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by trade相关的网络例句

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与 by trade 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We have adopt, for example, payment by instalment, compensation trade and so on.


Liberalization of trade and investment has been influenced by the expansion and intensification of regional integration efforts.


ISO standards contribute to world trade by increasing safety, quality, reliability, efficiency and interchangeability.

ISO 标准增强了世界贸易的安全性、可靠性、交替性,提高了效率及质量从而促进了世界贸易的发展。

As from today, 30 per cent of all foreign currency inflows of more than $20,000 will be held on deposit – interest free – by the central bank, unless the money relates to a trade in goods or services.


Besides the numerous parishes served by the Calced Augustinians, they possessed several educational institutions: a superior and intermediate school at Vigan with 209 students, an orphanage and trade school at Tambohn near Manila, with 145 orphans, etc.

除了众多教区服务的Calced奥古斯丁,他们拥有一些教育机构:上级和中级学校的维甘(别墅Fernandina )的209个学生,一所孤儿院和贸易Tambohn学校附近的马尼拉,与145名孤儿,等后果动乱,学校和任务被遗弃;六个父亲被打死,大约200名被监禁的,有时甚至严厉的对待。

A set of international rules published by the International Chamber of Commerce for the interpretation of the commonly used terms in foreign trade.


This is an interpretive question perhaps limited by the respondents understanding of international trade politics.


I began by saying that I would take my hat off for anyone who could lose for 13 days in a row and have the intestinal fortitude to come in and trade the next morning.

首先我是这样说的:我要向那些连续亏损了 13 天,还有勇气在第二天继续交易的交易者们脱帽致敬。

The city as a place of trade and exchange is inventively and playfully presented by these "jugglers".


HE Eric Jenkinson OBE, British High Commissioner in Trinidad and Tobago, said:"We welcome this visit by EDI as LCCI International Qualications can strengthen the ability of the local business community to trade in an increasingly competitive environment."

大英帝国四等爵士HE Eric Jenkinson是驻特立尼达岛和多巴哥岛的英国高级专员。他说:"我们热烈欢迎英国国际教育发展集团的到来,因为英国伦敦工商会国际资格认证可以增强当地工商业界在愈来愈激烈的竞争环境中的贸易能力。"

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He's not dead: Doctor Kenneth thinks he may last another day.


We particularly like how the project reestablished the hillside in a sustainable way.


Additional bays are available on request and charges are applicable.
