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by trade相关的网络例句

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与 by trade 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article twenty-second asset is owned or controlled by the trade union to the monetary measurement of economic resources.


Enters the northern song dynasty time, the quanzhou port in ultramarine trade important distinct enhancement, arrives at here foreign merchant to increase unceasingly, at the same time, also has many chinese merchants, harnesses the ship by here to sail to overseas various countries.


How to remove the trade unbalance between China and Japan is a great thing concerned by both countries.


By analyzing the statistics of trades, products, advertising nature and producing area recorded in "Zhengyi Newspaper", I find that, in the 1940's and 1950's, the trade and products involved in newspaper advertisement of Yunnan were quite abundant. There are not only commercial advertisements but also uncommercial advertisements. Besides, the advertisements deal with different regions such as local area, other provinces and foreign countries. What is more, there are advertisements of characters and advertisements with excellent pictures and texts.


Li Jianming, the labor group's director of international affairs, said it would "take advantage" of the alleged underpayment by the two fast-food chains to conduct checks on McDonald's, KFC and Pizza Hut outlets outside Guangzhou. It would also be an opportunity for ACFTU to "continue to push the foreign companies to set up trade unions," he said.


China's entry (including Macao, Hong Kong and Taiwan) into WTO makes WTO a more complete organization. The Chinese government will conform undeviatingly to the principle of "open market, fair trade" formulated by WTO and try to melt with global economy as soon as possible. China will also enjoy all rights and perform all obligations set for all members of the WTO.


Now, imagine a world in which China could borrow and lend internationally in its own currency. The renminbi, rather than the dollar, could eventually become a means of payment in trade and a unit of account in pricing imports and exports, as well as a store of value for wealth by international investors.


In accordance with Article 7 of the Regulations which stipulates gold and silver shall not be used as a pricing unit by any unit and individual and that private trade in gold and silver or the use of gold and silver as a loan or as collateral for a credit shall be forbidden, claims and debts between units, between individuals and between units and individuals shall under no circumstances be settled with gold or silver in kind.

五 根据《条例》第七条关于一切单位和个人不得计价使用金银,禁止私相买卖和借贷抵押金银的规定,凡单位之间、个人之间、单位和个人之间发生的债权债务,也一律不得以金银实物清偿。

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development reports that global foreign direct investment soared by 39% last year.


The need for policy makers to get macro-economic conditions right was the theme of last week's annual report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.


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I bought a nice wrist watch as a surprise for my wife's birthday.


We don t expect students to be sponges. You can t expect to absorb everything and not have any questions to ask.


He built the "airport for no one"—a boondoggle that made his commute to Washington, DC, a lot easier but was otherwise a huge waste of money.
