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by all means相关的网络例句

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与 by all means 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The following are deemed the principal means:(1) To destroy radically by open persecution of the Church or by a hypocritical fraudulent system of separation between State and Church, all social influence of the Church and of religion, insidiously called "clericalism", and, as far as possible, to destroy the Church and all true, ie, superhuman religion, which is more than a vague cult of fatherland and of humanity;(2) To laicize, or secularize, by a likewise hypocritical fraudulent system of "unsectarianism", all public and private life and, above all, popular instruction and education.

以下是被视为主要是指:( 1 )破坏从根本上公开迫害教会或由一个虚伪欺诈系统之间的隔离状态和教会,所有的社会影响力的教会和宗教,阴险的所谓" clericalism ",并,尽量摧毁教会和所有真正的,即超人的宗教,这是多一个空泛的邪教的祖国和人类的;( 2 ) laicize ,或secularize ,由一个同样的虚伪欺诈系统" unsectarianism ",在所有公共和私人生活,高于一切,通俗的指导和教育。

With the advice and unanimous consent of our brothers, cardinals of the holy Roman church, by means of this our constitution which will have permanent validity, we establish, ordain, decree and define, by apostolic authority and the fulness of our power, that if it happens (which may God avert in his mercy and goodness towards all), after God has released us or our successors from the government of the universal church, that by the efforts of the enemy of the human race and following the urge of ambition or greed, the election of the Roman pontiff is made or effected by the person who is elected, or by one or several members of the college of cardinals, giving their votes in a manner that in any way involves simony being committed -- by the gift, promise or receipt of money, goods of any sort, castles, offices, benefices, promises or obligations -- by the person elected or by one or several other persons, in any manner or form whatsoever, even if the election resulted in a majority of two-thirds or in the unanimous choice of all the cardinals, or even in a spontaneous agreement on the part of all, without a scrutiny being made, then not only is this election or choice itself null, and does not bestow on the person elected or chosen in this fashion any right of either spiritual or temporal administration, but also there can be alleged and presented, against the person elected or chosen in this manner, by any one of the cardinals who has taken part in the election, the charge of simony, as a true and unquestionable heresy, so that the one elected is not regarded by anyone as the Roman pontiff.

的意见,并一致同意,我们的兄弟,红雀的罗马教会,通过我们的宪法,这将永远有效,我们建立,注定,法令和确定,由使徒权威和丰富我们的权力,如果发生(可能避免上帝在他的仁慈和善良对所有),上帝已发布后我们或我们的继任政府的普世教会,这所作出的努力的敌人,人类的欲望和以下的目标或贪婪,选举是罗马教皇或影响的人谁当选,或由一个或几个成员的枢机主教,使他们的选票的方式,以任何方式涉及西摩尼正在致力於-的礼物,许诺或收到的资金,货物的任何类型,城堡,办事处, benefices ,承诺或义务-选出的人或由一个或几个其他人,以任何方式或形式,即使选举产生了多数三分之二或一致选择所有红雀,甚至在一种自发的协议的一部分,所有,未经审核作出,那麼不仅是本次选举或选择本身无效,并没有赋予人选举或选择以这种方式的任何权利或者精神或时间管理,而且还可以有指控,并提出,对当选者,或选择以这种方式,任何一个红雀谁参加了选举,充电的西摩尼,作为一个真正的和不容置疑的邪说,使选举是一个任何人都不会认为是罗马教皇。

Soil erosion by wind, as a natural disaster haunts on dry lands, not only degrades soil productivity but also often results in dust blizzard weather. It may cause pollutions of air and water, damages of highway and railway, wear and tear of buildings and machinery and harmfulness in health of people and animals. Therefore, to combat wind erosion means improving the environment for people to live and work, means heightening the living standard of the local people, and means promoting productive forces. But China has a vast land where probably occur wind erosion disasters, the arid, semiarid and subhumid areas of the temperate zone all are potentially hit by wind erosion. To control wind erosion in China is a very arduous task. More difficult is to achieve recognizable effectiveness with lowest cost.

