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与 by night 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He scarce had finisht, when such murmur filld Th' Assembly, as when hollow Rocks retain [ 285 ] The sound of blustring winds, which all night long Had rous'd the Sea, now with hoarse cadence lull Sea-faring men orewatcht, whose Bark by chance Or Pinnace anchors in a craggy Bay After the Tempest: Such applause was heard [ 290 ] As Mammon ended, and his Sentence pleas'd, Advising peace: for such another Field They dreaded worse then Hell: so much the fear Of Thunder and the Sword of Michael Wrought still within them; and no less desire [ 295 ] To found this nether Empire, which might rise By pollicy, and long process of time, In emulation opposite to Heav'n.

他站着,像个能担当几个最大帝国的重任的大智大贤,耸着阿脱拉斯式的双肩;会众的注意被他的目光吸引了,会场静了下来,静得像夜间或夏天中午的空气,他说: V2:他的话音将落时,会场里就充满了切切私语,好象彻夜狂吹扰乱大海的暴风停止时,岩洞里残余的刁刁调调的催眠调子,安慰那守夜劳累的舟子――他那时把小船或快艇碇泊在暴风雨后岩耸立的港湾。

How blessed is the little toddling thing who can lie flat in the sunshine and drink in the beauty of the "green things growing," who can live among the other little animals, his brothers and sisters in feathers and fur; who can put his hand in that of dear mother Nature, and learn his first baby lessons without any meddlesome middleman; who is cradled in sweet sounds "from early morn to dewy eve," lulled to his morning nap by hum of crickets and bees, and to his night's slumber by the sighing of the wind, the plash of waves, or the ripple of a river.


P b( k2 D1 a: A! n# L' Qwww.wangfans.com But he was embracing Derek Jeter Wednesday night after Robinson Cano caught the final out, a pop fly by Greg Norton off Mariano Rivera. The crowd at Tropicana Field, which was dominated by Yankees fans, celebrated as the Yankees exchanged hugs and handshakes.6 a; F$ B0 s# l5 F, P2 w4 q

但是, 星期三在小Q抓到魔鬼鱼最后一个出局者(诺顿面对MO打出一支内野冲天炮)之后,阿辣拥抱著队长基特,洋基球迷主导全场的纯品康纳球场观众,相互拥抱和握手为洋基欢庆著!

Leblanc. Now, in order to form an idea of the scene which is to follow, let the reader picture to himself in his own mind, a cold night,the solitudes of the Salpetriere covered with snow and white as winding-sheets in the moonlight, the taper-like lights of the street lanterns which shone redly here and there along those tragic boulevards,and the long rows of black elms, not a passer-by for perhaps a quarter of a league around, the Gorbeau hovel, at its highest pitch of silence, of horror, and of darkness; in that building,in the midst of those solitudes, in the midst of that darkness,the vast Jondrette garret lighted by a single candle, and in that den two men seated at a table, M.


The low interior temperature is established by reradiation at night and by the lower temperature of the soil.


The massacre of men, women and children in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, though committed by Christian Phalangists avenging the death of their ruler, President Bashir, was tolerated by the Israeli army, which sent up flares to help the night slaughter.


On the night of Nov.17th, invited by MSTC of National University of Defense Technology, Prof. Chen Wenhua from Zhongnan University came to our school and gave us a lecture with the name "three education methods integrate a harmoniously developmental person ". Prof. Zhu Yazong from Humanism and Social Science Academy delivered a salutatory to Prof. Chen. As one of the series lectures held by MSTC, this lecture was extremely popular among the students.


On the night of Nov.17th, invited by MSTC of National Defense University of Technology, Prof. Chen Wenhua from Zhongnan University came to our school and gave us a lecture named "three education methods integrate a harmoniously developmental person". Prof. Zhu Yazong from Humanism and Social Science Academy delivered a salutatory to Prof. Chen. As one of the series lectures held by MSTC, this lecture was extremely popular among the students.


This Confusion of my Thoughts kept me waking all Night; but in the Morning I fell asleep, and having by the Amusement of my Mind, been, as it were, tyr'd, and my Spirits exhausted; I slept very soundly, and wak'd much better compos'd than I had ever been before; and now I began to think sedately; and upon the utmost Debate with my self, I concluded, That this Island, which was so exceeding pleasant, fruitful, and no farther from the main Land than as I had seen, was not so entirely abandon'd as I might imagine: That altho' there were no stated Inhabitants who liv'd on the Spot; yet that there might sometimes come Boats off from the Shore, who either with Design, or perhaps never, but when they were driven by cross Winds, might come to this Place.


Ryan Kisor, one of the best jazz trumpeters in the world, was born April 12th, 1973 in Sioux City, Iowa. He began playing in a local dance band by the age of ten, began classical lessons at 12, met and was inspired by Clark Terry at 15 (while attending the latter's summer jazz camp) and played with various high school all-star bands. In November of 1990 he won the Thelonius Monk Institute's trumpet competition at the age of just 17, beating out the likes of Nicholas Payton and Marcus Printup. After graduating from high school in 1991, he went to the Manhattan School of Music and later studied with Lew Soloff among others. He has recorded fairly extensively both as a leader and sideman and with small and large groups. Among the highlights; the Mingus Big Band (which still plays every Thursday night at "The Fez" under Time Cafe in NYC's east village), the Michel Camilo Big Band (which although only existed for the purpose of recording the album,"One More Once," was arguably one of the best latin big bands recorded in recent memory), the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra, Gerry Mulligan, Wynton Marsalis, Wycliffe Gordon, Horace Silver, and Walter Blanding.

Ryan Kisor,美国著名爵士小号演奏家,1973年4月3日生于美国爱荷华州,10岁开始学习小号演奏,1990年在美国竞争最为激烈的爵士乐比赛——Monk国际爵士乐大赛(International Thelonious Monk Jazz Competition)中击败像Nicholas Payton和Marcus Printup这样的高手获得优胜,当时年仅17岁。1991年中学毕业后,被著名学府曼哈顿音乐学院录取师从Lew Soloff先生学习小号,在学期间加入Mingus大乐队,年纪轻轻便以惊人的深厚实力成为独当一面的独奏小号手。19岁时以首张专辑《One For Miles》正式出道,而后自1994年至今一直为世界著名爵士小号演奏大师Wynton Marsalis领衔的林肯中心爵士乐团的常任小号演奏家,同时Kisor先生还受聘加入卡内基音乐厅爵士乐团以及David Matthews率领的曼哈顿爵士乐团,杰出的演奏技巧及艺术水准受到世界乐坛之瞩目,曾受邀多次出访全球各国,每次均毫无保留的展现了其精湛的演奏实力,让世界各地的广大乐迷感受到其小号的魅力。

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We Fly By Night
Fly By Night
Night By Night
London By Night
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Night By Night
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Wonderland By Night
Fly By Night
Night By Night

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
