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They were an ever shifting crowd of people of all castes and creeds: Hindus and Brahmos, Vaishnavas and Saktas, the educated with university degrees and the illiterate, old and young, maharajas and beggars, journalists and artists, pundits and devotees, philosophers and the worldly-minded, jnanis and yogis, men of action and men of faith, virtuous women and prostitutes, office-holders and vagabonds, philanthropists and self-seekers, dramatists and drunkards, builders-up and pullers-down.
Get high purity DCs by Cultured plastic-adherent monocytes isolated from healthy human peripheral blood with GM-CSF and IL-4 for 7 days. To observe the morphology of DCs by inverted phase contrast microscope ,electron microscope and laser confocal microscope. Analyse phenotype of DCs with flow cytometry. Investigate the endocytosis ability of DCs as a group by Horseradish peroxidase endocytosis assay. To appraise allogeneic mixed lymphocytes reaction of DCs by MTT reduction assay. Analyse the levels of IL-12 and TNF in liquids of cultured medium by ELISA and MTT reduction assay respectively. Soluble antigens of HCCs was obtained by 3 freeze-and-thaw cycles. Biological characteristics of HC soluble antigens pulsed DCs were monitored by flow cytometry. According to MTT reduction assay estimated the cell proliferation of self lymphocytes activated by HC antigens pulsed DCs. Get high purity BCG HSP 70 protein by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and determined its biological activity with ELISA. Analyse phenotype of antigen pulsed DCs primed by BCG HSP70 with flow cytometry. By MTT reduction assay estimated the cell proliferation of self lymphocytes and the MLR of DC based vaccine. Analyse expression of HLA-DR molecule on surface of HCC lines. The IFN-γ mRNA in lymphocytes after actived by DC vaccine and the Fas-L expression on DC and DC vaccine primed lymphocytes were detected by in situ hybridization and flow cytometry respectively. Specific cytotoxity lysis of T lymphocytes and nonspecific inhibition of liquids in culture medium against HCC lines were also tested. Detect expression of hAFP on four HCC lines with Cell-ELISA. Induce apoptosis of HCCs with actinomycin-D. Interaction of DCs and apoptotic cells was observed under transmission electron microscope. Growth inhibition test of DC against HCC lines was also performed. Establish the nude mouse model bearing human HC xenografts and indentify the characteristic of tumour by histochemistry and immunohistochemistry techniques. Prevent and treat transplanted human HC on nude mouse with Freezing and anabiotic HC specific lymphocytes.
用GM-CSF和IL-4从健康人外周血诱导DC;分别用倒置相差显微镜、电子显微镜及激光共聚焦显微镜观察DC形态;流式细胞术检测DC表型;HRP吞噬实验测定DC的群体内吞能力;MTT法检测同种异体混合淋巴细胞反应;ELISA法和MTT法分别测定DC培养上清液中IL-12和TNF水平;冻融法制备肝癌细胞可溶性抗原;流式细胞术检测负载肝癌可溶性抗原后DC的生物学特性;MTT法检测DC负载肝癌抗原后对自身淋巴细胞增殖的影响;SDS-PAGE制备电泳纯化BCG HSP70并鉴定纯度,ELISA测定活性;流式细胞术检测负载抗原DC经BCGHSP 70活化后的表型;MTT法检测肝癌DC疫苗对自身淋巴细胞增殖的影响和混合淋巴细胞反应;流式细胞术检测肝癌细胞表面HLA-DR表达;MTT法检测肝癌DC疫苗对自身淋巴细胞的活化;原位杂交法检测肝癌DC疫苗活化后的淋巴细胞IFN-γmRNA表达;流式细胞术检测DC和肝癌DC疫苗活化后淋巴细胞表面Fas-L;MTT法分别检测肝癌DC疫苗活化的淋巴细胞和其培养上清对肝癌细胞的特异性杀伤和非特异性抑制作用;Cell-ELISA检测人肝癌细胞hAFP表达;MTT法检测负载AFP表位肽和凋亡肝癌细胞DC对自身淋巴细胞增殖的影响;ELISA法和MTT法分别测定活化后淋巴细胞培养上清中TNF和IL-12水平;肝癌细胞凋亡的诱导和检测;DC吞噬凋亡肝癌细胞后的电子显微镜观察;DC对肝癌细胞的生长抑制试验;人肝癌裸鼠皮下移植瘤动物模型的建立及其组织学和免疫组织化学鉴定;DC及肝癌特异性淋巴细胞预防和治疗人肝癌裸鼠皮下移植瘤;冻存和复苏后的肝癌特异性淋巴细胞预防和治疗人肝癌裸鼠皮下移植瘤。
Automotive parts, components, engine system, chassis system, braking system, driving system, steering system, vehicle body system, transmission system, exhaust system, automotive accessories, general parts, fasteners, standard parts and sealing parts; automotive motors, bearings, clutch, transmission gear, SRS, glass, batteries, friction materials, chains and skid chains; automotive air conditioner; automotive lamps; automotive tires and rims; automotive paints, lubricants, oil and additives; automotive refitting components and articles; automotive articles; automotive electronics, electrics and instruments; automotive sound and audio-video system; automotive navigation and vehicle-carried communication system; automotive safety and antitheft system; automotive maintenance equipment and tools; automotive parts manufacture equipment, materials and tools; automotive manufacture technology and machinery; new automobiles; energy saving, environment protection and new energy technologies and products; related medias, accreditation, finance and insurance organizations, clubs and after-sale services.
