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by night相关的网络例句

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与 by night 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When her friends were picked up by their parents after school ended late at night, she would solitarily walk home, talking to stars and praying to her mother.


It was one of the Nights in the rainy Season in March, the four and twentieth Year of my first setting Foot in this Island of Solitariness; I was lying in my Bed, or Hammock, awake, very well in Health, had no Pain, no Distemper, no Uneasiness of Body; no, nor any Uneasiness of Mind, more than ordinary; but could by no means close my Eyes; that is, so as to sleep; no, not a Wink all Night long, otherwise than as follows


The husband is hazy in think the wife often steals a person before, be in in night somniloquy, in the heart very angry, be in with the foot then be put by the chaos in the nest, the wife got angry, say: Give so much water, are you still done in chaos?


Her dark hair was speckled by snow and for a moment he thought it resembled the stars in the night sky.


Forever fondly remembering My Dearest John Whom I dearly loved with all of My Life Energy While I was still writing a few days ago I had a ominous premonition which made me speechlessly numb On the night of 25/01/2008 8:15, I received the disturbing news concerning JOHN's passing away by his son, Jack who conveyed this news briefly to me.


I am sure I was spotted by one of my father's servants last night.


Is often accompanied by lively square dance the night sleep, but cheerful rhythms of morning exercise in the square opened his eyes.


Such lovely night, whether you have a dance on the square, enjoy dinner accompanied by musical fountains or just take a walk, it will be an agreeable thing.


In the mid 1990s, as New York City's night life was slowly eviscerated and sterilized by Mayor Guliani, an influential club, Squeezebox was born.

1990年代中期,纽约夜生活在市长朱利亚尼的强烈整顿下黯然失色,幸好还有像 Squeezebox 这株奇葩在发光发热。

Later, a stagecoach could make the trip in thirteen to fourteen days by moving day and night and changing animals often.


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We Fly By Night
Fly By Night
Night By Night
London By Night
Live By Night
Night By Night
City By Night
Wonderland By Night
Fly By Night
Night By Night

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
