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W. E. Garrett, Cambodia, 1968, Two saffron-robed Buddhist monks are framed by a window at the central temple of Angkor Thom, built by the ancient Khmer people.


Ta prohm, built in Bayon style largely in the late 12th and early 13th centuries and originally called Rajavihara, located approximately one kilometre east of Angkor Thom, it was founded by Jayavarman VII as a Mahayana Buddhist monastery and university; it has been left in much the same condition in which it was found: with trees growing out of the ruins

塔布茏寺,建于十二世纪末期十三世纪早期,且主要参照于巴戒寺的风格,起初名为 Rajavihara ,意为皇家庙宇,位于吴哥城向东大约一千米处,它是由高棉国王阇耶跋摩七世所建,作为大乘佛教徒的寺院和大学,而且它当时的发掘环境正如古时留存的那样,寺外古树环绕

One of the world's greatest temples, Angkor Wat, was built during this period.


Angkor Wat was built in the middle of the 12th century over a period of 30 years.


I also built a rotating wing stand which allows me to mount a wing at any angle of rotation for construction.


Herein, a self-assembly system with polymer pattern of lower molecular weight polyaerylie acid have been built up, in which some nanosized complex was synthesized, including nanosphere of Pb-PAA, one-dimensional nanorod of CuS-PAA and PbS-PAA, one-dimensional helix nanochain of PbSO4-PAA, and one-dimensional reticulate nanofibres of PbCr2O7-PAA. The mechanism was discussed preliminarily, the important action of the bone angle torsion as well as the ""contact bridge"" served by ion in the course of self-assembly was proposed for the first time.


The static model of torsion joint is based on that of bending joint. The effects of structure parameters inside air pressure, initial angle, rube average radius, rube shell thickness on the turning angle are analyzed and the following conclusions are drawn: the relationship between the angle of torsion joint and the inside air pressure is basically linear, the angle of torsion joint increases with the initial angle and rube average radius, the angle of torsion joint decreases while the rube shell thickness increases. The kinetic equation is built for torsion joint. Simulating experiment implies that the time of inflating and deflating process is extremely shorter than that of kinetic process. So the pneumatic process can be ignored in actual system design and control. The factors that affect the dynamic features of torsion joint, such as shell thickness of rubber tube, average radius, initial angle, connector's outlet area, moment of inertia and viscous damping coefficient, are analyzed and the following conclusions are drawn: the change of rube shell thickness has no effects on the dynamic process of FPA inside air pressure while greatly affects the turning angle of torsion joint; when the rube shell thickness is small, the torsion joint has a bigger turning angle, no overshoot and long risetime, when the shell thickness is big, the turning angle of torsion joint is small, but has high response speed, overshoot and low shock; when the rube average radius increases, the turning angle of torsion joint increases and the overshoot increases too; when the initial angle of torsion joint is big, the turning joint is big, the overshoot is small and shock is low, but the risetime is big; the connector's outlet area affects the dynamic process of FPA inside air pressure greatly, but has no effects on the dynamic process of turning angle; moment of inertia and viscous damping coefficient have no effects on the dynamic process of FPA inside air pressure, but affect the dynamic process of turning angle greatly.


A long green hallway and a wide angle of vision made by plants, an ecological garden completely built on stilts


In 1902, the Japanese Empire formed an alliance with the British Empire , which built up an Anglo-Japanese alliance .


By correcting noise variance matrix of system state of constant turn model wit h maneuvering frequency coefficient and angular accelerˉ ation variance, the turning model set with different angular was d esigned, the model probability matrix was given. An interactive multiple model algorithms with adaptiveˉturning model w ere built.


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Built For Speed
Built For This
Proud Of The House We Built
Built To Spill
Built For Comfort
Rome (Wasn't Built In A Day)
I Built This Wall
This Is The House That Doubt Built
Built This City
The Note From Which A Chord Is Built

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