Automotive parts, components, engine system, chassis system, braking system, driving system, steering system, vehicle body system, transmission system, exhaust system, automotive accessories, general parts, fasteners, standard parts and sealing parts; automotive motors, bearings, clutch, transmission gear, SRS, glass, batteries, friction materials, chains and skid chains; automotive air conditioner; automotive lamps; automotive tires and rims; automotive paints, lubricants, oil and additives; automotive refitting components and articles; automotive articles; automotive electronics, electrics and instruments; automotive sound and audio-video system; automotive navigation and vehicle-carried communication system; automotive safety and antitheft system; automotive maintenance equipment and tools; automotive parts manufacture equipment, materials and tools; automotive manufacture technology and machinery; new automobiles; energy saving, environment protection and new energy technologies and products; related medias, accreditation, finance and insurance organizations, clubs and after-sale services.
The experiment two: enzyme preparation significantly improved average daily gainand feed conversion ratio (P<0.05). Enzyme preparation significantly increased energymetabolizability and digestibility of crude fiber, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber,but had no remarkable effect on digestibility of dry matter, crude fat and acid detergentfiber. Enzyme preparation significantly decreased the relative viscosity of duodenal andjejunal digesta. The pH of intestine had no noticed difference in all groups. Enzymepreparation significantly decreased relative weight of gizzard, proventficulus, duodenum,jejunum and ileum. Enzyme preparation significantly increased villus size of duodenumand jejunum, and villus to crypt ratio of duodenum and ileum significantly increased too.Enzyme preparation considerably decreased ileal crypt height (P<0.05), and didn"t affectthickness of intestinal wall. Supplementing enzyme preparation, the serum glucose, totalprotein and alanine aminotransferase, but enzyme preparation hadn"t noticed influenceupon uric acid, total cholesterol, triglyceride and high-density lipoproteins. Enzymepreparation significantly increased insulin, triiodothyronine and insulin-like growthfactor-Ⅰ. Adding enzyme preparation, the percentage of thyroid stimulating hormone andgrowth hormone in the serum increased 16.44%, 19.18% and 18.84%, 21.74%respectively, and the percentage of glucagon and thyroxine decreased 12.07%, 14.36% and 13.79%, 15.40%, but failed to reach statistical significance (P>0.05). Enzymepreparation significantly increased (P<0.05) the trypsin and amylase activity of duodenaland jejunal digesta, but enzyme preparation didnt affect significantly (P>0.05) theintestinal lipase activity and pancreatic digestive enzyme. Enzyme preparation had nosignificant effect on caecal microbial population.
