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cabinet members相关的网络例句

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与 cabinet members 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mr. Abe reduced his own pay by thirty percent and his cabinet members' pay by ten percent.


The real, aboveground President and his Cabinet members are "relocated" to Mount Weather to observe the simulation.

确实,地上总统和他的内阁成员被"重新部署"到Mount Weather观察模拟。

Up until 1959 by the North Benchley Lun Duifen of the Conservative Party elected into the lower house. 1961-1964, he served as the National Pension and Insurance Department of the Secretary of Parliament, after the Cabinet Heath (1970-1974), Minister of Education and Science (it is within the Conservative Party into second place among women cabinet members). In 1974 the Conservative Party in the general election after the failure of the two, Margaret Thatcher in 1975, following Heath as leader of the Conservative Party. Conservative Party in 1979 elections after a decisive victory, she rose to the position of prime minister.

直至1959年才由北伦敦芬奇利的保守党选区选入下院。1961-1964年任年金和国民保险部的议会秘书,后在希思内阁(1970-1974)中任教育和科学大臣(是第二位进入保守党内间的妇女阁员)。1974 年保守党在两次大选中失败后,撒切尔夫人于1975年继希思为保守党的领袖。1979年保守党在选举中取得决定性胜利后,使她上升到首相的地位。

That means that they choose a prime minister can cabinet members.


This week cabinet members met in Canberra to consider the problem.


Because the cabinet members were foreigners the Zurich cantonal authorities would settle for a 10 per cent deduction instead of the usual 25 per cent for residents.


The VicePresident and his wife and the Cabinet members and their wives were added to the receiving line, and sumptuous food and patriotic music created an atmosphere of elegant conviviality.


Mr. Vice President, members of the Congress, Members of the Cabinet, members of the Diplomatic Corps, and ladies and gentlemen


Members of the Cabinet, Members of the White House Staff, all of our friends here


On August 30, I flew to Cartagena, Colombia, with Speaker Dennis Hastert and six other House members, Senator Joe Biden and three other senators, and several cabinet members.


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Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
