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与 but then 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ovary 2-locular, carpels free at apex; ovules mostly 1 per carpel, less often many, but then most of them sterile, crassinucellar, bitegmic, anatropous, halfway between apotropous and epitropous, pendent from ovary top if solitary, along the carpellary margins if numerous; placentation axile.


However, I always knew Milan were still interested in him but then Adriano Galliani told me to call up Ronaldinho's brother and agent Roberto De Assis to tell him that they were not interested and to tell the player to find another solution.


But then.she said."Life is getting better now just said ,"life is getting berret now Told herself 'cause there's always some to love ..

someone to love 但是,虽然如此,她说:&生活在变美好,生活会好起来的&她告诉自己,因为生活往往充满爱的。

Devala jumped up to assist, but then he saw that the Bhikshu had far more strength than anyone might have expected from a man with his slight frame.


Huck says there was a detour with a boho barista, but then he realised he's a 17 year old billionaire.


But then, after, you know, months of brooding...


RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: PCHC: Intra-bone mechanical strength was lower at 2 weeks, the lowest at 4 weeks, but then closed to intension of normal cancellated bone at 8 weeks, higher than normal cancellated bone at 12 weeks, and recovered to the level of normal cancellated bone at 16 weeks.


CELESTE: But then, new siblings were born into some of the Burmese families.


Museums often enjoy cheeringly high visitor numbers in the first year or two, but then attendance tends to taper off.


But then, as they continue into old age, their happiness start s to clamb climb back up.


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I Used To Have A Best Friend (But Then He Gave Me An STD)
But You Loved Me Then

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