"That the doctrine of the Reformed churches concerning predestination, and the points annexed to it, by its own genius and necessary tendency, leads off the minds of men from all piety and religion; that it is an opiate administered by the flesh and by the devil, and the stronghold of Satan, where he lies in wait for all; and from which he wounds multitudes, and mortally strikes through many with the darts both of despair and security; that it makes God the author of sin, unjust, tyrannical, hypocritical; that it is nothing more than interpolated Stoicism, Manicheism, Libertinism, Turcism; that it renders men carnally secure, since they are persuaded by it that nothing can hinder the salvation of the elect, let them live as they please; and therefore, that they may safely perpetrate every species of the most atrocious crimes; and that, if the reprobate should even perform truly all the works of the saints, their obedience would not in the least contribute to their salvation; that the same doctrine teaches, that God, by a mere arbitrary act of his will, without the least respect or view to sin, has predestinated the greatest part of the world to eternal damnation; and, has created them for this very purpose; that in the same manner in which the election is the fountain and cause of faith and good works, reprobation is the cause of unbelief and impiety; that many children of the faithful are torn, guiltless, from their mothers' breasts, and tyrannically plunged into hell; so that, neither baptism, nor the prayers of the Church at their baptism, can at all profit by them;" and many other things of the same kind, which the Reformed Churches not only do not acknowledge, but even detest with their whole soul.
&该学说的革新教会联谊会关于宿命,并分附在它,由它自己的天才和必要的倾向,导致起飞的头脑男子从所有虔诚与宗教;这是一个鸦片类由血肉所魔鬼和据点撒旦,在那里他是在等待所有;从他的伤口众多,而致命打击,通过许多与飞镖都绝望与安全;因为它使上帝的作者单,不公正,专横,虚伪的,即它只不过是多插生活俭朴,摩尼教,放纵, turcism ;这使得男性的肉体关系稳固,因为它们是说服它说,没有任何东西可以阻碍救赎的选举,让他们住,因为他们请;因此,他们可以安全地胡作非为,每一个物种的最残暴的罪行,并认为,如果reprobate甚至应该真正履行全部工程的圣人,他们的服从,将不会在至少贡献出他们的救恩,即同一教义教导说,上帝,由一个单纯的任意行为,他的意志,如果没有起码的尊重,或以单,有predestinated最大的是世界的一部分,以永恒damnation ,并且创造了,他们为了这个目的,即在同一何种方式选举是喷泉和事业的信念和良好的工程, reprobation ,是导致不信者和不虔诚;说,许多儿童的教友们被拆除,无罪,从他们的母亲的乳房,并tyrannically陷入地狱,因此,既不洗礼,也没有祷告的教会,在他们的洗礼,能在所有利润由他们来主宰;&和许多其他东西的同类,而改革教会不仅不承认,但即使是讨厌自己的整个灵魂。
CD8~+ cell is the main T lymphocyte subset in spleen, and B lymphocyte mainly is IgG~+ cell, moreover the amount of these B lymphocytes could exceed CD3~+ T lymphocyte subset after 7 days. CD8~+ cell is the main T lymphocyte subset in tonsil of appendix, and B lymphocyte is IgM~+ cell, and the amount could exceed CD3~+ T lymphocytes after 35 days. After 21 days, B lymphocytes in esophago tonsil are the main IgA~+ cells and the amount exceeds CD3~+ lymphocytes. The amount of CD4~+ lymphocytes is more than CD8+ lymphocytes.4. CD3~+、CD4~+ and CD8~+ T lymphocytes in spleen mainly distribute in periarterial lymphoid sheath. However IgM~+、IgG~+ and IgA~+ cells mainly distribute in ellipsoid periarterial lymphoid sheath and germinal center. T lymphocytes in appendix tonsil mainly distribute in middle and inferior part of mucous and the B lymphocytes mainly in middle and mucous between 4~7 days. Whereafter T, B lymphocytes equably distribute in mucous. CD4~+ cells arrange tightly and mainly occupy the central part in aggregates of T lymphocytes in esophago tonsil and CD8~+ lymphocytes mainly distribute in periphery. Meanwhile B lymphocytes encircle the periphery of aggregates of T lymphocytes. The aggregates of B lymphocytes is mainly the germinal center with lots of IgM~+、IgG~+ and IgA~+ cells. Meanwihle T lymphocytes encircle the periphery of aggregates of B lymphocytes.5. There is an intimate relationship between the development of tissue structure of peripheral immune organs and lymphcytopoiesis. The maturation of tissue structure is stimulated by the immigration of lymphocytes and the mature tissue structure provides place where lymphocytes grow mature and functionate.
