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by boat相关的网络例句

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与 by boat 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Developed by gyrocopter designer and manufacturer Igor Bensen as a variant of his B-8 Gyro-Glider in 1956, the Gyro-Boat adapted the basic free-turning, two-bladed rotor system, so that it could be mounted on a standard dinghy.

开发gyrocopter设计商和制造商罗本森作为一个变种,他的B - 8陀螺滑翔机於1956年,陀螺船民适应的基本自由-转折,两刀刃转子系统,以便它可以安装在一个标准dinghy 。

Two harbor are amalgamative intense advance " harbor of hill of Ning Bo boat " group of unifinication construction leadership sets the office from assume leadership; by governor Lv Zu Shanqin, office of province traffic hall grows an office director, responsible and specific fulfil the job.


Before work As the tour conductor arranged,the tourists reached the White Emperor town in the morning by charged boat.


He would stand among the rocks with a telescope, and watch her fly by, her boat bouncing along the waters of the bay, her blond hair bouncing in the wind.


Park by the beautiful environment, clean, outdoor activities, adequate space, function with a variety of dolls castle, rock climbing, climbing the slopes of modern large-scale toys and swing boat, swivel chair, shook his chair, bored wizard, slides, etc.


The scroll actually shows more: the gentle swaying of water plants under the water, falling leaves slowly passing by your eyes, occasional rippling making the sky, the building, and the willow trees look as if they were full of power of life, suggestive of poetry and changeability. When the weather is cold and the ground is frozen, the scroll will also throw on an obscure veil, to hide everything. Sometimes however, quite unexpectedly, a light boat will swing out, so that you get surprised as if your observation of the world has been so negligent.


The public's generally positive impression of Senator's Kerry's character is based in large part on his record during the war in Vietnam, when he performed heroically as the commander of a "swift boat",②a light military craft used by the US Navy to thread the rivers and canals of southern Vietnam.


Famously Lyndon Johnson ran one in 1964 to suggest that Barry Goldwater would be too quick with the nuclear trigger. In 2004 a devastating ad was taken out by "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth", an outside group that disputed John Kerry's heroism in Vietnam.


A disinfection, to drive away evil air, was usually done by burning mint herbs in the house on the Dragon-Boat Festival and children carried beautiful colored silk pendants on their breasts, containing fragrant powder from herbs to ward off disease for the summer, which was the usual season for epidemics.


The engines, with many different styles, such as electrically starting, manually starting for users choices, are widely used as power equipments for farm irrigating, farm by-product processing, wood sawing, stone breaking, exploration drilling, electricity generating and boat driving.


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And The Boat Sails By

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
