer breeze didn't know when we'd be back and i, i don't didn't think we'd end up like like this

在途中提高北方在 ventura 上提高我向后地拉头巾而且我正在和你说话而且我知道然后它会是生活长的事物但是我没有知道那我们我们可以休息一个一线希望而且我很这么忧愁同类一本善行书我不能放这日子背面一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你你说那个日子的事物在 101 上提高女孩有来未完成的我试验过的不予重视它藉由一个打赌有关我们你说那-你将会拿它只要我可以我无法消除它而且我乘坐向前边而且我向前骑边你然后而且我向前骑边直到你失去的我在那里在开着的道路中而且我向前骑边直到蜂蜜传布它本身如此瘦的因为我对休息你的面包因为我拿你所说的话我必须偷它而且我很这么忧愁同类一本善行书我不能放这日子背面一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你一近似美丽宛如在神仙故事中的与你我可以精选向后地向上的每当我感觉??落新的 mexico 方法关于开着的道路某事我知道他是找寻一些 indian 血和稍微在你里面稍微找发现在我里面我们可能是在这一条道路上除了我们只是 imposters 在这国家中你知道因此我们向前去和我们说我们有假货它以脚踏铁槌石头感觉好很多直到我几乎有味道他似乎是权利哪一夜晚和我不知道什么控制向那边在那沙漠寒冷这些人认为他们一定尝试而且仅仅在我们身上克服而且我是 ridin'被 ridin'向前边一阵子直到你失去的我而且我是 ridin'被 ridin'向前直到你失去的我直到你失去的我在那后面视野你失去的我我说方法向上的北方我花了我的日子极其重要的是一相当好的日子和我放头巾正确地背面哪里你可以味道天堂完全地感觉夏天微风没有知道当我们将会回来而且我我做不没有想我们有结束在同类上面同类这

Marques Houston Smile for me, Girl your so beautiful to me, And I can be your fantasy, Give you anything you need, Baby won't you, Smile for me, Girl your so beautiful to me, And I can be your fantasy, Give you everything you need, Baby won't you smile Girl listen when I tell ya whats on my mind, To you I will devote my time, To you I'll never tell a lie, And there's so much that I just cannot guesture why, Why I can't get you off my mind, So girl you must show me that you can........


第12/100页 首页 < ... 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ... > 尾页
Can't Remember, Can't Forget
Can't Hold On, Can't Let Go
When A Man Can't Get Can't A Woman Off His Mind
Can't Stop Worrying, Can't Stop Loving
Can't Sleep, Can't Breathe
You Can't Hide, You Can't Run
You Can't Walk In Your Sleep (If You Can't Sleep)
Seems Like I Can't Live With You, But I Can't Live Without You
Can't Hate U Can't Hate
Can't Run, Can't Hide

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
