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by the name of相关的网络例句

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与 by the name of 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Do not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of your God.

19:12 不可指著我的名起假誓、亵渎你神的名。

Why she gev me this genlmn's name is a diffiklty, or rayther the name of a part of his dress; however, it's stuck to me through life, in which I was, as it were, a footman by buth.

为什么我这个genlmn GeV的她的名字是一个diffiklty,或rayther一个服饰的一部分,他的名字,但它仍坚持我的人生,我在其中,因为这是一个由比斯仆人。

L,the SCHENECTADY COUNTY CLERK ,Clerk of the County of Schenectady ,and also Clerk of the Supreme and County Courts ,being Courts of Record held therein,do hereby certify that michoc'J Love whose name is subscribed to the Certificate of acknowledgment or proof of the annexed instrument ,and thereon written ,or whose name is subscribed to the annexed instrument ,and thereon written ,or whose name is subscribed to the annexed jurat,,was at the time of taking such acknowledgment,or proof,or of administering such oath oraffirmation ,a Notary Public –commissioner of Deeds in and for said County ,residing therein ,duly commis-sioned and sword and authorized by the laws of the State of Now York to take the acknowledgments an sworn and proofs of deeds of conveyances ,for land,tenements,or heredita-ments and to administer oaths or affirmations in said County ,And further,that I am well acquainted with the handwriting of said officer and verily believe that the signature to said jurat or certificate of acknowledgement or proof is genuine

l时, schenectady县秘书,秘书的县schenectady ,也是秘书的最高人民法院和县法院,法院的纪录,因此,特此证明michoc'j爱他的名字是订阅了该证书的确认或证明对所附文书,并就此写,或他的名字是认购所附文书,并就此写,或他的名字是认购所附朱拉特,,当时的考虑,如确认,或工作证明,或管理这类宣誓oraffirmation ,公证机构-专员的事迹,并表示,县,居住的地方,适当处长sioned和剑,并授权由该州的法律制定的,现在纽约采取认知,一种宣誓和实证的事迹运输工具,为土地,物业单位,或heredita 1912年和管理宣誓或誓词中说,县,并进一步,我熟悉的笔迹的表示,官に相信签字,以表示,朱拉特或证书的确认或证明是真实的

By name: using the name of sb.


Just image, when you come to Sunday Mass there is no priest who speaks your language. What can you do? Indeed, right now we don't have in Toronto any seminarian who speaks Cantonese or Mandarin training to become a priest. Please pray devotedly! From now until end of April, in our Holy Mass' Prayer of the Faithful we will use the special "Called by Name" prayer. Other than your prayers, my brothers and sisters in Christ, let's also promote religious vocation work, strengthen the bonds among the ministries of the laity, clergy and fellow volunteers in our midst in order that more young men and women will be moved to consider vocations to priesthood or a religious life.

试想一下,有一主日当你步入此圣堂,发觉这儿没有一位能以华语主持弥撒的神父时,你将会有何感想呢﹖的确,我们能操华语的不论广东话或普通话的神父并不多,而现今更是没有任何华人青年在本地修院接受培育,换句话说﹕我们华人堂区在最近的几年内,没有任何可接班的神父,因此,请大家热心的求吧﹗未来一连四个月,即从现在开始直至四月底,我们在每台弥撒的信友祷文中,将会加念本教区特别编写的〝求圣召—Called by Name〞经文,让我们一同热心的献上诚挚的祈祷,并邀请各位在这圣召活动推广期间多方配合,务求能打动更多的青年男女认真的思考圣召问题。

In order that the reunion of the church may be possible and that a beginning may be made which is fitting and pleasing to God, since the most important part of any matter is its beginning, and in order that the two obediences--namely the one claiming that the lord John XXIII was formerly pope and the other claiming that the lord Gregory XII is pope--may be united together under Christ as head, this most holy general synod of Constance, legitimately assembled in the holy Spirit and representing the catholic church, accepts in all matters the convoking , authorising, approving and confirming that is now being made in the name of the lord who is called Gregory XII by those obedient to him, insofar as it seems to pertain to him to do this, since the certainty obtained by taking a precaution harms nobody and benefits all, and it decrees and declares that the aforesaid two obediences are joined and united in the one body of our lord Jesus Christ and of this sacred universal general council, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy Spirit.

为了使团聚的教会也有可能与这是一个开始,可取得哪些是装修及天主所悦纳的,因为最重要的一部分,任何事情,是其开端,但为了这两个obediences -即一声称主约翰二十三世的前身是教宗和其他声称主格雷戈里十二教宗-可能会团结起来下,以基督为元首,这个最神圣的总主教的人C onstance,合法地聚集在圣灵和代表天主教教会,在接受所有事项 convoking ,授权,核准,并确认这就是现在正在取得主的名字,他们是所谓的格雷戈里第十二那些听话的他,就好像是关于他要做到这一点,因为确定性获得通过采取防范危害,没有人,并造福所有国家,它的法令,并宣布了上述两个obediences都加入并统一在一个机构,我们的主耶稣基督,并把这一神圣的普及总理事会中,在父亲的姓名和子和圣灵。

This holy synod, therefore, in the name of our lord Jesus Christ, in ratifying and approving the sentences of the aforesaid archbishops and of the council of Rome, repudiates and condemns for ever, by this decree, the aforesaid articles and each one of them in particular, and the books of John Wyclif called by him Dialogus and Trialogus, and the same author's other books, volumes, treatises and pamphlets (no matter what name these may go under, and for which purpose this description is to be regarded as an adequate listing of them).

这个神圣的主教,因此,在名字我们的主耶稣基督,在批准和批准服刑的上述大主教和安理会的罗马,否定和谴责,为以往任何时候都受到这项法令,上述文章和每一个活动身上特别是,与书籍的约翰wyclif所谓由他dialogus和trialogus ,同一作者的其他书籍,数量,论文和小册子(不管是什么名称,这些可以去体会,而其中的目的,这说明,是被视为是一种充足上市)。

We have no common name for a mime of Sophron or Xenarchus and a Socratic Conversation; and we should still be without one even if the imitation in the two instances were in trimeters or elegiacs or some other kind of verse--though it is the way with people to tack on 'poet' to the name of a metre, and talk of elegiac-poets and epic-poets, thinking that they call them poets not by reason of the imitative nature of their work, but indiscriminately by reason of the metre they write in.

索夫农 、森那库斯和苏格拉底式的对话采用的模仿没有一个公共的名称;三音步诗、挽歌体或其他类型的诗的模仿也没有——人们把&诗人&这一名词和格律名称结合到一起,称之为挽歌体诗人或者史诗诗人,他们被称为诗人,似乎只是因为遵守格律写作,而非他们作品的模仿本质。

In addition to the basic appellation shared by every people such as given name and surname, the kazakhs also use the penname, nickname , pet name and the name of abbreciated form in the particular group and situation


Here when a woman takes her seat she does not depart again to her house until one of the strangers has thrown a silver coin into her lap and has had commerce with her outside the temple, and after throwing it he must say these words only:"I demand thee in the name of the goddess Mylitta": now Mylitta is the name given by the Assyrians to Aphrodite: and the silver coin may be of any value; whatever it is she will not refuse it, for that is not lawful for her, seeing that this coin is made sacred by the act: and she follows the man who has first thrown and does not reject any: and after that she departs to her house, having acquitted herself of her duty to the goddess, nor will you be able thenceforth to give any gift so great as to win her.


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You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


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