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与 call-in 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Call-back option - you can easily call back the person who has left you a message from the received messages log


For instance, you could require everyone dialing into your system to use a call-back modem to call them back at their home number.

例如, 如果您的系统为家庭用户提供通过调制解调器拨入。

RICARDO OLIVEIRA CALL-UP - I am pleased. Dunga has looked at him and decided to call him up so it is good from a psychological point of view.


This version sports a totally redesigned interface which helps to make generating your own Caller ID signals easy and intuitive, and the help file explains not only how to use the program, but how Call Waiting Caller ID works and how the Call Waiting Caller ID signal can be spoofed!


Now click the Call button and you should receive a call within a few seconds.


Now click the Call button and you should receive a call within a few seconds.


Assume a call whose target is a polymorphic entity, for example a call to the feature turn on an entity declared of type BOAT.


Assume a call whose target is a polymorphic entity, for example a call to the feature turn on an entity declared of type BOAT.


When the Exorcist hath a mind to call him, let it be abroad, and let him stand on his feet all the time of action, with his Cap or Headdress off; for if it be on, AMAYMON will deceive him and call all his actions to be bewrayed.


When the Exorcist hath a mind to call him, let it be abroad, and let him stand on his feet all the time of action, with his Cap or Headdress off; for if it be on, AMAYMON will deceive him and call all his actions to be bewrayed.

当驱魔人祂所也有意请他,让它成为在国外,让他站立起来,所有的时间行动,以他的帽或头饰小康;如果它, amaymon会欺骗他,并要求他的一切行为要

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Close Call
Call Me
Mr. Spindel's Phone Call
Call Me On Your Way Back Home
Wake-Up Call
Wake-Up Call
Don't Call Me (I'll Call You)
Don't Call Me, I'll Call You
Call Call
Call It Fate, Call It Karma

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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
