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by all means相关的网络例句

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与 by all means 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All configuration is done by means of simple text files that are administrated through Perl applications.

所有的配置都是由透过 Perl 应用程序所管理的简单文字档案的方式来完成。

Building the system of administrative permission is an important means by which the government administrates social politics, economy, culture and all kinds of affairs.


This is a book that unforgettably captures the essence of what the word 'romance' means, and does so in the spare and laconic style that Hemingway developed while sitting in the bistros and watching as the world in all its colors and hues flowed by him.


They were also lighter and better braked, by means of all-round disc brakes.


Taller three oxidates wolfram of test first of all by means of calcines APT''s system is get pureness ,Afterwards separately after oxidate and reduction ,The wolfram restores to the wolfram powder through three oxidates ,The gains wolfram powder again oxidate is three oxidates wolfram ,Restore queen after twice oxidates ,The gains stuff pellet is more and more carefully ,Finally obtain sub-micron yardstick three oxidates wolfram .


This means that all have commercialized at the same time by each operator.


That means bond prices have nowhere to go but down, and the falling prices will cascade into more selling until the debt bubble deflates and all the spending is financed by quantitative easing.


As God has appointed the elect to glory, so he has, by the eternal and most free purpose of his will, foreordained all the means to it.

,因为神已委任新当选的荣耀了,因此他,永恒和最自由的目的,他的意志, foreordained一切手段给它。

The release of the footage is a stark contravention to the international law .the Taliban is exploiting the solder to propagate itself .we are delightful to see the solder unharmed , and we will try every possible means to sure his release in safty and security .we are using all resouse available to archieve this targe , and we are contacting the locals by every possible channels ,for instance we have leafleted a telephone number to the afghanistans so that any of them who knows the whereabouts of the captured solder can contact us .


The contrast is first of all a means of legitimating law by excluding alternative forms of politics from making any positive appearance.


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By All Means Necessary

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
