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The osmium-catalyzed asymmetric dihydroxylation of olefins provides one of the most effective methods for the preparation of vicinal diols. Almost all kinds of olefinic substrates can be transformed to the corresponding diols by means of AD reaction. The chiral osmium catalyst is generated in situ by the chiral ligand complexing with OsO〓 in the reaction.


Objetive:To investigate the histopathological features and detect the mutation of JAK2V617F in PV、ET and IMF;to analyze the effects of the stages of myelofibrosis and the mutation on the number of leucocyte in PV and ET patients;Methods: the morphological features of 69 patients who dignosed in the first time were studied by HGF and Gomori stains ; the mutation of JAK2V617F was detected in 38 blood or marrow samples of PV、ET and IMF patients by real-time PCR;the effects of the stages of myelofibrosis and the mutation on leucocytes were analyzed;Results: Different stages of reticulin were observed in 15 PV and 15 ET patiens'marrow sections,and the cytosis、the pleomorphism and the bone trabecula side location of megakaryocytes were observed in all PV、ET and IMF patients;the means of leucocyte in patients with and without JAK2V617F were 20.4×109/Land 11.4×109/L respectively;the P value was 0.367 as comparing the leucocytes among different stages of reticulin increasing.

目的:探讨PV、ET、IMF患者的骨髓病理特点并且检测JAK2V617F突变的发生率,分析骨髓中纤维增生程度以及JAK2V617F对PV、ET患者白细胞数的影响;方法:69例初诊患者的骨髓切片经HGF染色以及Gomori染色后进行形态学研究;并利用real-time PCR法测38例患者的骨髓或者外周血的JAK2V617F突变;分析骨髓切片中纤维组织增生程度以及JAK2突变对患者白细胞数的影响;结果:15例PV和15例ET患者的骨髓切片中可以观察到不同程度的纤维组织增生,所有PV、ET、IMF患者骨髓病理中可见到巨核细胞增多、巨核细胞多形性改变以及巨核细胞定位于骨小梁旁;12例PV、4例ET、4例IMF中检测到JAK2V617F;有突变和无突变患者发病时白细胞数均值分别为20.4×109/L和11.4×109/L,比较不同纤维增生程度的PV、ET患者的白细胞数均值,P值为0.367。

The whole principle of emanation, with its idea of evil inherent in matter as the dross is found there (see Von Harless, lcp 20), and the entire theurgic Cabala is in all its detail developed there; even the spirit-rapping and table-turning done in the seventeenth century by German cabalists by means of "shemot" magic incantations; for the literature see Von Harless, lc pp.

整个原则的气,其邪恶思想中固有的问题作为糟粕是发现(见冯Harless , LCP的20岁),以及整个theurgic Cabala是在其所有发达国家有详细说明;甚至精神说唱,表,把工作在十七世纪由德国cabalists的方式& shemot &(神奇的咒语;的文学见冯Harless ,液相色谱页。

Analyzing the model, especially the activity of Taihang Mountain piedmont fault, we got such main conclusion:1. Based on sequence stratigraphy, the strata is divided from the selected drills. And the Quaternary stratigraphic framework of Handan city is established, dividing the Quaternary strata into four parts- Qh, Qp3O , Qp2Y and Qp1G.2. With all the selected drill data of Handan city, a drill database is established. A quaternary strata 3D model of Handan city is imitated by GOCAD and ArcGIS, and so are the bottom structural map of each horizon.3. Analyzing the 3D model and the contradistinction section of drills, we got: the stratum of Qh and Qp3 is smooth and flat, with a feature of a higher west, little difference between south and north and undistinctness of faults; there are several depocenters along S-N and N-W in the stratum of Qp2, and the evolution of the stratum is controlled by a couple of ruptures, which means the tectonic movement is active in this period of time.4. Since quaternary, main tectonic movements happened in Qp2 and have been stable in Qp3 and Qh.


Statistics method The data was deled by the SPSS11.5 for window statistics software, all of the data were demonstrated by means±standard deviation, one-factor analysis of variance was applied in the comparison of sample mean.

4统计学方法数据采用SPSS11.5 for window统计分析软件进行处理,所有数据以均数±标准差表示,采用单因素方差分析进行检验。

Red Indians ,while they were still unaffected by white men ,would smoke their pipes .not calmly as we do ,but orgiastically ,in haling so deeply that they sank into a faint ,And when excitement by means of nicotine failed ,a patriotic orator would stir them up to attack a neighbouring tribe ,which would give them all the enjoyment that we derive from a horse race of a Genral Election.


Any and all methods of healing the sick by means of safe, simple and natural remedies are sure to be assailed and denounced by the arrogant leaders of the AMA doctors' trust as fakes, frauds and humbugs.


By means of introduction of external capital trusteeship during e-commerce procedure, a trust bank, which has operational qualification of capital trusteeship and professional liquidation capability, will act as an independent third party: to implement for the transactional capital on E-commerce websites an all-directional, whole-course and full-amount trusteeship, to perform at its own the functions of fund payment, liquidation and trusteeship in E-commerce; to actualize relative independence of capital deposit, liquidation and online good trading; to ensure that client"s transactional capital will not be peculated by websites; to eliminate the risk of liquidation error on website capital so as to maintain security of client"s capital.


by means of literature review,video-tape observation and excel,the authors of this paper have conducted a qualitative and quantitative statistical analysis toward the football players'fouls for the 64 matches during the finals of the 2006 world cup.it is indicated that there is a total of 2275 fouls for all the matches,379 times of offside,331 yellow cards and 25 red cards shown;the order of the types of fouls by players has changed from previous hacking,holding,charging,tackling,pushing and tripping to tackling,pushing,charging,tripping,holding and hacking.


The article through practice analysizes the local wireless broadcasting system, application of the elements and means of communication technology is being updated, A set of half-automatic broadcasting system controlled by hardware has been designed and assembled; A set of all-automatic broadcasting system controlled by computers has been designed and assembled; A set of emission equipment has been designed; Noise has been lowered in the transmission of audio-frequency so that the audio effect has been raised; new ways of audio-frequency transmission have been developed based on the technology of computer network.


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By All Means Necessary

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
