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与 camp 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Go thru the camp and around the grassy hill back to that point.


President Obama said his pilgrimage to Buchenwald is personal, noting his great-uncle was part of an American military unit that liberated the camp.


Behind me is the Grizzly Sanctuary, and also hidden below is my camp.


Sweatier non-Unicor jobs basically cover maintenance work at the prison camp and hospital, including groundskeeping, floor-scrubbing, plumbing, welding, carpentry, and cleaning the boilers that provide hot water and heat for the compound.

sweatier非unicor工作,基本上涵盖维修工作,在监狱和医院,包括groundskeeping ,地板擦洗,管道,焊接,木工,和清洁锅炉提供热水和热复合。

Item 3 comes with the Camp Nou groundsman, whose switching on of the sprinklers as Inter cavorted and caterwauled in celebratory abandon was a strictly small-time gesture once employed at a post-Jose Chelsea.


"And he is the best guard of a camp who is best able to steal a march upon the enemy?"


In 2003 he likened a German member of the European Parliament to a Nazi camp guard and in 2005 he suggested that he had wooed Finnish President Tarja Halonen to ensure her backing for Italy to host the European Food Safety Authority.


For England's Kate Winslet , her sixth Oscar nomination was the charm after being named Best Actress for her role as a concentration camp guard in The Reader .


GRIM OUTLOOK: A peacekeeper from the UN African Mission in Darfur kept guard at a refugee camp on the outskirts of el Fasher, Sudan, Tuesday.


It tells the story of Michael Berg, a German lawyer who as a teenager in the late 1950s had an affair with an older woman, Hanna Schmitz, who then disappeared only to resurface years later as one of the defendants in a war crimes trial stemming from her actions as a concentration camp guard late in the war.


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Ma Jeunesse Fout Le Camp
Bug A Boo (Refugee Camp Remix)
Homesick At Space Camp
Banging Camp
Old Camp Meetin' Time
Summer Camp Love (Is So In Tents)
In This Camp
Out That Boot Camp Clicc
Anarchy Camp
Enemy's Camp

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
