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与 calced 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The order itself eventually split into Calced and Discalced branches, as the stricter group withdrew in 1578 under the leadership of Teresa and John.


By an almost incomprehensible error of judgment he appointed visitor of the Calced Carmelites of this last named province Jerome of the Mother of God (Jerome Gratian, 1545-1615) who had just made his profession among the Reformed or Discalced Carmelites, and who, however zealous and prudent, could lay no claim to much experience of the religious life.

由一个几乎难以理解的判断上的错误,他任命了游客的calced carmelites这一最后命名为省杰罗姆的天主之母(杰罗姆gratian , 1545年至1615年),他们刚刚取得了他的职业之间的改革或discalced carmelites ,是谁,但热心和审慎的,可以不拟提出了很多的经验的宗教生活。

Besides the numerous parishes served by the Calced Augustinians, they possessed several educational institutions: a superior and intermediate school at Vigan with 209 students, an orphanage and trade school at Tambohn near Manila, with 145 orphans, etc.

除了众多教区服务的Calced奥古斯丁,他们拥有一些教育机构:上级和中级学校的维甘(别墅Fernandina )的209个学生,一所孤儿院和贸易Tambohn学校附近的马尼拉,与145名孤儿,等后果动乱,学校和任务被遗弃;六个父亲被打死,大约200名被监禁的,有时甚至严厉的对待。

As early as 1563 Rubeo had granted leave to the Calced friar, Francisco Ruiz, to make foundations in Peru, Florida, and elsewhere, nominating him at the same time vicar-general.

早在1563 rubeo已批准向calced弗莱尔,弗朗西斯科鲁伊斯,使基金会在秘鲁,佛罗里达州和其他地方,对他的提名在同一时间内副主教干事。

About the same time the Calced Carmelites returned to Ireland, and there arose a dispute as to the ownership of these convents.

大约同一时间, calced carmelites回到爱尔兰,并因而产生的纠纷,以拥有这些修道院。

The Calced Carmelites still adhere to the liturgy of the church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, a Gallo-Roman Rite, practically identical with that of Paris in the middle of the twelfth century.

该calced carmelites仍坚持礼仪中的圣墓教堂,在耶路撒冷,一名Gallo是罗马成年礼的,几乎一致认为,巴黎在中东的12世纪。

The rule of fasting, somewhat less severe among the Calced Carmelites, is preserved everywhere, although the church has in many respects mitigated her legislation in this matter.

法治禁食,少一些严厉当中calced carmelites ,是保存到处,虽然教会在许多方面减轻了她的法例,在这件事。

Paul, at Manila, now has 24 priests and 6 lay brothers; that at Cebú, 5 members of the order, that at Iloilo, on the island of Panay, 11 priests and 2 lay brothers, while in the 10 residences there are 20 fathers; so that at the present time there are only 68 Calced Augustinians in the islands.

寺院圣保罗,在马尼拉,现在已经有24祭司和6奠定兄弟;,在宿务, 5名成员的命令,在伊洛伊洛,岛上的帕奈, 11神职人员和2奠定兄弟,而在10住宅有20个父亲,因此,目前只有68 Calced奥古斯丁的岛屿。

It is also stricter among the Discalced Carmelites, who keep perpetual abstinence (except in the case of weakness or illness) and who rise in the night for the recitation of the Divine Office, than among the Calced Carmelites, who have adapted their rule to the needs of the times.

它也更严格当中discalced carmelites ,保持永恒的禁欲以及崛起在晚间为背诵的神明厅,超过之间calced carmelites ,他已经适应了自己的统治向适应时代的需要。

The Holy See decided in 1640 that the former should retain possession of the four ancient convents they then inhabited, as there still remained twenty-eight houses for the Calced Carmelites to revive.

教廷决定,在16时40分,这位前应保留藏四大古修道院然后,他们居住的,因为仍有28房子为calced carmelites复苏。

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