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与 but then 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then they had spoken with Miss Frandsen; she knew all about the ballet, and at one time, in Grand-mother's younger days, she had been the most beauti-ful danseuse at the theater; she had danced goddesses and princesses, had been cheered and applauded wher-ever she had gone; but then she had grown older—weall do—and so no longer had she been given principal parts; she'd had to dance behind the younger ones;and when finally her dancing days had come to an end, she had become a wardrobe woman and dressed the others as goddesses and princesses.


Emilia. But then I saw no harm, and then I heard Each syllable that breath made up between them.


If they had kingdoms, I''m sure that each castle/kingdom/fief would have 3-5 Claymores stationed there round the year and they get deployed from there as requests come in from the populace. But then, the girls would be paid for in terms of being ''rentals'' than say ''free lance''. And then it would be easier for rival teams to spring up...and the chance that a kingdom would attempt to utilize the Claymore for their own purposes.


But then, when he was working on a movie called. Then Experts in 1987 he mett Kell Preston.


If this is correct, then the next DADA teacher will appear better than Lockhart, but then prove to be just as useless in the end.


Well, they do have the power of culture and nationalism but then again if we napalm their rice then they will starve.


Studied law at the University of Moscow, thought of a musical career, but then settled upon philosophy, which he studied both in Moscow and in Marburg, a city of Germany then as the center of neo-Kantian idealism.


The windows were often frozen over; but then they heated copper farthings on the stove, and laid the hot farthing on the windowpane, and then they had a capital peep-hole, quite nicely rounded; and out of each peeped a gentle friendly eye--it was the little boy and the little girl who were looking out.


There was an interesting presentation in the last session of a patient who was a relapser to interferon monotherapy who was then treated with peginterferon and ribavirin who responded but then relapsed.


He saw himself, stripped to the waist, with naked fists, fighting his great fight with Liverpool Red in the forecastle of the Susquehanna; and he saw the bloody deck of the John Rogers, that gray morning of attempted mutiny, the mate kicking in death-throes on the main-hatch, the revolver in the old man's hand spitting fire and smoke, the men with passion- wrenched faces, of brutes screaming vile blasphemies and falling about him - and then he returned to the central scene, calm and clean in the steadfast light, where Ruth sat and talked with him amid books and paintings; and he saw the grand piano upon which she would later play to him; and he heard the echoes of his own selected and correct words,"But then, may I not be peculiarly constituted to write?"


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I Used To Have A Best Friend (But Then He Gave Me An STD)
But You Loved Me Then

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
