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与 camp 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hao Jiang was flying secret group of senior employees, this, he orders from the Group of Jackson aide-de-camp, came to pick up.


Aide-de-camp Bernard carried them the Emperor's orders.


From time to time, when the old man was too much bored, we would read him a letter from his son—an imaginary letter, of course, for nothing was allowed to enter Paris, and since Sedan, MacMahon's aide-de-camp had been sent to a German fortress.


Sophie also meets Markl, Howl's aide-de-camp, and sets about appointing herself the castle's housekeeper and maid of all work.

苏菲还认识了卡尔克(由 Josh Hutcherson 配音),哈尔的随从副官,然后她自己任命自己为城堡的主妇和负责所有工作的女仆。

The founder's aide-de-camp, Major Samuel Shaw, was responsible for ordering all the services decorated with the society's badge.

该协会所有的服务设施都被要求装饰有协会的徽章,协会建立者的副官Samuel Shaw 少校对此负有责任。

There was, however, no battalion staff organization, so the battalion commander and his aide-de-camp had to coordinate all staff functions like logistics, intelligence, operations, and communications.


The founder's aide-de-camp, Major Samuel Shaw, wasresponsible for ordering all the services decorated with the society'sbadge.

该协会所有的服务设施都被要求装饰有协会的徽章,协会建立者的副官Samuel Shaw少校对此负有责任。

Harrison stayed in the Army until 1798, leaving with the rank of captain. He was posted to Fort Washington, near Cincinnati, Ohio, and served as aide-de-camp to General "Mad Anthony" Wayne. Wayne cited him for bravery at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794, an attack on Fort Washington that the U.S. Army won.

哈里森在军队中待到1798年,在上尉职阶中退伍;他被派任于靠近俄亥俄州辛辛那提市附近的华盛顿要塞,担任「疯狂安东尼」韦恩将军的副官,韦恩十分赞许他在1794年Fallen Timbers之役中的勇敢表现,是美军赢得的重要胜利之一。

Vorontsov, who had a long face and wore the insignia and gold cords of an aide-de-camp, was partnered by a shaggy young man of gloomy appearance, a graduate of Petersburg University whom Princess Vorontsov had lately had sent to the Caucasus to be tutor to her little son.


He division chief of staff long-term, aide-de-camp, Mr Raymond Young, III, in accordance with the instructions前敌Committee, in Xiushui design and production of the "Revolutionary Armed Forces of the first army of workers and peasants the first division" flag and armband.


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Ma Jeunesse Fout Le Camp
Bug A Boo (Refugee Camp Remix)
Homesick At Space Camp
Banging Camp
Old Camp Meetin' Time
Summer Camp Love (Is So In Tents)
In This Camp
Out That Boot Camp Clicc
Anarchy Camp
Enemy's Camp

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
