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与 by estimate 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Base on the analysis, an improved training symbol with symmetric and repetitive structure is proposed, and the estimate range of the frequency offset is enlarged by increasing the number of repetitive sequence and shortening the interval of repetitive sequence.


This paper reviewed the advances in honeybee breeding involving to estimate the numbers of subfamilies in a colony and analyze the genetic correlation among workers; guess the polyandry level of queens and identify the purity of a subspecies; build a linkage map and discriminate loci of quantitative traits; genotype and distinguish full sister from semi sisters; analyze the trend of sperm to inseminate an egg and so on by means of such molecular biotech as microsatellites DNA, mitochondria...

综述了应用微卫星 DNA技术、线粒体 DNA技术、随机扩增多态性 DNA、聚合酶链式反应和 DNA指纹等分子生物技术所进行的蜜蜂育种研究现状。其应用主要包括估计蜂群内亚家系的组成数目和分析工蜂间的遗传相关,推断蜂王的多雄水平和鉴定蜜蜂种性,构建连锁图和区别数量性状位点,鉴定基因型和区别全胞、半胞姐妹以及分析精子受精力的倾向性等

Based on modern option pricing theories,Black-Scholes and Merton option pricing model are used to study the pricing of the structured products,and its design,characteristics and risk are studied respectively.Based on Black-Scholes and Merton option pricing models,I also use the checking method to estimate the parameters of the model following real prices data,And calculate the theoretical price.Then,I compare the real and theoretical prices of the two pricing models.The results show that the effects of the Merton option pricing model are superior to the Black-Scholes option pricing model.Moreover,It shows that Hong Kong stock prices are also affected by the instant messages,and the jump phenomenon may exist in Hong Kong stock market.


For convex domains of strict finite type, we use the pseudodistant constructed by McNeal to estimate the kernel of integral representation formula of d-bar.


Its purposes are to evaluate and develop climate models by intercomparison, and to provide reliable scientific basis for ecology, hydrology, social economics to estimate future environmental changes in the various global context as well.


In these patients, the best estimate of glomerular filtration rate is provided by direct methods such as 51Cr-EDTA or inulin measurement.

对于这类病人,最好的估计肾小球滤过率是通过51Cr-EDTA 或者菊粉的直接测量而实现的。

A quantitative method is presented to analyze and estimate the influence of different error sources on the final isoclinic results calculated by FCPST or the other PST.


By using the observed data, some nonparametric estimating methods, such as jackknife and bootstrap, were used to estimate the numbers of species in the community.


The estimate is 10 times smaller than one estimated by Kyte et al.(1988),but it is close to the realistic situation of the Eltanin impact event,and it is a more reasonable lower limit estimation on...

这比Kyte 等人(1988)估计的质量小了10 倍,然而它更接近埃尔塔宁小行星撞击事件的实际情况,可以作为埃尔塔宁小行星质量下限和半径下限更合理的估计值。

When the signal sources have different cycle frequencies, a method to estimate the optimal time lag is presented. It solves the severe problem that the conventional Cyclic MUSIC requires knowing the optimal time lag in computing the cyclic correlation matrix. A method of two-step search for DOA estimation by employing an interleaving technique and a Joint Estimation Strategy is developed to overcome the inadequency of signal sources with the same cycle frequency having no optimal time lag.

当信源的循环频率各不相同时,提出了一种估计最佳延时的方法,解决了传统Cyclic MUSIC算法计算循环相关矩阵需要已知最佳延时的问题;为克服多个具有相同循环频率信源不存在最佳延时的不足,利用交错技术和联合估计策略,提出了两步搜索估计DOA的方法。

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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