Through designing of composition and structure of the bioactive graded coating,innerstress and its distribution in the coating were analyzed and calculated, the resultsshowed that when composition distribution coefficient n was 1.5, a reasonable stressdistribution could be got, that was at the beginning of deposition the suspension containingrichly BG granules was used so that a rich BG granules layer, a good transitional layerbetween BG layer at the bottom and the coating could be obtained at the titanium alloy side,the bottom of the coating; the stress value near the interface and surface and its character,pressure stress or tensile stress, were decided by the character of its composition itself.Changing composition distribution coefficient n could only change the variation tendency ofstress in the coating, but did not change the stress distribution rule in the coating. Thethinner the coating is, the sharper stress variation in the coating is, which does not mean thatthicker coating is better because the thicker the coating is, the little the permitteddeformation of coating is, so the coating thickness should be thinner, for example, about50μm for bending applications, but for applications only bearing pure shear stress, such asroot of tooth implant, the coating can be thicker little, for instance, about 80~100μm. The study on electrification characteristic and electrophoresis deposition of HAand BG granules in aqueous and non-aqueous solution system found that EPD almost didn'toccur in aqueous solution system. However, because HA granules take position charges inabsolute alcohol, a homogeneous EPD be carried out on the cathode titanium alloy slice, but taking negative charge in absolute alcohol the BG granules not be deposited on the cathode. A guided HA crystallizing, 100~300nm, on surface of the BG granules be realized by metathetical reaction, which cover BG granules with HA microcrystals and make the covered BG granules taking position charges in absolute alcohol, sequentially realize the EPCD of the BG and HA granules on the cathode, so it is feasible to make a titanium alloy/BG/HA bioactive graded coating by making use of EPCD technology. The corrosion experiment of rich boron bioglass coating and plasma spray coating showed that split phase, rich boron and rich silicon phase, occurred during its preparation. In basic medium the corrosion behavior of 〓 BG coating showed uniformity corrosion, the corrosion mostly occurred at rich boron phase area, therefore batch formula design of BGshould avoid the occurring of split phase. The corrosion appearance of plasma spray coatingappeared a non-uniform corrosion, mostly occurred at the edge of the laminated HA moltendrops, and emerged an accelerated corrosion tendency, which will easyly lead to corrosioncrackles extending to the interface and the happening of osmotic interfacial corrosion, thatmay be one of the major reasons leading to the coating cracking-off in the later period. Thetesting results of thermal expansion coefficient of 〓 and 〓BG showed the thermalexpansion coefficient of 〓 BG matched with that of titanium alloy better, and 〓 BG couldsinter with titanium alloy into densification enamel layer at low temperature (720℃).
As part of the study of social administration of Nanjing in the Republic of China, the thesis consists of 7 chapters: Chapter one explains the basic concepts of social administration and the development of modernization of Nanjing before 1927. It stresses the importance of social administration in city development through the depiction of social characteristics and problems of Nanjing. Chapter 2 introduced the theory of social administration of the Republic of China, under which the municipal institutions are structured. It focuses on the social theory of Sun Yat-sen and correlative comments of Jiang Kai-shi, which reflect the theoretic level and subjective intention of social reform of the Republic of China. Chapter 3 discusses the local autonomy of Nanjing of the Republic of China. The origin of democratic local autonomy theory and its influence over social administration are expatriated. The advantages and disadvantages of local autonomy are analyzed in detail. Chapter 4 focuses its discussion upon social rescue work, an important part of social administration, with general description of social rescue work in Nanjing and concludes the characteristics of social rescue work in the transition from the traditional to the modern society. Focusing on the prominent problem of the large flows and inflation of population of Nanjing, chapter 5 discusses the population and population management of Nanjing and outlines the population situation through analysis of the population problem, management methods and the current situation. Chapter 6 describes the unprecedentedly active citizen organizations and parties. The transform and changes of these organizations occurring under the new circumstances and their functions in social administration are analyzed to reveal the interactive function between government and social organizations in social administration. Chapter 7, the epilogue, makes theoretic evaluation of the characteristics of social administration and its revelation to the current society of Nanjing, hoping this research serves as a reference to the current time.
Jim said he would "jis''s soon have tobacker in his coffee;" and found so much fault with it, and with the work and bother of raising the mullen, and jews-harping the rats, and petting and flattering up the snakes and spiders and things, on top of all the other work he had to do on pens, and inscriptions, and journals, and things, which made it more trouble and worry and responsibility to be a prisoner than anything he ever undertook, that Tom most lost all patience with him; and said he was just loadened down with more gaudier chances than a prisoner ever had in the world to make a name for himself, and yet he didn't know enough to appreciate them, and they was just about wasted on him.
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