中文题名宁夏土壤风蚀研究副题名外文题名 Estimation of wind erosion in Ningxia 论文作者李玉宝导师王礼先孙保平教授学科专业水土保持与荒漠化防治研究领域\研究方向荒漠化防治学位级别博士学位授予单位北京林业大学学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数100页关键词风蚀土壤风蚀土壤侵蚀馆藏号BSLW /2003 /S157 /14 中国发生土壤风蚀的潜在区域包括温带干旱、亚干旱和亚湿润气候下的广大地区,如何有效地预防和治理土壤风蚀,如何以最小的代价达到满意的防治效果,这是很值得研究的问题。

Include: Of history of civilization of baleful and misinterpret China, China and historical historical fact; Baleful and misinterpret his country the history, do not respect what civilization and custom are used to human civilization, his country; Derogate in cold blood, evil of figure of the anybody in doing famous book of character of revolutionary cacique, hero, important history character, China and foreign countries and famous work; Ill will derogates people army, armed police, public security and judicatory figure; Have mistreat captive, inquisition by torture to extort a confession of the clue such as convict or guilty suspect; Expression violates guilty aggressive arrogance, specific reveal criminality detail, reveal special investigation shift, expose what ought to be protected to inform against the figure such as person, witness, audio; Advertise religious ultraism, instigate between each religion, denomination, the contradiction between be religious and masses of lack of faith and conflict, harm masses emotive; Advocate sees photograph, fortune-telling, see ghost of geomantic, augur, drive treat a disease those who wait for feudal superstition activity; With evil do means to depict heavy nature calamity, contingency, horrible incident, war to wait for catastrophic occasion; Specific show licentious, rape, incestuous, love cadaver, walk the street, go whoring, of the clue such as sexual allergy, masturbation; Of the detail such as means of process of expression or obscure performance sexual behavior, sex, sex and as associated as this overmuch body contact; Show intentionally, be masked with limbs only or cover position of human body privacy with very small pall; Contain sexual suggestion, sex to tease those who wait to make the person produces a gender to associate easily; Advocate extramarital love, much horn is loved, one-night standing, sex is mistreated and change wife wait for insalubrious content; In order to grow up the film, affection lubricious film, 3 class piece, pat secretly, expose one's body, dew point reachs all sorts of flirtation to sexual written language or picture regard video program as caption or be classified; Have intense of the clue such as excitant homicide, bloody, violent, suicide, kidnap, drug taking, gamble, clever different; Have picture of excessive fright bloodcurdling, caption, background music and sound effect; Specific show animal of cause sb's death by maltreating him, catch kill, edible country protects kind of animal; Contain those who encroach individual privacy content; With affirmative, favorable fundamental key or fetching me-too means expression fights other people of affray, shame, corrupt of character bawdry; The philosophy with inactive, decadent advocate, world outlook and viewpoint of value, unwisdom of sedulous apply colours to a drawing, exaggerated nation lags behind or of social the seamy side; The cutout of the program of movie and TV that total bureau of TV of national broadcast film prohibits travelling and film, teleplay reduces part; Violate relevant law, statute of spirit.


Firstly, by means of the man'-free-and-overall-development theory of the Maxthium , the author analyzes the Personal Literary Creation and confirms its value and significance as follow:the first,the emergence of the Personal Literary Creation means the vanishment of the laberal alienation ,ie,the personal authors' writings are not only the make-a-living means but the spontaneous displays of the human wills;the second, the Personal Literary Creation confirms "everyone' free development is the condition of all the people's progress",the human-liberating ideals of Marxism,and realises the all-round respects and concerns of the literature to human' diversity and peculiarity. Secondly, standing at the point of the contemprory Chinese history, it is right the individually depressed history in China that makes the Personal Literary Creation as the historical nacessarity. The emergence of the Personal Liberory Creation makes up to the limitation of the traditional public and representitive writing, and makes a great progress to diversifying the multi-cultural pattern in 90's of the last century, expanding the literatural domain, and displaying the complicated human natures.


