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The pressor effect of adenosine was due to carotid body cheoreceptor activation. However, a slight increase of ABP induced by intracarotid bolus injection of adenosine following the section of carotid sinus nerves was observed in a few rats, which implied that the central effect might be involved in the pressor effect of adenosine. The delayed effect of adenosine may be attributed to the direct actions (including the negative chronotropic action, thenegative dromotropic action, the negative inotropic action and the vasodilator effect) of adenosine on the heart and blood vessels.
On admission, he was alert and fully oriented. His temperature was 38°C, pulse was regular (90/min), blood pressure was 150/80mmHg. His speech was severely dysarthric but he could name, repeat, read, and follow instructions. His cranial nerves and fundoscopic examination were normal. His gait was wide based and unsteady. He had four sided mild weakness, which was prominent on the right.
入院时体格检查示:T 38°C,脉搏规律90次/分,血压150/80mmHg;双下肢前方见暗红色疼痛性结节性红斑;眼科检查未见眼葡萄膜炎;患者主诉阴囊发热、疼痛,检查时见双侧附睾肿胀、质硬、明显触痛,呈附睾炎表现。
Genetic factors,obesity, high salt consumption, and alcohol may be involved in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension. Jannetta et al. suggested that essential hypertension might be associated with vascular compression of the left rostral ventrolateral medulla and the root entry zone of cranial nerves Ⅸ and Ⅹ by ectatic loops of posterior fossa arteries,described as neurogenic hypertension.
原发性高血压的发生可能与遗传、肥胖、高盐饮食、饮酒等综合因素有关。1979年Jannetta等提出由于后颅窝异常血管袢压迫延髓左侧腹外侧、舌咽神经与迷走神经根入脑干区(Root entry zone, REZ)而引起高血压即神经源性高血压的假说以来,不少学者从临床及实验研究证实了Jannetta的假说。
Electropuncture not only can improve damaged symptoms of peripheral nerve but also relieve pain by stimulating central nerves, which may be the cause why electropuncture had better effect on enhancing mechanical pain threshold of rats operated side.
Both qualitative and quantitative histology of the regenerated nerves revealed a more mature ultrastruc-tural organization with significantly higher numbers of myelinated axon s, larger endoneurial areas, higher axon densities and a larger percentage of ax
The epineurial vessels run along the nerves length and gave off branches, distributing along nerve bundle, to enter into endoneurium. The endoneurium contained only capillaries. Arteriolovenular anastomoses were few in trigeminal nerve root. The distribution of microvessels in trigeminal nerve root was uneven. The number of microvessels in the medial portion was less than that of the distant.
Results (1) Observation of tested animals、microanatomy、electrophysiologic examination、histology and electromicrography showed small gaps bridging nerves was superior to epineurial repair.
结果 通过对实验动物的一般观察、显微解剖学观察、神经电生理检查、组织学观察、神经再生超微结构——透射电镜观察的研究表明,小间隙桥接法明显优于神经外膜吻合法。
For those in control group (n=14), the animals did not undergo any surgery of the nerve fibers and ganglia. In Vi group (n=9), the animals underwent bilateral resection of the nasociliary and postganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibbers. In SCG group (n=8), the animals underwent bilateral resection of supper cervical ganglia. In V1+SCG group (n=9), the animals underwent both surgeries as Vi and SCG group did. In sham operation group (n=11), the animals underwent carotid manipulation with blunt-tipped forceps as well as dissection of nasociliary and postganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers around the ethmoidal foramen, without cutting any nerves. SCS was performed on rats and CBF was monitored by laser Doppler flowmeter recordings.
Methods Radiofrequency thermo-coagulation via nasal endoscope was applied in 65 allergic or vasomotor rhinitis patients to the areas in bilateral nasal cavities where vidian and anterior ethmoidal nerves concentrated. The postoperative symptoms' score was compared with the preoperative one.
Control group, the animal underwent SCS and LDF recordings without any surgery of the nerve fibers and ganglia. V1 group, the animal underwent bilateral resection of the nasociliary and post-ganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibbers. SCG group, the animal underwent bilateral resection of supper cervical ganglion. V1 + SCG group, the animal underwent both surgeries as V1- and SCG-group animals did. Sham group, the animal underwent the carotid manipulation with blunt-tipped forceps as well as the dissection of nasociliary and post-ganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers around the ethmoidal foramen, but without cutting any nerves.
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LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.
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