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by trade相关的网络例句

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与 by trade 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Manchester, armed with its economic review, has a clear sense of direction. But one shortcoming, admitted by Sir Richard Leese, leader of the city council, is its insular approach, regionally and globally. It has an office in Brussels and shares a man in Mumbai, but has no presence in, for example, China or Brazil, nor any landmark trade fair, unlike several big German cities.


VI.Where the transfer of any patent or patent application right or the license of patent right is involved in the import of technology or equipments by any foreign trade business operator, the transferrer or the licenser shall be required to show the certification documents that proves the validity of the patent or the certification materials that proves the existence of the right to apply for patents.


In my craft or sullen art Exercised in the still night When only the moon rages And the lovers lie abed With all their griefs in their arms, I labour by singing light Not for ambition or bread Or the strut and trade of charms On the ivory stages But for the common wages Of their most secret heart.


To light the city,鞋城, West Building Materials, Huazhong Food City, million passengers to and so on, represented by wholesale trade, has long been more than a dozen provinces and cities nationwide radiation.


When the modern Kingdom was established in 1932, the Arabian Peninsula was an agricultural society that depended on farming and commerce – especially date exports and trade generated by pilgrims coming to Makkah and Madinah.


For over thirty days, many of the World Trade Center workers and visitors were invited by the Tibetan Monks to participate in the construction of this Mandala.


To combine with development trend of the marsh gas in Yunnan. The favorable position for Yunnan carbon sink trade in future by the marsh gas pool construction was forecasted. It will come into being the appreciable economic benefits and ecological benefits.


The market tends to trade similarly in a crisis, perhaps driven by mass market psychology.


Their Excellencies, the Lords Justices in council, taking into consideration the many inconveniences arising to the public from several projects set on foot for raising of joint stock for various purposes, and that a great many of his Majesty's subjects have been drawn in to part with their money on pretence of assurances that their petitions for patents and charters, to enable them to carry on the same, would be granted: to prevent such impositions, their Excellencies, this day, ordered the said several petitions, together with such reports from the Board of Trade, and from his Majesty's Attorney and Solicitor General, as had been obtained thereon, to be laid before them, and after mature consideration thereof, were pleased, by advice of his Majesty's Privy Council, to order that the said petitions be dismissed, which are as follow

枢密院大法官阁下讨论了那些以各种目的发行股票的项目给公众带来的诸多困扰,注意到许多国王陛下的臣民已经被引诱在这些项目上投入金钱,而他们所得到的保证是完全虚假的,那些项目并没有得到获准实施的专利权和特许状。为了防止类似的欺诈,大法官阁下当日命令将上述项目的申请书,以及此后得到的来自商会、国王陛下的司法大臣(his Majesty's Attorney)和助理司法大臣处的类似报告,一同在他们面前展示。经过反复考虑,并且根据来自国王陛下枢密院的建议,大法官阁下一致同意将上述申请书予以废除,它们的具体名单如下

With the development and maturer of internet day after day,network trade will be extensively apply and grow swiftly by each country in the world.


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He's not dead: Doctor Kenneth thinks he may last another day.


We particularly like how the project reestablished the hillside in a sustainable way.


Additional bays are available on request and charges are applicable.
