英语人>网络例句>bunk 相关的网络例句
与 bunk 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adrienne: I could forever sleep in my little bunk.


With challenge obviously comes a great sense of satisfaction: to arrive at a place entirely under your own steam is an unbeatable feeling, utterly incomparable to that of stumbling off a sleeper bus after spending the night wedged into a bunk that's not exactly designed for the northern-European build.


If you are a traditional backpacker and want to use the least amount of money to make it to the furthest road, this multiple bunk-bed room is no doubt your best choice.


For example, instead of B.S., choices range from lie, fabrication, nonsense and exaggeration to bunk, baloney, drivel, malarkey, hokum, hogwash and balderdash. They might not give you satisfaction at first, but they will eventually.


I can't be caught with a real rat in my bunk.


Escape potentially unpleasant consequences; get away with a forbidden action同义词:get off, get away, get by, get out4. be incomprehensible to; escape understanding by5. issue or leak, as from a small opening6. remove oneself from a familiar environment, usually for pleasure or diversion7. flee; take to one's heels; cut and run同义词:scat, run, scarper, turn tail, lam, run away, hightail it, bunk, head for the hills, take to the woods, fly the coop, break away


Sucre perches on the top bunk acting as lookout over the cell block, while Michael grinds the other end of the bleacher bolt against the steel bunk frame.

Michael 在牢房的铁床架上磨着那个六角螺钉的另一端, Sucre 躺在的上铺给他望风。

Such a masterful symbol for empty talk could not be ignored by the speakers of the language, and Buncombe, actually spelled Bunkum in its first recorded appearance in 1828 and later shortened to bunk, became synonymous with claptrap.

这种说空话的杰作是不会被说英语的人忽视的。Buncombe 实际上在1828年第一次被记载时拼作 Bunkum ,后来缩写成Bunk 并成为 claptrap 的同义词。

Such a masterful symbol for empty talk could not be ignored by the speakers of the language, and Buncombe, actually spelled Bunkum in its first recorded appearance in 1828 and later shortened to bunk, became synonymous with claptrap.

Buncombe 实际上在1828年第一次被记载时拼作 Bunkum ,后来缩写成Bunk 并成为 claptrap 的同义词。

But what is the origin of the word bunk, denoting the nonsense that is to be removed?

可是单词bunk 表示&要除去的无稽之谈&的含意的起源是什么呢?

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
