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与 camp 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She goes to the Assyrian camp, pretending to be an informer against her people, and charms Holofernes, who invites her to a banquet in his tent.


When her accident happened, Holtz was passing Kibumba refugee camp driving toward a ware-house at Goma.


Hooray! This is the fourth day I've been at camp, and I finally got my suitcase.


But after a day in which we saw the Quidditch camp, the Pensieve scene room, the underwater tank, the DADA classroom, Dumbledore's office, the Gryffindor dorm and common room (dressed this time, as opposed to last), models for to-be-built sets, a trophy room, the acres of costumes for the film, the 30-foot animatronic Horntail dragon, and more - after a day in which we met the blushing Robert Pattinson, composed Clemence Poesy and deceptively mild Stanislav Ianevski - after a day in which it became clear that Mike Newell is a mastermind at turning a flat scene into a hilarious one - we left Leavesden positively bouncing in anticipation.

但在一天后,我们参观了魁地奇营地,冥想盆场景的房间,水下装置,黑魔法防御教室邓不利多的办公室,格兰芬多的宿舍和公共休息室(与上次不同,这次都装饰一新),等待装配的模型,奖杯陈列室,戏服更换场地,30-英尺高的匈牙利树峰,那一天我们还看到了精力旺盛的Robert Pattinson,沉着冷静的Clemence Poesy,让人猜不透的温和的Stanislav Ianevski——那一天我们还了解到麦克纳威尔正策划把一个单调乏味的场景变得热闹非凡。

The summer I was 16, I took a train from New York to Steamboat Springs, Colo., where I was going to be assistant horse wrangler at a camp.


Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Hoss, the superintendent of the camp, before he was executed wrote his detailed memoirs of mass exterminations and the experiments on living bodies.


I cannot imagine a more hostile environment in which to set up a peace camp.


Haha, When I be a housefather of a church camp, people call me Active HouseFather, coz I make a louder noise than boys in night time~:P

哈哈, 今天入了教会少年部的生活营,我作男营友房的舍监,谁知被人改了我的外号做「活跃男舍监」,因为她们说我晚上仲嘈过班男团友。

" Eliade quotes AW Howitt's "The Native Tribes of South-East Australia", when he recounts the initiation of a Wiradjuri medicine man:"We will go up to Baiames camp.


The camp was emptied; the hue and cry was still coming from the village side.


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Ma Jeunesse Fout Le Camp
Bug A Boo (Refugee Camp Remix)
Homesick At Space Camp
Banging Camp
Old Camp Meetin' Time
Summer Camp Love (Is So In Tents)
In This Camp
Out That Boot Camp Clicc
Anarchy Camp
Enemy's Camp

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
