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与 calcified 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The odontolith is the hard calcified or calcifying lump which is mainly formed by dental plaque .


Poor metabolic labs, especially high blood sugar, along with smoking, high BMI, and high blood pressure, put young adults at risk for calcified arteries.


According to the US doctors, Liu Xiang needs surgery on his calcified tendon.


Bone growth occurs when calcified matrix is formed faster than it is resorbed.


The preliminary study suggests that nanoparticles from human samples share spectroscopic characteristics with calcified bacteria that exist in freshwater lakes.


Results: The CT appearances included calcified lesions in 12 cases, cavitary lesions in 9cases, pneumonia-like lesions in 8cases, a single mass in 6 cases, air in branches in 5 cases, spontaneous pneumothorax in 2 cases.


8Neoplastic bone or neoplastic calcified cartilage: the former demonstrate ill-defined patched, radial or conglomeratic high density area in CT; the latter demonstrate spotty or circled high density in CT.

MR检查显示软组织肿胀I度2例,n度6例,nl度6例。3例显示脓肿样囊腔,在MR DWI上均呈明显高信号。1例显示脂液平面。1例显示软组织肿块。14例MR检查均未见软组织内气体。70例恶性骨肿瘤病人中,54例行CT检查,49例行MR检查。

Results:Among the 38 cases,the affected sites were the femur (n=21),tibia (n=5),humerus (n=3) and other bones (n=9).37 cases had central calcified nidus,33 cases had sclerotic margin,13 had periosteal or endosteal bone formation.

材料与方法本组 38例中男 31例,女 7例,年龄 3~ 4 1岁,平均19 。4岁,其中 35例年龄在 2 5岁以下;所有病例采用2 。5~ 5 。0mm层厚/层间距的CT扫描,其中 10例采用3mm层厚/层间距扫描、1mm重建。

Results Among 85 cases, 46 cases were lipomas, Twenty-seven cases were sebaceous cysts, 19 cases were angeiomas, 8 cases were fibroids, 5 cases were ganglionic cysts, 3 cases were neurilemmomas,1 case was dermal nevus, 1 cases was fattey necrosis, 1 case was adipositis, 1 case was foreign-body granuloma,1 case was calcified epithelioma.

回顾性分析85例体表良性肿块的超声表现,总结其声像图特征,所有病例均经手术病理证实。结果 85例中脂肪瘤46例,皮脂腺囊肿27例,血管瘤19例,纤维瘤8例,腱鞘滑液囊肿5例,神经鞘膜瘤3例,皮肤痣、脂肪坏死、脂膜炎、异物肉芽肿、钙化上皮瘤各1例。

In this study, we isolated a clonogenic cells from adult human dental pulp. They produced calcified nodules in differentiation inducive medium. When transplanted into immunocompromised mice, they generated a dentin-like structure and human odontoblast-like cells.

主要结论: 1。从成人健康阻生齿中分离到的部分细胞具有一定的克隆形成能力,在诱导剂的作用下,还可向脂肪细胞、肌细胞及成牙本质细胞方向分化,具有多向分化能力,符合干细胞的特性。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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