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Thermocouples are available either as bare wire 'bead' thermocouples which offer low cost and fast response times, or built into probes.


Microsoft's Windows operating system has built a Task Manager, be regarded as a fairly barebones work process manager, when we press the keyboard Ctrl + Alt + Delete key, it appears.

微软的Windows作业系统已内建了一个Task Manager,算是一个相当阳春型的工作进程管理器,当我们按下电脑键盘的Ctrl+Alt+Delete键时,它便会出现。

Finally, the modes of hydraulic and baric brake system are researched, and the FTA of function faults for baric brake system is built. It shows that the results are consistent to automobile brake system fault fact.


Barilla is another example: it is built on the classic Italian image of tomato sauce, pasta, a carefree way of life, songs and sun.


Highland barley wine factory built in Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan-Tibet road is the only way to drive from Chengdu to the winery for about four hours.


In his latest book, which is not so much a work about swallows as an African travel adventure built around them, Horatio Clare sets out to follow the migration route of the barn swallow from the reed beds of Bloemfontein in South Africa to the eaves of his family's barn in south Wales.

作者Horatio Clare最新出版的书不完全是关于燕子的,主要写了他为燕子展开的一次非洲之行。此行的目的是跟踪仓燕从南非布隆方丹的芦苇垫,飞到威尔士南部作者家麦仓屋檐的迁徙路线。

Key researching bases such as "Institutes of Advanced Study"," Institute of Gan Knowledge","Research Center for the Development of Central China","Research Center of Ideological and Political Education of College Students in Jiangxi Province" were built so as to strengthen the theoretical research of philosophy and social science. Campus activities like "Masters' Forums","Joint Construction by Both University and Local Government","Consultancy Services," and "Barnstorming" are actively carried out so as to guide and promote regional cultural development.


Without loudly bidding Bartleby depart as an inferior genius might have done I assumed the grown that depart he must; and upon that assumption built all I had to say.


The house is built in 1920 by Frederic Clay Bartlett and his first wife, Helen .


Built in 1540, this 29-meter-wide and 14-meter-high structure, with its delicate bas-relief carvings of lions, dragons and lotuses, is still in near-perfect condition.

建于1540年,这29米宽, 14米高的结构,其微妙的浅浮雕,雕刻的狮子,龙,莲花,仍然是在近乎完美的状态。

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Built For Speed
Built For This
Proud Of The House We Built
Built To Spill
Built For Comfort
Rome (Wasn't Built In A Day)
I Built This Wall
This Is The House That Doubt Built
Built This City
The Note From Which A Chord Is Built

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