The authentication by means of ISO9000-2001's grade quality assurance setup of corporation and effectively runs causes that corporation produce technique level and the quality grade all dwells domestic colleague's trade first place , the rich special subject of technical personnel pestles an organization , yet each year wholly continuously puts out the fresh produce to meet the actual and latent demand that the vacuum tube produce was adjust in the wide door in the past few years , the different main economic target of corporation all increases by degrees with velocity over 30%, and the multiple items produce captures the province grade scientific and technical payoffs reward , and that the business is awardded the high and new technique business name corporation in Liaoning shall steadfast that the earth with shopper is fundamental , and administer with continuously to innovate by means of the scientific knowledge , and in the interest of the marketplace suppling the service of international quality produce and classic with all one's heart , to supply the well-developed quality of performance the dependable high grade produce in the interest of consumer is the target that the corporation was pursue .


All functions of the placing boom ,the concerte pumu and the drive motor can be carried out by means of an electric cable remotecontrol or interchangeably ,via radio control .in the case of possible failure of the remotecontrol ,one can run the equipment by means of direct manual operation from the vehicle ;the controls are arranged for this purpose .the unit can be cleaned easily and quickly .the accessory equipment , the chamber valve ,solves the promble of residual concrete in the concerte pump .we have thought of all those things that are so important for daily use of the pump ,such as the large lockable compartment for tools and accessorise ,the C-type connection for filling up water ,work searchlights ,operator's cab ,wooden chocks .

的所有功能将蓬勃发展,对混凝土pumu和驱动马达可以进行通过一个电缆remotecontrol或互换,通过无线电控制。在可能的情况下失败的remotecontrol ,人们可以在设备运行的方式直接手动操作的车辆;控件安排用于这一目的。单位易于清理迅速。辅助设备,分庭阀,解决了promble残余混凝土在混凝土泵。我们认为所有这些事情这是非常重要的日常使用的泵,如大型上锁室的工具和配饰, C型方面填补了水,工作探照灯,运营了驾驶室,木制

The first step is to eliminate all kinds of noises generated in the process of collecting traffic video by means of median filter; Then we finish image sharpening with Laplace operator to clarify edges of the video images; finally, image contrast is enhanced with the help of the second-developing packet SDK-2000, which is provided by our video-collecting card. This way, much more satisfactory images are obtained, and preparation is already made for the following work, thats image analyse.Thirdly, according to the characteristics of our system, mobile objects are distinguished by means of image difference. Then some features such as regional area, length and width of traffic objects are selected and extracted. After processing of scale filter, we successfully recognize those moving vehicles appearing in the monitoring regions.Fourthly, some corresponding algorithms are brought forward to automatically identify those familiar traffic peccancies of many sorts, such as red light violation, yellow-line covering, parking in prohibited spots, over-speed running and converse running. Then we find means to snap pictures and to intercept videos of the spot, and collect a lot of relevant information such as the time, the block, the running direction and the weather conditions and so on. According to this information, our traffic management departments could make correct decisions on punishing those drivers who have broken the traffic rules.Considering the complexity of traffic environments on particular blocks, in order to monitor other traffic peccancies effectively, we also have designed the scheme to carry out traffic monitoring by manual.


Because during the Fifties there was a general lust for conformity all over this country, by no means only in the suburbs - a kind of blind, desperate clinging to safety and security at any price, as exemplified politically in the Eisenhower administration and the Joe McCarthy witchhunts.

因为整个国家在50 年代似乎信奉著一种强烈的欲望,绝不只是在郊区而已,一种边缘的,执意且极度渴望在每一个价值上寻求平安和安全,拿政治作例子,就像艾森豪政府及Joe McCarthy 的政治迫害,有许多的美国人因此心里相当乱。

Though the people in the world are all opposed to war, they can by no means av


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By All Means Necessary

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
