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The book is also mentioned by Jerome, in his Epistle "ad Fabiolam," in connection with the name of a place called Rissa (Numbers 33:21), and by Epiphanius and by Didymus of Alexandria, which shows that it was well known both in the East and in the West.

这本书也提到,由Jerome ,在他的书信"专案fabiolam ,"与……有关的名字的地方,所谓rissa (数字33:21 ),并通过epiphanius和didymus的亚历山德里亚,这表明这是人所共知的两在东部和西部。

It seems that England was looked upon with such favor by the pirates that he was soon given command of a sloop of his own sailing out of New Providence until it was settled by the English and the pirates there surrendered to the amnesty offered by Woodes Rogers in the name of the Crown.

看来 ,英格兰是看待这种有利的海盗,他很快就给出命令的单桅纵帆船航行自己的新普罗维登斯,直到解决了英文和海盗有投降的大赦所提供的伍兹在罗杰斯的名字冠。

Then follow the saints: Peter, prince of the Apostles, vice-regent of Christ; Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles; Andrew, who first heeded the call of the Master; James the Greater and John the Evangelist, the beloved disciple, who, with St. Peter, were most favoured by Christ; Thomas, called Didymus, who received from Christ signal proofs of His Resurrection; James the Less, first Bishop of Jerusalem; Philip; Bartholomew; Matthew, once called Levi, the toll-gatherer, who wrote the First Gospel; Simon the Zealot; Jude Thaddeus; Matthias, who was chosen to fill the place of Judas Iscariot; Barnabas, called to the Apostolate by the Holy Ghost (Acts 13:2); Luke, the physician, writer of the Third Gospel and the Acts; Mark, the Evangelist, disciple of St. Peter; all the Apostles and Evangelists; the holy disciples of the Lord; the Holy Innocents, the infant martyr-flowers,"Who, slain at the command of Herod, confessed the name of the Lord not by speaking but by dying" Rom. Brev.

然后按照圣人:黄匡源,王子使徒,副丽晶基督;保罗,使徒的外邦人;黄宏发,谁第一个响应号召的主人;詹姆斯更大和约翰福音,心爱的弟子,谁,与圣彼得大教堂,最喜欢的基督;托马斯,所谓didymus ,谁收到了基督的信号证明他的复活;詹姆斯少,首先主教在耶路撒冷;弘;巴尔多禄茂;马修,一旦所谓的Levi ,不收费的采集,谁写的第一福音;西蒙该zealot ;裘德项;马提亚,谁被选为以填补地方犹大iscariot ;巴拿巴,所谓向使徒由圣灵(使徒13时02分);卢克,医生,作家对第三个福音和行为;马克,传道,门徒圣彼得;所有使徒和福音;圣地的门徒主;圣地无辜的,婴儿的烈士-鲜花,"谁,杀害在指挥希律,坦白的名称,主没有发言,而是由死"。

Ladder company (hereinafter referred to as the United States)** Institute of Shanghai, China (hereinafter referred to as the Chinese side) In order to better promote the bilateral cooperation relations and bilateral cooperation to provide a platform for legal protection, the two sides to cooperate in good faith, the principle of equality and mutual benefit, friendly consultations, as on the cooperation of Shanghai International Convention and Exhibition organized by the Institute following an agreement reached in Project: The first name and address of school The name of the school as "School of the Shanghai International Convention and Exhibition."


Medical King Pavilion is the name of the Medical King Pavilion building, which is a building with beams wrapped with silks and ridgepoles with paintings, and it is built to commemorate the history of entrepreneurship of Yao Wangge and the person of Yao Wangge, meanwhile, to allow heirs to know the major responsibility of loving health of Yao Wangge, therefore, the name of Yao Wangge is placed in the center of the trademark to suggest the wish of serving people one generation by another.


The process by which words and morphemes are re-formed or created on the model of existing grammatical patterns in a language, as Modern English name : names for Old English nama : naman on the model of nouns like stone : stones.

类推一种语言的单词和语素在语言的现存语法模式基础上改变构成或产生,如现代英语的 name:names代替了古英语的 nama:naman,这是在名词如 stone:stones的模式上产生的

1B1 the name transferred to that intimate and reciprocal relationship formed between men by the bonds of love, friendship, trust, just as between parents and children 1b2 in affectionate address, such as patrons, helpers, teachers and the like employ: my child 1b3 in the NT, pupils or disciples are called children of their teachers, because the latter by their instruction nourish the minds of their pupils and mould their characters 1b4 children of God: in the OT of "the people of Israel" as especially dear to God, in the NT, in Paul's writings, all who are led by the Spirit of God and thus closely related to God 1b5 children of the devil: those who in thought and action are prompted by the devil, and so reflect his character 1c metaph.

1b1 这字被借来指人与人之间因爱,友谊,信任所结合成的亲蜜与互相的关系,如同父母与子女间的关系一般 1b2 一种慈爱的态度,如守护者,救助者,帮手,老师,和如同雇工般的自己的孩子 1b3 在新约时代,学生和门徒被称为他们老师的子女,因为老师的教导培育了学生的思想和塑造了他们的个性 1b4 神的子女:在旧约中的&以色列之民&,指其和神特别亲近;新约中保罗的书信中,用以指所有接受圣灵带领而和神有亲近的关系的人 1b5 恶魔之子:指在思想及行为受魔鬼影响,而反映出其邪恶特质的人 1c 隐喻。

For when Pope Hadrian IV had died in 1159, the cardinals elected two popes together, namely Roland of Siena, who took the name of Alexander III, and Octavian of Rome who though he was nominated by fewer cardinals, nevertheless with the support of the emperor Frederick usurped the name of Pope Victor IV.

因为当教皇哈德良四,死于1159 ,枢机主教们选出了两名教皇一起,即罗兰锡耶纳人的名字亚历山大三世,并octavian罗马的人,虽然他被提名,由少枢机主教,不过支持下,与皇帝冯检篡夺的名字教宗胜利者四。

For when Pope Hadrian IV had died in 1159, the cardinals elected two popes together, namely Roland of Siena, who took the name of Alexander III, and Octavian of Rome who though he was nominated by fewer cardinals, nevertheless with the support of the emperor Frederick usurped the name of Pope Victor IV.


X. As for the soldiers , they could not endure to have such a pest clothed with the name of emperor , and they all expressed their views , first one to another , then in groups , turning their thoughts to Alexander , who previously , at the time when Macrinus ws murdered , had been hailed by the senate as Caesar -- he was the cousin of this Antoninus , for both were grandsons of Varia , from whom Elagabalus had the name Varius.


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